# This module needs to be included in ApplicationController in order to work. require 'ipaddr' module ExceptionNotification::ExceptionNotifiable include ExceptionNotification::NotifiableHelper def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods # Sets up an alias chain to catch exceptions when Rails does #This is what makes it all work with Hoptoad or other exception catchers. # base.send(:alias_method, :rescue_action_locally_without_sen_handler, :rescue_action_locally) # base.send(:alias_method, :rescue_action_locally, :rescue_action_locally_with_sen_handler) #Alias method chaining doesn't work here because it would trigger a double render error. # Sets up an alias chain to catch exceptions when Rails does #This is what makes it all work with Hoptoad or other exception catchers. # base.send(:alias_method, :rescue_action_in_public_without_exception_notifiable, :rescue_action_in_public) # base.send(:alias_method, :rescue_action_in_public, :rescue_action_in_public_with_exception_notifiable) # Adds the following class attributes to the classes that include ExceptionNotifiable # HTTP status codes and what their 'English' status message is base.cattr_accessor :http_status_codes base.http_status_codes = HTTP_STATUS_CODES # error_layout: # can be defined at controller level to the name of the desired error layout, # or set to true to render the controller's own default layout, # or set to false to render errors with no layout base.cattr_accessor :error_layout base.error_layout = nil # Rails error classes to rescue and how to rescue them (which error code to use) base.cattr_accessor :error_class_status_codes base.error_class_status_codes = self.codes_for_error_classes # Verbosity of the gem base.cattr_accessor :exception_notifiable_verbose base.exception_notifiable_verbose = false # Do Not Ever send error notification emails for these Error Classes base.cattr_accessor :exception_notifiable_silent_exceptions base.exception_notifiable_silent_exceptions = SILENT_EXCEPTIONS # Notification Level base.cattr_accessor :exception_notifiable_notification_level base.exception_notifiable_notification_level = [:render, :email, :web_hooks] # Since there is no concept of locality from a request here allow user to explicitly define which env's are noisy (send notifications) base.cattr_accessor :exception_notifiable_noisy_environments base.exception_notifiable_noisy_environments = ["production"] base.cattr_accessor :exception_notifiable_pass_through base.exception_notifiable_pass_through = false end module ClassMethods include ExceptionNotification::DeprecatedMethods # specifies ip addresses that should be handled as though local def consider_local(*args) local_addresses.concat(args.flatten.map { |a| IPAddr.new(a) }) end def local_addresses addresses = read_inheritable_attribute(:local_addresses) unless addresses addresses = [IPAddr.new("")] write_inheritable_attribute(:local_addresses, addresses) end addresses end # set the exception_data deliverer OR retrieve the exception_data def exception_data(deliverer = nil) if deliverer write_inheritable_attribute(:exception_data, deliverer) else read_inheritable_attribute(:exception_data) end end def be_silent_for_exception?(exception) self.exception_notifiable_silent_exceptions.respond_to?(:any?) && self.exception_notifiable_silent_exceptions.any? {|klass| klass === exception } end end def be_silent_for_exception?(exception) self.class.be_silent_for_exception?(exception) end private def environment_is_noisy? self.class.exception_notifiable_noisy_environments.include?(Rails.env) end def notification_level_sends_email? self.class.exception_notifiable_notification_level.include?(:email) end def notification_level_sends_web_hooks? self.class.exception_notifiable_notification_level.include?(:web_hooks) end def notification_level_renders? self.class.exception_notifiable_notification_level.include?(:render) end # overrides Rails' local_request? method to also check any ip # addresses specified through consider_local. def local_request? remote = IPAddr.new(request.remote_ip) !self.class.local_addresses.detect { |addr| addr.include?(remote) }.nil? end #No Request present # When the action being executed has its own local error handling (rescue) # Or when the error occurs somewhere without a subsequent render (eg. method calls in console) def rescue_with_handler(exception) to_return = super if to_return verbose = self.class.exception_notifiable_verbose && respond_to?(:logger) && !logger.nil? logger.info("[RESCUE STYLE] rescue_with_handler") if verbose data = get_exception_data status_code = status_code_for_exception(exception) #We only send email if it has been configured in environment send_email = should_email_on_exception?(exception, status_code, verbose) #We only send web hooks if they've been configured in environment send_web_hooks = should_web_hook_on_exception?(exception, status_code, verbose) the_blamed = ExceptionNotification::Notifier.config[:git_repo_path].nil? ? nil : lay_blame(exception) rejected_sections = %w(request session) # Debugging output verbose_output(exception, status_code, "rescued by handler", send_email, send_web_hooks, nil, the_blamed, rejected_sections) if verbose # Send the exception notification email perform_exception_notify_mailing(exception, data, nil, the_blamed, verbose, rejected_sections) if send_email # Send Web Hook requests ExceptionNotification::HooksNotifier.deliver_exception_to_web_hooks(ExceptionNotification::Notifier.config, exception, self, request, data, the_blamed) if send_web_hooks pass_it_on(exception, ENV) end to_return end # Overrides the rescue_action method in ActionController::Base, but does not inhibit # any custom processing that is defined with Rails 2's exception helpers. # When the action being executed is letting SEN handle the exception completely def rescue_action_in_public(exception) # If the error class is NOT listed in the rails_error_class hash then we get a generic 500 error: # OTW if the error class is listed, but has a blank code or the code is == '200' then we get a custom error layout rendered # OTW the error class is listed! verbose = self.class.exception_notifiable_verbose && respond_to?(:logger) && !logger.nil? logger.info("[RESCUE STYLE] rescue_action_in_public") if verbose status_code = status_code_for_exception(exception) if status_code == '200' notify_and_render_error_template(status_code, request, exception, ExceptionNotification::Notifier.get_view_path_for_class(exception, verbose), verbose) else notify_and_render_error_template(status_code, request, exception, ExceptionNotification::Notifier.get_view_path_for_status_code(status_code, verbose), verbose) end pass_it_on(exception, ENV, request, params, session) end def notify_and_render_error_template(status_cd, request, exception, file_path, verbose = false) status = self.class.http_status_codes[status_cd] ? status_cd + " " + self.class.http_status_codes[status_cd] : status_cd data = get_exception_data #We only send email if it has been configured in environment send_email = should_email_on_exception?(exception, status_cd, verbose) #We only send web hooks if they've been configured in environment send_web_hooks = should_web_hook_on_exception?(exception, status_cd, verbose) the_blamed = ExceptionNotification::Notifier.config[:git_repo_path].nil? ? nil : lay_blame(exception) rejected_sections = request.nil? ? %w(request session) : [] # Debugging output verbose_output(exception, status_cd, file_path, send_email, send_web_hooks, request, the_blamed, rejected_sections) if verbose #TODO: is _rescue_action something from rails 3? #if !(self.controller_name == 'application' && self.action_name == '_rescue_action') # Send the exception notification email perform_exception_notify_mailing(exception, data, request, the_blamed, verbose, rejected_sections) if send_email # Send Web Hook requests ExceptionNotification::HooksNotifier.deliver_exception_to_web_hooks(ExceptionNotification::Notifier.config, exception, self, request, data, the_blamed) if send_web_hooks # We put the render call after the deliver call to ensure that, if the # deliver raises an exception, we don't call render twice. # Render the error page to the end user render_error_template(file_path, status) end # some integration with hoptoad or other exception handler # is done by tha alias method chain on: # rescue_action_locally def pass_it_on(exception, env, request = {:params => {}}, params = {}, session = {}) begin case self.class.exception_notifiable_pass_through when :hoptoad then HoptoadNotifier.notify(exception, sen_hoptoad_request_data(env, request, params, session)) logger.info("[PASS-IT-ON] HOPTOAD NOTIFIED") if verbose else logger.info("[PASS-IT-ON] NO") if verbose #Do Nothing end rescue #Do Nothing logger.info("[PASS-IT-ON] FAILED") if verbose end end def sen_hoptoad_request_data(env, request, params, session) { :parameters => sen_hoptoad_filter_if_filtering(params.to_hash), :session_data => sen_hoptoad_session_data(session), :controller => params[:controller], :action => params[:action], :url => sen_hoptoad_request_url(request), :cgi_data => request.respond_to?(:env) ? sen_hoptoad_filter_if_filtering(request.env) : nil, :environment_vars => sen_hoptoad_filter_if_filtering(env), :request => request } end def sen_hoptoad_filter_if_filtering(hash) if respond_to?(:filter_parameters) filter_parameters(hash) rescue hash else hash end end def sen_hoptoad_session_data(session) if session.respond_to?(:to_hash) session.to_hash elsif session.respond_to?(:data) session.data end end def sen_hoptoad_request_url(request) if request.respond_to?(:protocol) url = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host}" unless [80, 443].include?(request.port) url << ":#{request.port}" end url << request.request_uri url end end def is_local? (consider_all_requests_local || local_request?) end def status_code_for_exception(exception) self.class.error_class_status_codes[exception.class].nil? ? '500' : self.class.error_class_status_codes[exception.class].blank? ? '200' : self.class.error_class_status_codes[exception.class] end def render_error_template(file, status) respond_to do |type| type.html { render :file => file, :layout => self.class.error_layout, :status => status } type.all { render :nothing => true, :status => status} end end end