# PolishBanks - A Polish bank lookup Ruby gem. Polish bank name and branch can be read from the IBAN or accont number. `PLkk BBBB BBBB MMMM MMMM MMMM MMMM` `PL` is the country code, `kk` are check digits. The `BBBB BBBB` is the bank and branch identifier needed to detect the bank. Polish National Bank regularly publishes a single text file containing up-to-date information about all the Polish banks and their branches [here](https://ewib.nbp.pl/faces/PlainDok?dokNazwa=plewibnra.txt). The file uses CP852 encoding. This gem makes it easier to identify banks and their branches based on the account number or IBAN. ## Installation Add to your Gemfile: gem 'polish_banks' And then execute: $ bundle install Or install on your own to test it in irb: $ gem install polish_banks ## How to use it You can use either IBAN or just account number - as string or as integer. If you don't provide the whole account number, the gem will try to determine at least the bank name. Non-Polish ibans will raise a `UnsupportedCountry` exception. require 'credit_card_bins' iban = "PL9912406999" bank = PolishBank.new(iban) bank.name #"Bank Polska Kasa Opieki Spółka Akcyjna" bank.branch #"Oddział w Tychach ul. Wyszyńskiego 27" If bank is not found, the gem will raise a `BankNotFound` exception. ## Contributing NOTE: To properly update bank lists, remove the /lib/data folder and run the data_generator. 1. Fork 2. Create a feature branch 3. Commit changes 4. Push to your branch 5. Create a new Pull Request based on your branch