module PostgresUpsert # alternate version of PostgresUpsert::Writer which does not rely on AR table information. # We can use this model to upsert data into views, or tables not associated to rails models class TableWriter < Writer def initialize(table_name, source, options = {}) @table_name = table_name super(nil, source, options) end private def database_connection ActiveRecord::Base.connection end def primary_key @primary_key ||= begin query = <<-SELECT_KEY SELECT pg_attribute.attname, format_type(pg_attribute.atttypid, pg_attribute.atttypmod) FROM pg_index, pg_class, pg_attribute WHERE pg_class.oid = '#{@table_name}'::regclass AND indrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_attribute.attnum = any(pg_index.indkey) AND indisprimary SELECT_KEY pg_result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute query pg_result.each { |row| return row['attname'] } end end def destination_columns @column_names ||= begin query = "SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE TABLE_NAME = '#{@table_name}'" pg_result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute query { |row| row['column_name'] } end end def quoted_table_name @quoted_table_name ||= ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote_table_name(@table_name) end end end