# Contributing to sqlite3-ruby **This document is a work-in-progress.** This doc is a short introduction on how to modify and maintain the sqlite3-ruby gem. ## Building gems As a prerequisite please make sure you have `docker` correctly installed, so that you're able to cross-compile the native gems. Run `bin/build-gems` which will package gems for all supported platforms, and run some basic sanity tests on those packages using `bin/test-gem-set` and `bin/test-gem-file-contents`. ## Making a release A quick checklist: - [ ] make sure CI is green! - [x] update `CHANGELOG.md` and `lib/sqlite3/version.rb` including `VersionProxy::{MINOR,TINY}` - [x] create a git tag using a format that matches the pattern `v\d+\.\d+\.\d+`, e.g. `v1.3.13` - [ ] run `bin/build-gems` and make sure it completes and all the tests pass - [ ] `for g in gems/*.gem ; do gem push $g ; done` - [ ] create a release at https://github.com/sparklemotion/sqlite3-ruby/releases and include sha2 checksums