# SibApiV3Sdk::RequestContactImport ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **file_url** | **String** | Mandatory if fileBody not defined. URL of the file to be imported (no local file). Possible file types: .txt, .csv | [optional] **file_body** | **String** | Mandatory if fileUrl is not defined. CSV content to be imported. Use semicolon to separate multiple attributes | [optional] **list_ids** | **Array<Integer>** | Manadatory if newList is not defined. Ids of the lists in which to add the contacts | [optional] **notify_url** | **String** | URL that will be called once the export process is finished | [optional] **new_list** | [**RequestContactImportNewList**](RequestContactImportNewList.md) | | [optional]