require 'spec_helper' require 'wordlist/cli' describe Wordlist::CLI do describe "#initialize" do it "must default #mode to :read" do expect(subject.mode).to eq(:read) end it "must default #format to nil" do expect(subject.format).to be(nil) end it "must default #command to nil" do expect(subject.command).to be(nil) end it "must default #output to nil" do expect(subject.output).to be(nil) end it "must initialize #option_parser" do expect(subject.option_parser).to be_kind_of(OptionParser) end it "must initialize #operators to []" do expect(subject.operators).to eq([]) end it "must initialize #modifiers to []" do expect(subject.modifiers).to eq([]) end it "must initialize #build_options to {}" do expect(subject.builder_options).to eq({}) end end describe "#print_error" do let(:error) { "error!" } it "must print the program name and the error message to stderr" do expect { subject.print_error(error) }.to output("#{described_class::PROGRAM_NAME}: #{error}#{$/}").to_stderr end end describe "#print_backtrace" do let(:exception) {"error!") } it "must print the program name and the error message to stderr" do expect { subject.print_backtrace(exception) }.to output( %r{Oops! Looks like you've found a bug! Please report the following text to: #{Regexp.escape(described_class::BUG_REPORT_URL)} ```}m ).to_stderr end end let(:fixtures_dir) { File.join(__dir__,'fixtures') } describe "#open_wordlist" do context "when #format is set" do let(:format) { :gzip } let(:path) { ::File.join(fixtures_dir,'wordlist_with_ambiguous_format') } subject { format) } it "must call with a format: keyword argument" do wordlist = subject.open_wordlist(path) expect(wordlist.format).to be(format) end end context "when #format is not set" do let(:path) { ::File.join(fixtures_dir,'wordlist.txt.gz') } it "must let infer the format" do wordlist = subject.open_wordlist(path) expect(wordlist.format).to be(:gzip) end context "and the file's format cannot be inferred" do let(:path) { ::File.join(fixtures_dir,'wordlist_with_ambiguous_format') } it "must print an error and exit with -1" do expect(subject).to receive(:exit).with(-1) expect { subject.open_wordlist(path) }.to output("#{described_class::PROGRAM_NAME}: could not infer the format of file: #{path.inspect}#{$/}").to_stderr end end end context "when the file does not exist" do let(:path) { 'does/not/exist.txt' } let(:absolute_path) { File.expand_path(path) } it "must print an error and exit with -1" do expect(subject).to receive(:exit).with(-1) expect { subject.open_wordlist(path) }.to output("#{described_class::PROGRAM_NAME}: wordlist file does not exist: #{absolute_path.inspect}#{$/}").to_stderr end end end describe "#add_operator" do let(:op1) { :+ } let(:wordlist1) { double(:other_wordlist1) } let(:op2) { :* } let(:wordlist2) { double(:other_wordlist2) } before do subject.add_operator(op1, wordlist1) subject.add_operator(op2, wordlist2) end it "must append an operator and it's arguments to #operators" do expect(subject.operators[0]).to be_a(Array) expect(subject.operators[0][0]).to eq(op1) expect(subject.operators[0][1]).to eq([wordlist1]) expect(subject.operators[1]).to be_a(Array) expect(subject.operators[1][0]).to eq(op2) expect(subject.operators[1][1]).to eq([wordlist2]) end end describe "#add_modifier" do let(:mod1) { :capitalize } let(:args1) { [] } let(:mod2) { :gsub } let(:args2) { ['e','3'] } before do subject.add_modifier(mod1, *args1) subject.add_modifier(mod2, *args2) end it "must append an modifier and it's arguments to #modifiers" do expect(subject.modifiers[0]).to be_a(Array) expect(subject.modifiers[0][0]).to eq(mod1) expect(subject.modifiers[0][1]).to eq(args1) expect(subject.modifiers[1]).to be_a(Array) expect(subject.modifiers[1][0]).to eq(mod2) expect(subject.modifiers[1][1]).to eq(args2) end end describe "#option_parser" do it do expect(subject.option_parser).to be_kind_of(OptionParser) end describe "#parse" do context "when given -f FORMAT" do let(:format) { :gzip } let(:argv) { ['-f', format.to_s] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must set #format" do expect(subject.format).to eq(format) end end context "when given --format FORMAT" do let(:format) { :gzip } let(:argv) { ['--format', format.to_s] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must set #format" do expect(subject.format).to eq(format) end end context "when given --exec COMMAND" do let(:command) { "foo {}" } let(:argv) { ['--exec', command] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must set #command" do expect(subject.command).to eq(command) end end %w[-U --union].each do |flag| context "when given #{flag} WORDLIST" do let(:wordlist) { File.join(fixtures_dir,'wordlist.txt.gz') } let(:argv) { [flag, wordlist] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must append to #operators" do expect(subject.operators.length).to be(1) expect(subject.operators[0][0]).to be(:|) expect(subject.operators[0][1].length).to be(1) expect(subject.operators[0][1][0]).to be_kind_of(Wordlist::File) expect(subject.operators[0][1][0].path).to eq(wordlist) end end end %w[-I --intersect].each do |flag| context "when given #{flag} WORDLIST" do let(:wordlist) { File.join(fixtures_dir,'wordlist.txt.gz') } let(:argv) { [flag, wordlist] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must append to #operators" do expect(subject.operators.length).to be(1) expect(subject.operators[0][0]).to be(:&) expect(subject.operators[0][1].length).to be(1) expect(subject.operators[0][1][0]).to be_kind_of(Wordlist::File) expect(subject.operators[0][1][0].path).to eq(wordlist) end end end %w[-S --subtract].each do |flag| context "when given #{flag} WORDLIST" do let(:wordlist) { File.join(fixtures_dir,'wordlist.txt.gz') } let(:argv) { [flag, wordlist] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must append to #operators" do expect(subject.operators.length).to be(1) expect(subject.operators[0][0]).to be(:-) expect(subject.operators[0][1].length).to be(1) expect(subject.operators[0][1][0]).to be_kind_of(Wordlist::File) expect(subject.operators[0][1][0].path).to eq(wordlist) end end end %w[-p --product].each do |flag| context "when given #{flag} WORDLIST" do let(:wordlist) { File.join(fixtures_dir,'wordlist.txt.gz') } let(:argv) { [flag, wordlist] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must append to #operators" do expect(subject.operators.length).to be(1) expect(subject.operators[0][0]).to be(:*) expect(subject.operators[0][1].length).to be(1) expect(subject.operators[0][1][0]).to be_kind_of(Wordlist::File) expect(subject.operators[0][1][0].path).to eq(wordlist) end end end %w[-P --power].each do |flag| context "when given #{flag} POWER" do let(:power) { 3 } let(:argv) { [flag, power.to_s] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must append to #operators" do expect(subject.operators.length).to be(1) expect(subject.operators[0][0]).to be(:**) expect(subject.operators[0][1].length).to be(1) expect(subject.operators[0][1][0]).to be(power) end end end %w[-u --unique].each do |flag| context "when given #{flag}" do let(:argv) { [flag] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must append to #operators" do expect(subject.operators.length).to be(1) expect(subject.operators[0][0]).to be(:uniq) expect(subject.operators[0][1].length).to be(0) end end end %w[-C --capitalize].each do |flag| context "when given #{flag}" do let(:argv) { [flag] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must append to #modifiers" do expect(subject.modifiers.length).to be(1) expect(subject.modifiers[0][0]).to be(:capitalize) expect(subject.modifiers[0][1].length).to be(0) end end end %w[--uppercase --upcase].each do |flag| context "when given #{flag} WORDLIST" do let(:wordlist) { File.join(fixtures_dir,'wordlist.txt.gz') } let(:argv) { [flag, wordlist] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must append to #modifiers" do expect(subject.modifiers.length).to be(1) expect(subject.modifiers[0][0]).to be(:upcase) expect(subject.modifiers[0][1].length).to be(0) end end end %w[--lowercase --downcase].each do |flag| context "when given #{flag} WORDLIST" do let(:wordlist) { File.join(fixtures_dir,'wordlist.txt.gz') } let(:argv) { [flag, wordlist] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must append to #modifiers" do expect(subject.modifiers.length).to be(1) expect(subject.modifiers[0][0]).to be(:downcase) expect(subject.modifiers[0][1].length).to be(0) end end end %w[-t --tr].each do |flag| context "when given #{flag} CHARS:REPLACE" do let(:chars) { 'e' } let(:replace) { '3' } let(:argv) { [flag, "#{chars}:#{replace}"] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must append to #modifiers" do expect(subject.modifiers.length).to be(1) expect(subject.modifiers[0][0]).to be(:tr) expect(subject.modifiers[0][1].length).to be(2) expect(subject.modifiers[0][1][0]).to eq(chars) expect(subject.modifiers[0][1][1]).to eq(replace) end end end %w[-s --sub].each do |flag| context "when given #{flag} CHARS:REPLACE" do let(:chars) { 'e' } let(:replace) { '3' } let(:argv) { [flag, "#{chars}:#{replace}"] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must append to #modifiers" do expect(subject.modifiers.length).to be(1) expect(subject.modifiers[0][0]).to be(:sub) expect(subject.modifiers[0][1].length).to be(2) expect(subject.modifiers[0][1][0]).to eq(chars) expect(subject.modifiers[0][1][1]).to eq(replace) end end end %w[-g --gsub].each do |flag| context "when given #{flag} CHARS:REPLACE" do let(:chars) { 'e' } let(:replace) { '3' } let(:argv) { [flag, "#{chars}:#{replace}"] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must append to #modifiers" do expect(subject.modifiers.length).to be(1) expect(subject.modifiers[0][0]).to be(:gsub) expect(subject.modifiers[0][1].length).to be(2) expect(subject.modifiers[0][1][0]).to eq(chars) expect(subject.modifiers[0][1][1]).to eq(replace) end end end %w[-m --mutate].each do |flag| context "when given #{flag} CHARS:REPLACE" do let(:chars) { 'e' } let(:replace) { '3' } let(:argv) { [flag, "#{chars}:#{replace}"] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must append to #modifiers" do expect(subject.modifiers.length).to be(1) expect(subject.modifiers[0][0]).to be(:mutate) expect(subject.modifiers[0][1].length).to be(2) expect(subject.modifiers[0][1][0]).to eq(chars) expect(subject.modifiers[0][1][1]).to eq(replace) end end end %w[-M --mutate-case].each do |flag| context "when given #{flag}" do let(:argv) { [flag] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must append to #modifiers" do expect(subject.modifiers.length).to be(1) expect(subject.modifiers[0][0]).to be(:mutate_case) expect(subject.modifiers[0][1].length).to be(0) end end end %w[-b --build].each do |flag| context "when given #{flag} WORDLIST" do let(:wordlist) { File.join(fixtures_dir,'new_wordlist.txt') } let(:argv) { [flag, wordlist] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must append to #modifiers" do expect(subject.mode).to eq(:build) expect(subject.output).to eq(wordlist) end end end %w[-a --append].each do |flag| context "when given #{flag}" do let(:argv) { [flag] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must set #builder_options[:append] to true" do expect(subject.builder_options[:append]).to be(true) end context "and when given --no-append" do let(:argv) { ['--append', '--no-append'] } it "must set #builder_options[:append] to false" do expect(subject.builder_options[:append]).to be(false) end end end end %w[-L --lang].each do |flag| context "when given #{flag} LANG" do let(:lang) { 'fr' } let(:argv) { [flag, lang] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must set #builder_options[:lang] to LANG" do expect(subject.builder_options[:lang]).to eq(lang) end end end context "when given --stop-words \"WORDS...\"" do let(:words) { "foo bar baz" } let(:argv) { ['--stop-words', words] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must set #builder_options[:stop_words] to the Array of WORDS" do expect(subject.builder_options[:stop_words]).to eq(words.split) end end context "when given --ignore-words \"WORDS...\"" do let(:words) { "foo bar baz" } let(:argv) { ['--ignore-words', words] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must set #builder_options[:ignore_words] to the Array of WORDS" do expect(subject.builder_options[:ignore_words]).to eq(words.split) end end context "when given --digits" do let(:argv) { ['--digits'] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must set #builder_options[:digits] to true" do expect(subject.builder_options[:digits]).to be(true) end context "and when given --no-digits" do let(:argv) { ['--digits', '--no-digits'] } it "must set #builder_options[:digits] to false" do expect(subject.builder_options[:digits]).to be(false) end end end context "when given --special-chars \"CHARS...\"" do let(:chars) { "!@#$%^&*()_-" } let(:argv) { ['--special-chars', chars] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must set #builder_options[:special_chars] to the Array of CHARS" do expect(subject.builder_options[:special_chars]).to eq(chars.chars) end end context "when given --numbers" do let(:argv) { ['--numbers'] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must set #builder_options[:numbers] to true" do expect(subject.builder_options[:numbers]).to be(true) end context "and when given --no-numbers" do let(:argv) { ['--numbers', '--no-numbers'] } it "must set #builder_options[:numbers] to false" do expect(subject.builder_options[:numbers]).to be(false) end end end context "when given --acronyms" do let(:argv) { ['--acronyms'] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must set #builder_options[:acronyms] to true" do expect(subject.builder_options[:acronyms]).to be(true) end context "and when given --no-acronyms" do let(:argv) { ['--acronyms', '--no-acronyms'] } it "must set #builder_options[:acronyms] to false" do expect(subject.builder_options[:acronyms]).to be(false) end end end context "when given --normalize-case" do let(:argv) { ['--normalize-case'] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must set #builder_options[:normalize_case] to true" do expect(subject.builder_options[:normalize_case]).to be(true) end context "and when given --no-normalize-case" do let(:argv) { ['--normalize-case', '--no-normalize-case'] } it "must set #builder_options[:normalize_case] to false" do expect(subject.builder_options[:normalize_case]).to be(false) end end end context "when given --normalize-apostrophes" do let(:argv) { ['--normalize-apostrophes'] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must set #builder_options[:normalize_apostrophes] to true" do expect(subject.builder_options[:normalize_apostrophes]).to be(true) end context "and when given --no-normalize-apostrophes" do let(:argv) { ['--normalize-apostrophes', '--no-normalize-apostrophes'] } it "must set #builder_options[:normalize_apostrophes] to false" do expect(subject.builder_options[:normalize_apostrophes]).to be(false) end end end context "when given --normalize-acronyms" do let(:argv) { ['--normalize-acronyms'] } before { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) } it "must set #builder_options[:normalize_acronyms] to true" do expect(subject.builder_options[:normalize_acronyms]).to be(true) end context "and when given --no-normalize-acronyms" do let(:argv) { ['--normalize-acronyms', '--no-normalize-acronyms'] } it "must set #builder_options[:normalize_acronyms] to false" do expect(subject.builder_options[:normalize_acronyms]).to be(false) end end end %w[-V --version].each do |flag| context "when given #{flag}" do let(:argv) { [flag] } it "must print the program name and the Wordlist::VERSION" do expect(subject).to receive(:exit) expect { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) }.to output("#{described_class::PROGRAM_NAME} #{Wordlist::VERSION}#{$/}").to_stdout end end end %w[-h --help].each do |flag| context "when given #{flag}" do let(:argv) { [flag] } it "must print the option paresr --help output" do expect(subject).to receive(:exit) expect { subject.option_parser.parse(argv) }.to output("#{subject.option_parser}").to_stdout end end end end end describe ".run" do subject { described_class } context "when Interrupt is raised" do before do expect_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:run).and_raise(Interrupt) end it "must exit with 130" do expect([])).to eq(130) end end context "when Errno::EPIPE is raised" do before do expect_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:run).and_raise(Errno::EPIPE) end it "must exit with 0" do expect([])).to eq(0) end end end describe "#run" do context "when given a wordlist file" do let(:file) { ::File.join(fixtures_dir,'wordlist.txt') } let(:argv) { [file] } let(:expected_words) { File.readlines(file).map(&:chomp) } it "must read each word from the file and print it to stdout" do expect { }.to output( expected_words.join($/) + $/ ).to_stdout end context "when also given the --exec COMMAND option" do let(:command) { 'echo "WORD: {}"' } let(:argv) { ["--exec", command, file] } let(:expected_output) do do |word| end end it "must execute the command with each word from the wordlist" do expected_words.each do |word| expect(subject).to receive(:system).with(command.sub('{}',word)) end end end end context "when given the --build option" do let(:expected_words) { %w[foo bar baz qux] } let(:text) { (expected_words * 100).shuffle.join(' ') } let(:output) { File.join(fixtures_dir,'new_wordlist.txt') } context "and given one input file" do let(:input) { File.join(fixtures_dir,"input_file.txt") } let(:argv) { ["--build", output, input] } before { File.write(input,text) } it "must build a new wordlist file based on the given file" do expect(File.readlines(output).map(&:chomp)).to match_array(expected_words) end after { FileUtils.rm_f(input) } end context "and given multiple input files" do let(:words) { (expected_words * 100).shuffle } let(:text1) { words[0,50] } let(:text2) { words[50,50] } let(:input1) { File.join(fixtures_dir,"input_file1.txt") } let(:input2) { File.join(fixtures_dir,"input_file2.txt") } let(:argv) { ["--build", output, input1, input2] } before do File.write(input1,text1) File.write(input2,text2) end it "must build a new wordlist file based on the given files" do expect(File.readlines(output).map(&:chomp)).to match_array(expected_words) end after do FileUtils.rm_f(input1) FileUtils.rm_f(input2) end end context "and given no input files" do let(:argv) { ["--build", output] } before do $stdin = end it "must build a new wordlist file by reading stdin" do expect(File.readlines(output).map(&:chomp)).to match_array(expected_words) end after do $stdin = STDIN end end after { FileUtils.rm_f(output) } end context "when an invalid option is given" do let(:opt) { '--foo' } it "must print 'wordlist: invalid option ...' to $stderr and exit with -1" do expect { expect([opt])).to eq(-1) }.to output("wordlist: invalid option: #{opt}#{$/}").to_stderr end end context "when another type of Exception is raised" do let(:exception) {"error!") } before do expect(subject).to receive(:read_mode).and_raise(exception) end it "must print a backtrace and exit with -1" do expect { expect([])).to eq(-1) }.to output( %r{Oops! Looks like you've found a bug! Please report the following text to: #{Regexp.escape(described_class::BUG_REPORT_URL)} ```}m ).to_stderr end end end end