en: common: smalruby_editor: "Smalruby v%{version}" "ok": "OK" cancel: "Cancel" reset: &reset "Reset" login: &login "Login" name: "Name" controllers: source_codes: not_ruby_program: " isn't ruby program." not_exist: " does not exist." exist: " already exist." editor: index: block: "Block" msg_input_program_name: "Input your program name(ex:01.rb)" run: "Run" download: "Download" load: "Load" save: "Save" check: "Check" reset: *reset logout: "Logout" login: *login block_tab: character: "Character" new_character: "New Character" direction_parameter: "Dir:" stage: "Stage" toolbox: motion: "Motion" looks: "Looks" sound: "Sound" pen: "Pen" data: "Data" events: "Events" control: "Control" sensing: "Sensing" operators: "Operators" etc: "More Blocks" hello: "Hello!" world: "world" text: "text" character_modal: name: "Name" x_position: "X" y_position: "Y" msg_input_name: "car1 and ball1 etc..." direction: "Dir" load_modal: preset_programs: "Preset programs" find_program: "Find program" computer: "From this computer..." remix: "Remix" reset_modal: title: "Are you sure you want to reset ?" message: "Your program will disappear!" signin_modal: message: "Input your name
not to mix with other people's program." username_placeholder: "username, ID, nickname, etc..."