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    "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1//EN"
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<head><meta content='application/xhtml+xml;charset=utf-8' http-equiv='Content-type' /><title></title><link href='style.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
<h1>Auto-extracted documentation</h1>

<p>This documentation is auto-generated by reading from the Ruby source for <code>maruku</code> by the program <code>docs/exd/exd.rb</code>. It is important to have documentation near the code!</p>

<p>Each block is delimited by <code>=begin</code> and <code>=end</code> blocks and is a Markdown document:</p>

=begin maruku_doc
Attribute: att1
Summary: summary for attribute 

Expanded documentation (Markdown format)

<h2>Attribute documentation</h2>

<h3 id='class'>Attribute <code>class</code></h3>

<p class='maruku-att-origin'>Read from file <code>output/to_html.rb</code>, line 303:</p>

<p>It is copied as a standard HTML attribute.</p>

<h3 id='code_background_color'>Attribute <code>code_background_color</code></h3>

<p class='maruku-att-default'>Default: <code>&quot;#fef&quot;</code></p>

<p class='maruku-att-origin'>Read from file <code>output/to_html.rb</code>, line 495:</p>

<p>The format is either a named color (<code>green</code>, <code>red</code>) or a CSS color of the form <code>#ff00ff</code>.</p>

<p>for <strong>HTML output</strong>, the value is put straight in the <code>background-color</code> CSS property of the block.</p>

<p>for <strong>LaTeX output</strong>, if it is a named color, it must be a color accepted by the LaTeX <code>color</code> packages. If it is of the form <code>#ff00ff</code>, Maruku defines a color using the <code>\color[rgb]{r,g,b}</code> macro.</p>

<p>For example, for <code>#0000ff</code>, the macro is called as: <code>\color[rgb]{0,0,1}</code>.</p>

<h3 id='code_show_spaces'>Attribute <code>code_show_spaces</code></h3>

<p class='maruku-att-default'>Default: <code>false</code></p>

<p class='maruku-att-origin'>Read from file <code>output/to_latex.rb</code>, line 192:</p>

<p>If <code>true</code>, shows spaces and tabs in code blocks.</p>


<pre><code>	 One space
	  Two spaces
		 	Tab, space, tab
				Tab, tab, tab and all is green!
{:code_show_spaces code_background_color=#ffeedd}</code></pre>

<p>That will produce:</p>

<pre style='background-color: #ffeedd;'><code>&#172;One&#172;space

<h3 id='css'>Attribute <code>css</code></h3>

<p class='maruku-att-origin'>Read from file <code>output/to_html.rb</code>, line 134:</p>

<p><code>css</code> should be a space-separated list of urls.</p>


<pre><code>CSS: style.css math.css</code></pre>

<h3 id='encoding'>Attribute <code>encoding</code></h3>

<p class='maruku-att-origin'>Read from file <code>input/parse_doc.rb</code>, line 35:</p>

<p>If the <code>encoding</code> attribute is specified, then the content will be converted from the specified encoding to UTF-8.</p>

<p>Conversion happens using the <code>iconv</code> library.</p>

<h3 id='html_math_engine'>Attribute <code>html_math_engine</code></h3>

<p class='maruku-att-default'>Default: <code>&quot;none&quot;</code></p>

<p class='maruku-att-origin'>Read from file <code>ext/math/to_html.rb</code>, line 2:</p>

<p>Select the rendering engine for math.</p>

<p>If you want to use your custom engine <code>foo</code>, then set:</p>

<pre><code class='markdown' lang='markdown'>HTML math engine: foo</code></pre>

<p>and then implement two functions:</p>

<pre><code>def convert_to_mathml_foo(kind, tex)

<h3 id='html_png_engine'>Attribute <code>html_png_engine</code></h3>

<p class='maruku-att-default'>Default: <code>&quot;none&quot;</code></p>

<p class='maruku-att-origin'>Read from file <code>ext/math/to_html.rb</code>, line 24:</p>

<p>Same thing as <code>html_math_engine</code>, only for PNG output.</p>

<pre><code class='ruby' lang='ruby'>def convert_to_png_foo(kind, tex)
	# same thing

<h3 id='html_use_syntax'>Attribute <code>html_use_syntax</code></h3>

<p class='maruku-att-default'>Default: <code>false</code></p>

<p class='maruku-att-origin'>Read from file <code>output/to_html.rb</code>, line 402:</p>

<p>If true, the <code>syntax</code> package is used. It supports the <code>ruby</code> and <code>xml</code> languages. Remember to set the <code>lang</code> attribute of the code block.</p>


<pre><code>	require &#39;maruku&#39;
{:lang=ruby html_use_syntax=true}


<pre><code>	&lt;div style=&quot;text-align:center&quot;&gt;Div&lt;/div&gt;
{:lang=html html_use_syntax=true}


<pre><code class='ruby' lang='ruby'><span class='ident'>require</span> <span class='punct'>&#39;</span><span class='string'>maruku</span><span class='punct'>&#39;</span></code></pre>


<pre><code class='xml' lang='xml'><span class='punct'>&lt;</span><span class='tag'>div</span> <span class='attribute'>style</span><span class='punct'>=&quot;</span><span class='string'>text-align:center</span><span class='punct'>&quot;&gt;</span>Div<span class='punct'>&lt;/</span><span class='tag'>div</span><span class='punct'>&gt;</span></code></pre>

<h3 id='id'>Attribute <code>id</code></h3>

<p class='maruku-att-origin'>Read from file <code>output/to_html.rb</code>, line 291:</p>

<p>It is copied as a standard HTML attribute.</p>

<p>Moreover, it used as a label name for hyperlinks in both HTML and in PDF.</p>

<h3 id='latex_cjk'>Attribute <code>latex_cjk</code></h3>

<p class='maruku-att-default'>Default: <code>false</code></p>

<p class='maruku-att-origin'>Read from file <code>output/to_latex.rb</code>, line 69:</p>

<p>If the <code>latex_cjk</code> attribute is specified, then appropriate headers are added to the LaTeX preamble to support Japanese fonts. You have to have these fonts installed &#8211; and this can be a pain.</p>

<p>If <code>latex_cjk</code> is specified, this is added to the preamble:</p>


<p>while the default is to add this:</p>


<h3 id='latex_preamble'>Attribute <code>latex_preamble</code></h3>

<p class='maruku-att-origin'>Read from file <code>output/to_latex.rb</code>, line 94:</p>

<p>If the <code>latex_preamble</code> attribute is specified, then its value will be used as a custom preamble.</p>

<p>For example:</p>

<pre><code>Title: My document
Latex preamble: preamble.tex

<p>will produce:</p>


<h3 id='latex_use_listings'>Attribute <code>latex_use_listings</code></h3>

<p class='maruku-att-default'>Default: <code>false</code></p>

<p class='maruku-att-origin'>Read from file <code>output/to_latex.rb</code>, line 217:</p>

<p>If the <code>latex_use_listings</code> attribute is specified, then code block are rendered using the <code>listings</code> package. Otherwise, a standard <code>verbatim</code> environment is used.</p>

<p>If the <code>lang</code> attribute for the code block has been specified, it gets passed to the <code>listings</code> package using the <code>lstset</code> macro. The default lang for code blocks is specified through the <code>code_lang</code> attribute.</p>


<p>Please refer to the documentation of the <code>listings</code> package for supported languages.</p>

<p>If a language is not supported, the <code>listings</code> package will emit a warning during the compilation. Just press enter and nothing wrong will happen.</p>

<p>If the <code>code_show_spaces</code> is specified, than spaces and tabs will be shown using the macro:</p>


<p>The background color is given by <code>code_background_color</code>.</p>

<h3 id='maruku_signature'>Attribute <code>maruku_signature</code></h3>

<p class='maruku-att-default'>Default: <code>true</code></p>

<p class='maruku-att-origin'>Read from file <code>output/to_latex.rb</code>, line 45:</p>

<p>If false, Maruku does not append a signature to the generated file.</p>

<h3 id='style'>Attribute <code>style</code></h3>

<p class='maruku-att-origin'>Read from file <code>output/to_html.rb</code>, line 311:</p>

<p>It is copied as a standard HTML attribute.</p>

<h3 id='subject'>Attribute <code>subject</code></h3>

<p class='maruku-att-origin'>Read from file <code>output/to_html.rb</code>, line 126:</p>

<p>Synonim for <code>title</code>.</p>

<h3 id='title'>Attribute <code>title</code></h3>

<p class='maruku-att-origin'>Read from file <code>output/to_html.rb</code>, line 103:</p>

<p>Sets the title of the document. If a title is not specified, the first header will be used.</p>

<p>These should be equivalent:</p>

<pre><code>Title: my document



<pre><code>my document


<p>In both cases, the title is set to &#8220;my document&#8221;.</p>

<h3 id='unsafe_features'>Attribute <code>unsafe_features</code></h3>

<p class='maruku-att-default'>Default: <code>true</code></p>

<p class='maruku-att-origin'>Read from file <code>input/parse_doc.rb</code>, line 86:</p>

<p>Disabled by default because of security concerns.</p>

<h3 id='use_numbered_headers'>Attribute <code>use_numbered_headers</code></h3>

<p class='maruku-att-default'>Default: <code>false</code></p>

<p class='maruku-att-origin'>Read from file <code>output/to_html.rb</code>, line 348:</p>

<p>If <code>true</code>, section headers will be numbered.</p>

<p>In LaTeX export, the numbering of headers is managed by Maruku, to have the same results in both HTML and LaTeX.</p>
<div class='maruku_signature'><hr /><span style='font-size: small; font-style: italic'>Created by <a href='http://maruku.rubyforge.org' title='Maruku: a Markdown-superset interpreter for Ruby'>Maruku</a> at 14:11 on Monday, February 05th, 2007.</span></div></body></html>