module Katello module ApplicationHelper include Katello::LayoutHelper def current_user User.current end def current_url(extra_params = {}) url_for params.merge(extra_params) end def link_to_authorized(*args, &block) if block_given? options = args.first || {} html_options = args.second link_to_authorized(capture(&block), options, html_options) else name = args[0] options = args[1] || {} html_options = args[2] if options.key? :controller ctrl = options[:controller] action = options[:action] || 'index' if current_user && current_user.allowed_to?(:controller => ctrl, :action => action) link_to(name, options, html_options) end end end end # Headpin inclusion def stats_line(stats, _options = {}) render :partial => "katello/commonstats_line", :locals => {:stats => stats} end # Headpin inclusion def to_value_list(stats) list = "" prepend = "" stats.each do |stat| list += prepend prepend = "," list += stat.value.to_s end list end def two_panel(collection, options) options[:accessor] ||= "id" options[:left_panel_width] ||= nil options[:ajax_load] ||= false enable_create = options[:enable_create] enable_create = true if enable_create.nil? enable_sort = options[:enable_sort] ? options[:enable_sort] : false fail ":titles option not provided" unless options[:titles] render :partial => "katello/common/panel", :locals => { :title => options[:title], :name => options[:name], :create => options[:create], :enable_create => enable_create, :create_label => options[:create_label] || nil, :enable_sort => enable_sort, :columns => options[:col], :titles => options[:titles], :custom_rows => options[:custom_rows], :collection => collection, :accessor => options[:accessor], :url => options[:url], :left_panel_width => options[:left_panel_width], :ajax_load => options[:ajax_load], :ajax_scroll => options[:ajax_scroll], :search_env => options[:search_env], :initial_action => options[:initial_action] || :edit, :initial_state => options[:initial_state] || false, :actions => options[:actions], :search_class => options[:search_class], :disable_create => options[:disable_create] || false} end def one_panel(panel_id, collection, options) options[:accessor] ||= "id" panel_id ||= "panel" render :partial => "katello/common/one_panel", :locals => { :single_select => options[:single_select] || false, :hover_text_cb => options[:hover_text_cb], :panel_id => panel_id, :title => options[:title], :name => options[:name], :columns => options[:col], :column_titles => options[:col_titles], :custom_rows => options[:custom_rows], :collection => collection, :accessor => options[:accessor] } end def notification_polling_time time = 120 return time.to_i * 1_000 if time return 120_000 end def environment_selector(options = {}) options[:library_clickable] = true if options[:library_clickable].nil? # ||= doesn't work if false options[:url_proc] = nil if options[:url_proc].nil? #explicitly set url_method to nil if not provided # the path widget and entries classes allow the user to override the classes that will be applied to these # elements. by default, they are set assuming the env selector will be displayed on a page (vs w/in a panel) options[:path_widget_class] = "" if options[:path_widget_class].nil? options[:path_entries_class] = "grid_10" if options[:path_entries_class].nil? render :partial => "/katello/common/env_select", :locals => options end def env_select_class(curr_env, selected_env, curr_path, selected_path, accessible_envs, library_clickable) classes = [] if (library_clickable || !curr_env.library?) && accessible_envs.member?(curr_env) classes << "path_link" else # if library isn't clickable, disable the hover effect classes << "crumb-nohover" end if == if !selected_env.library? classes << "active" else #we only want to highlight the Library along the path that is actually selected classes << "active" if curr_path[1] == selected_path[1] end end classes.join(' ') end def env_select_url(proc, env, next_env, org) return nil if proc.nil? => env, :next_environment => next_env, :organization => org) end # auto_tab_index: this method may be used to simplify adding a tabindex to UI forms. def auto_tab_index @current_index ||= 0 @current_index += 1 end #formats the date time if the dat is not nil def format_time(date, options = {}) return I18n.l(date, options) if date "" end def generate_url(path, options, entity) panel_page = options.key?(:panel_page) ? ("&panelpage=" + options[:panel_page]) : "" path + "?list_search=id%3D#{options[:id]}#panel=#{entity}_#{options[:id]}" + panel_page end # used for jeditable fields def editable_class(editable = false) return "editable edit_panel_element multiline" if editable "multiline" end # These 2 methods copied from scoped_search {} # which Katello used to use but no longer uses. # # Creates a link that alternates between ascending and descending. # # @example # sort @search, :by => :login # sort @search, :by => :created_at, :as => "Created" # # @param [Hash] options This helper accepts the following options: # @option options [String] :by the name of the named scope. This helper will prepend this value with "ascend_by_" and "descend_by_" # @option options [String] :as the text used in the link, defaults to whatever is passed to :by def sort(field, options = {}, html_options = {}) unless options[:as] id = field.to_s.downcase == "id" options[:as] = id ? field.to_s.upcase : field.to_s.humanize end ascend = "#{field}|ASC" descend = "#{field}|DESC" ascending = params[:order] == ascend new_sort = ascending ? descend : ascend selected = [ascend, descend].include?(params[:order]) if selected css_classes = html_options[:class] ? html_options[:class].split(" ") : [] if ascending options[:as] = "▲ #{options[:as]}" css_classes << "ascending" else options[:as] = "▼ #{options[:as]}" css_classes << "descending" end html_options[:class] = css_classes.join(" ") end url_options = params.merge(:order => new_sort) options[:as] = raw(options[:as]) if defined?(RailsXss) a_link(options[:as], html_escape(url_for(url_options)), html_options) end def a_link(name, href, html_options) tag_options = tag_options(html_options) link = "#{name}" return link.respond_to?(:html_safe) ? link.html_safe : link end def activation_key_link_helper(key) if ActivationKey.readable? key.organization link_to(, activation_keys_path(, :anchor => "/&list_search=id:#{}&panel=activation_key_#{}")) else end rescue _('Activation key with uuid %s not found') % key.try(:id) end def kt_form_for(object, options = {}, &block) options[:builder] = KatelloFormBuilder form_for(object, options, &block) end def select_content_view _('Select Content View') end def no_content_view _('No Content View') end def content_view_select_labels(_organization, environment) if environment labels = ContentView.readable. in_environment(environment).collect { |cv| [,] } else labels = [] end labels end def selected_content_view(content_view) content_view.nil? ? no_content_view : end def to_calendar_date(date) date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') end def subscription_limits_helper(sub) lim = [] lim << _("Sockets: %s") % sub.sockets if sub.sockets > 0 lim << _("Cores: %s") % sub.cores if sub.cores > 0 lim << _("RAM: %s GB") % sub.ram if sub.ram > 0 lim.join(", ") end def repo_selector(repositories, url, field = :repository_id, record = nil) products = { |product| product[:name] } repo_ids = content_tag "select", :id => "repo_select", :name => field, "data-url" => url do html = "" html << content_tag("option", :value => "") { "None" } groups = do |prod| content_tag("optgroup", :label => "#{h(}") do options = { |repo| repo_ids.include?( }.map do |repo| selected = record && record.send(field) == content_tag("option", :value =>, :selected => selected) do h( end end options.join.html_safe end end (html + groups.join).html_safe end end # Using the record provided, return a hash where the # keys are the products associated with the record and the # values are arrays listing the repositories associated # with the given product. # For example: {product1 => [repo1, repo2]} def get_product_and_repos(record, content_types) products_hash = record.resulting_products.inject({}) do |hash, product| if record.repositories.empty? hash[product] = [] else repos = product.repos(current_organization.library).where(:content_type => content_types) repos.each do |repo| hash[product] ||= [] hash[product] << repo end end hash end products_hash end end end