desc 'Output a tag wiki' command :wiki do |c| c.desc 'Section to rotate' c.arg_name 'SECTION_NAME' c.flag %i[s section], default_value: 'All' c.desc 'Tag filter, combine multiple tags with a comma, use with --bool' c.arg_name 'TAG' c.flag [:tag] c.desc 'Tag boolean (AND,OR,NOT)' c.arg_name 'BOOLEAN' c.flag %i[b bool], must_match: REGEX_BOOL, default_value: 'OR' c.desc 'Include entries older than date' c.arg_name 'DATE_STRING' c.flag [:before] c.desc 'Include entries newer than date' c.arg_name 'DATE_STRING' c.flag [:after] c.desc 'Search filter, surround with slashes for regex (/query/), start with single quote for exact match ("\'query")' c.arg_name 'QUERY' c.flag [:search] c.desc %( Date range to include, or a single day to filter date on. Date range argument should be quoted. Date specifications can be natural language. To specify a range, use "to" or "through": `doing show --from "monday to friday"` ) c.arg_name 'DATE_OR_RANGE' c.flag %i[f from] c.desc 'Only show items with recorded time intervals' c.switch [:only_timed], default_value: false, negatable: false c.action do |global, options, args| wwid = global[:wwid] tags = wwid.tag_groups([], opt: options) wiki = Doing::Plugins.plugins.dig(:export, 'wiki', :class) tags.each do |tag, items| export_options = { page_title: tag, is_single: false, options: options } raise RuntimeError, 'Missing plugin "wiki"' unless wiki out = wiki.render(wwid, items, variables: export_options) if out FileUtils.mkdir_p('doing_wiki')'doing_wiki', tag + '.html'), 'w') do |f| f.puts out end end end template = if wwid.config['export_templates']['wiki_index'] && File.exist?(File.expand_path(wwid.config['export_templates']['wiki_index']))['export_templates']['wiki_index'])) else wiki.template('wiki_index') end style = if wwid.config['export_templates']['wiki_css'] && File.exist?(File.expand_path(wwid.config['export_templates']['wiki_css']))['export_templates']['wiki_css'])) else wiki.template('wiki_css') end tags_out = { |t| {url: "#{t}.html"} } engine = index_out = engine.render(, { :@tags => tags.each_with_object([]) { |(tag, items), arr| arr << { name: tag, count: items.count } }, :@page_title => "Tags wiki", :@style => style }) if index_out'doing_wiki', 'index.html'), 'w') do |f| f.puts index_out end Doing.logger.warn("Wiki written to doing_wiki directory") end end end