# frozen_string_literal: true # Until jenkins_api_client is Updated require 'jenkins_api_client2' module PWN module Plugins # This plugin is used to interact w/ the Jenkins API and can be # used to carry out tasks when certain events occur w/in Jenkins. module Jenkins @@logger = PWN::Plugins::PWNLogger.create # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::Jenkins.connect( # ip: 'required host/ip of Jenkins Server', # port: 'optional tcp port (defaults to 8080), # username: 'optional username (functionality will be limited if ommitted)', # api_key: 'optional api_key (functionality will be limited if ommitted)' # identity_file: 'optional ssh private key path to AuthN w/ Jenkins PREFERRED over username/api_key', # ssl: 'optional connect over TLS (defaults to true), # proxy: 'optional debug proxy rest api requests to jenkins (e.g. "")'' # ) public_class_method def self.connect(opts = {}) ip = opts[:ip] port = if opts[:port] opts[:port].to_i else 8080 end username = opts[:username].to_s.scrub base_jenkins_api_uri = "https://#{ip}/ase/services".to_s.scrub api_key = opts[:api_key].to_s.scrub identity_file = opts[:identity_file].to_s.scrub ssl_bool = if opts[:ssl] == true opts[:ssl] else false end if opts[:proxy] proxy = URI(opts[:proxy]) proxy_protocol = proxy.scheme proxy_ip = proxy.host proxy_port = proxy.port end @@logger.info("Logging into Jenkins Server: #{ip}") if username == '' && api_key == '' if identity_file == '' jenkins_obj = JenkinsApi::Client.new( server_ip: ip, server_port: port, follow_redirects: true, ssl: ssl_bool, proxy_protocol: proxy_protocol, proxy_ip: proxy_ip, proxy_port: proxy_port ) else jenkins_obj = JenkinsApi::Client.new( server_ip: ip, server_port: port, identity_file: identity_file, follow_redirects: true, ssl: ssl_bool, proxy_protocol: proxy_protocol, proxy_ip: proxy_ip, proxy_port: proxy_port ) end else api_key = PWN::Plugins::AuthenticationHelper.mask_password if api_key == '' jenkins_obj = JenkinsApi::Client.new( server_ip: ip, server_port: port, username: username, password: api_key, follow_redirects: true, ssl: ssl_bool, proxy_protocol: proxy_protocol, proxy_ip: proxy_ip, proxy_port: proxy_port ) end jenkins_obj.system.wait_for_ready jenkins_obj rescue StandardError => e raise e end # PWN::Plugins::Jenkins.create_user( # jenkins_obj: 'required - jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', # username: 'required - user to create', # password: 'required - password for new user' # fullname: 'required - full name of new user' # email: 'required - email address of new user' # ) public_class_method def self.create_user(opts = {}) jenkins_obj = opts[:jenkins_obj] username = opts[:username].to_s.scrub password = opts[:password].to_s.scrub password = PWN::Plugins::AuthenticationHelper.mask_password if password == '' fullname = opts[:fullname].to_s.scrub email = opts[:email].to_s.scrub post_body = { 'username' => username, 'password1' => password, 'password2' => password, 'fullname' => fullname, 'email' => email, 'json' => { 'username' => username, 'password1' => password, 'password2' => password, 'fullname' => fullname, 'email' => email }.to_json } @@logger.info("Creating #{username}...") resp = jenkins_obj.api_post_request( '/securityRealm/createAccountByAdmin', post_body ) resp == '302' # rescue JenkinsApi::Exceptions::UserAlreadyExists => e # @@logger.warn("Jenkins view: #{view_name} already exists") # return e.class rescue StandardError => e raise e end # PWN::Plugins::Jenkins.create_ssh_credential( # jenkins_obj: 'required - jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', # username: 'required - username for new credential' # private_key_path: 'required - path of private ssh key for new credential' # key_passphrase: 'optional - private key passphrase for new credential' # credential_id: 'optional but recommended - useful when creating userland jobs', # description: 'optional - description of new credential' # domain: 'optional - defaults to GLOBAL', # scope: 'optional - GLOBAL or SYSTEM (defaults to GLOBAL)' # ) public_class_method def self.create_ssh_credential(opts = {}) jenkins_obj = opts[:jenkins_obj] username = opts[:username].to_s.scrub private_key_path = opts[:private_key_path].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub key_passphrase = opts[:key_passphrase].to_s.scrub credential_id = opts[:credential_id].to_s.scrub description = opts[:description].to_s.scrub if opts[:domain].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub == 'GLOBAL' || opts[:domain].nil? uri_path = '/credentials/store/system/domain/_/createCredentials' else domain = opts[:domain].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub uri_path = "/credentials/store/system/domain/#{domain}/createCredentials" end if opts[:scope].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub == 'SYSTEM' scope = 'SYSTEM' else scope = 'GLOBAL' end if credential_id == '' post_body = { 'json' => { '' => '0', 'credentials' => { 'scope' => scope, 'username' => username, 'privateKeySource' => { 'stapler-class' => 'com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshcredentials.impl.BasicSSHUserPrivateKey$DirectEntryPrivateKeySource', 'privateKey' => File.read(private_key_path) }, 'passphrase' => key_passphrase, 'description' => description, 'stapler-class' => 'com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshcredentials.impl.BasicSSHUserPrivateKey' } }.to_json } else post_body = { 'json' => { '' => '0', 'credentials' => { 'scope' => scope, 'username' => username, 'privateKeySource' => { 'stapler-class' => 'com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshcredentials.impl.BasicSSHUserPrivateKey$DirectEntryPrivateKeySource', 'privateKey' => File.read(private_key_path) }, 'passphrase' => key_passphrase, 'id' => credential_id, 'description' => description, 'stapler-class' => 'com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshcredentials.impl.BasicSSHUserPrivateKey' } }.to_json } end resp = jenkins_obj.api_post_request( uri_path, post_body ) resp == '302' rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::Jenkins.get_all_job_git_repos( # jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from #connect method' # ) public_class_method def self.get_all_job_git_repos(opts = {}) jenkins_obj = opts[:jenkins_obj] @@logger.info('Retrieving a List of Git Repos from Every Job...') git_repo_arr = [] jenkins_obj.job.list_all_with_details.each do |job| this_config = Nokogiri::XML(jenkins_obj.job.get_config(job['name'])) this_git_repo = this_config.xpath('//scm/userRemoteConfigs/hudson.plugins.git.UserRemoteConfig/url').text this_git_branch = this_config.xpath('//scm/branches/hudson.plugins.git.BranchSpec/name').text next if this_git_repo == '' # Obtain all jobs' git repos job_git_repo = {} job_git_repo[:name] = job['name'] job_git_repo[:url] = job['url'] job_git_repo[:job_state] = job['color'] job_git_repo[:git_repo] = this_git_repo job_git_repo[:git_branch] = this_git_branch job_git_repo[:config_xml_response] = this_config git_repo_arr.push(job_git_repo) end git_repo_arr rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::Jenkins.list_nested_jobs( # jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', # view_path: 'required view path to list jobs' # ) public_class_method def self.list_nested_jobs(opts = {}) jenkins_obj = opts[:jenkins_obj] view_path = opts[:view_path].to_s.scrub nested_view_resp = jenkins_obj.api_get_request(view_path) nested_view_resp['jobs'] rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::Jenkins.list_nested_views( # jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', # view_path: 'required view path list sub-views' # ) public_class_method def self.list_nested_views(opts = {}) jenkins_obj = opts[:jenkins_obj] view_path = opts[:view_path].to_s.scrub nested_view_resp = jenkins_obj.api_get_request(view_path) nested_view_resp['views'] rescue StandardError => e raise e end # PWN::Plugins::Jenkins.create_nested_view( # jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', # view_path: 'required view path create', # create_in_view_path: 'optional creates nested view within an existing nested view, defaults to / views' # ) public_class_method def self.create_nested_view(opts = {}) jenkins_obj = opts[:jenkins_obj] view_name = opts[:view_name].to_s.scrub create_in_view_path = opts[:create_in_view_path].to_s.scrub # TODO: pass parameter for modes and use case statement to build dynamically post_body # mode = 'hudson.plugins.nested_view.NestedView' # Requires Jenkins Nested View Plugin to Work Properly mode = 'hudson.model.ListView' post_body = { 'name' => view_name, 'mode' => mode, 'json' => { 'name' => view_name, 'mode' => mode }.to_json } root_view_paths_arr = [ '', '/' ] if root_view_paths_arr.include?(create_in_view_path) @@logger.info('Creating Nested View in /...') resp = jenkins_obj.api_post_request( '/createView', post_body ) else @@logger.info("Creating Nested View in #{create_in_view_path}...") # Example view_path would be '/view/Projects/PROJECT_NAME/view/RELEASES' # This is taken out of the Jenkins URI when residing in the view in which # you want to create your view...simply drop the domain name. resp = jenkins_obj.api_post_request( "#{create_in_view_path}/createView", post_body ) end resp == '302' rescue JenkinsApi::Exceptions::ViewAlreadyExists => e @@logger.warn("Jenkins view: #{view_name} already exists") e.class rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::Jenkins.add_job_to_nested_view( # jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', # view_path: 'required view path associate job', # job_name: 'required view path attach to a view', # ) def self.add_job_to_nested_view(opts = {}) jenkins_obj = opts[:jenkins_obj] view_path = opts[:view_path].to_s.scrub job_name = opts[:job_name].to_s.scrub jenkins_obj.api_post_request("#{view_path}/addJobToView?name=#{job_name}") rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::Jenkins.copy_job_no_fail_on_exist( # jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', # existing_job_name: 'required existing job to copt to new job', # new_job_name: 'required name of new job' # ) public_class_method def self.copy_job_no_fail_on_exist(opts = {}) jenkins_obj = opts[:jenkins_obj] existing_job_name = opts[:existing_job_name] new_job_name = opts[:new_job_name] copy_job_resp = jenkins_obj.job.copy(existing_job_name, new_job_name) rescue JenkinsApi::Exceptions::JobAlreadyExists => e @@logger.warn("Jenkins job: #{new_job_name} already exists") e.class rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::Jenkins.disable_jobs_by_regex( # jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', # regex: 'required regex pattern for matching jobs to disable e.g. :regex => "^M[0-9]"', # ) public_class_method def self.disable_jobs_by_regex(opts = {}) jenkins_obj = opts[:jenkins_obj] regex = opts[:regex].to_s.scrub jenkins_obj.job.list_all_with_details.each do |job| job_name = job['name'] if job_name.match?(/#{regex}/) @@logger.info("Disabling #{job_name}") jenkins_obj.job.disable(job_name) end end rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::Jenkins.delete_jobs_by_regex( # jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', # regex: 'required regex pattern for matching jobs to disable e.g. :regex => "^M[0-9]"', # ) public_class_method def self.delete_jobs_by_regex(opts = {}) jenkins_obj = opts[:jenkins_obj] regex = opts[:regex].to_s.scrub jenkins_obj.job.list_all_with_details.each do |job| job_name = job['name'] if job_name.match?(/#{regex}/) @@logger.info("Deleting #{job_name}") jenkins_obj.job.delete(job_name) end end rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::Jenkins.clear_build_queue( # jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', # ) public_class_method def self.clear_build_queue(opts = {}) jenkins_obj = opts[:jenkins_obj] jenkins_obj.queue.list.each do |job_name| @@logger.info("Clearing #{job_name} Build from Queue") jenkins_obj.job.stop_build(job_name) end rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::Jenkins.disconnect( # jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from #connect method' # ) public_class_method def self.disconnect(opts = {}) jenkins_obj = opts[:jenkins_obj] @@logger.info('Disconnecting from Jenkins...') jenkins_obj = nil 'complete' rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Author(s):: 0day Inc. public_class_method def self.authors "AUTHOR(S): 0day Inc. " end # Display Usage for this Module public_class_method def self.help puts %{USAGE: jenkins_obj = #{self}.connect( ip: 'required host/ip of Jenkins Server', port: 'optional tcp port (defaults to 8080), username: 'optional username (functionality will be limited if ommitted)', api_key: 'optional api_key (functionality will be limited if ommitted)', identity_file: 'optional ssh private key path to AuthN w/ Jenkins PREFERRED over username/api_key', ssl: 'optional connect over TLS (defaults to true), proxy: 'optional debug proxy rest api requests to jenkins (e.g. "")'' ) puts jenkins_obj.public_methods #{self}.create_user( jenkins_obj: 'required - jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', username: 'required - user to create', password: 'optional - password for new user (will prompt if nil)' fullname: 'required - full name of new user' email: 'required - email address of new user' ) #{self}.create_ssh_credential( jenkins_obj: 'required - jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', username: 'required - username for new credential' private_key_path: 'required - path of private ssh key for new credential' key_passphrase: 'optional - private key passphrase for new credential' credential_id: 'optional but recommended - useful when creating userland jobs', description: 'optional - description of new credential' domain: 'optional - defaults to GLOBAL', scope: 'optional - GLOBAL or SYSTEM (defaults to GLOBAL)' ) git_repo_arr = #{self}.get_all_job_git_repos( jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from connect method' ) git_repo_branches = #{self}.get_all_git_repo_branches_by_commit_date( jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', job_name: 'required jenkins job name', git_url: 'required git url for git_repo' ) nested_jobs_arr = #{self}.list_nested_jobs( jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', view_path: 'required view path list jobs' ) nested_views_arr = #{self}.list_nested_views( jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', view_path: 'required view path list sub-views' ) view_created_bool = #{self}.create_nested_view( jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', view_path: 'required view path create', create_in_view_path: 'optional creates nested view within an existing nested view, defaults to / views' ) add_job_to_nested_view_resp = #{self}.add_job_to_nested_view( jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', view_path: 'required view path associate job', job_name: 'required view path attach to a view', ) copy_job_resp = #{self}.copy_job_no_fail_on_exist( jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', existing_job_name: 'required existing job to copt to new job', new_job_name: 'required name of new job' ) #{self}.disable_jobs_by_regex( jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', regex: 'required regex pattern for matching jobs to disable e.g. :regex => "^M[0-9]"', ) #{self}.delete_job_by_regex( jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', regex: 'required regex pattern for matching jobs to disable e.g. :regex => "^M[0-9]"', ) #{self}.clear_build_queue( jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from #connect method', ) #{self}.disconnect( jenkins_obj: 'required jenkins_obj returned from connect method' ) #{self}.authors } end end end end