require 'yaml' require 'cxxproject/utils/process' require 'cxxproject/utils/utils' require 'cxxproject/utils/printer' module Cxxproject module HasSources attr_writer :file_dependencies attr_reader :incArray def file_dependencies @file_dependencies ||= [] end def sources @sources ||= [] end def set_sources(x) @sources = x self end def deps_in_depFiles @deps_in_depFiles ||= end def source_patterns @source_patterns ||= [] end def set_source_patterns(x) @source_patterns = x self end def exclude_sources @exclude_sources ||= [] end def set_exclude_sources(x) @exclude_sources = x self end # used when a source file shall have different tcs than the project default def tcs4source(source) @tcs4source ||= {} if @tcs4source.include?(source) @tcs4source[source] else @tcs end end def set_tcs4source(x) @tcs4source = x self end def include_string(type) @include_string[type] ||= "" end def define_string(type) @define_string[type] ||= "" end def calc_compiler_strings() @include_string = {} @define_string = {} @incArray = local_includes.dup @incArray.concat(includes) if Rake::application.deriveIncludes all_dependencies.each_with_index do |d,i| next if not HasIncludes === d next if i == 0 prefix = File.rel_from_to_project(@project_dir,d.project_dir) next if not prefix @incArray.concat( {|inc| File.add_prefix(prefix,inc)}) end @incArray.uniq! end [:CPP, :C, :ASM].each do |type| @include_string[type] = get_include_string(@tcs, type) @define_string[type] = get_define_string(@tcs, type) end end def get_include_string(tcs, type) {|k| "#{tcs[:COMPILER][type][:INCLUDE_PATH_FLAG]}#{k}"} end def get_define_string(tcs, type) tcs[:COMPILER][type][:DEFINES].map {|k| "#{tcs[:COMPILER][type][:DEFINE_FLAG]}#{k}"} end def get_object_file(sourceRel) parts = [@output_dir] if @output_dir_abs parts = [@output_dir_relPath] if @output_dir_relPath parts << 'objects' parts << @name end parts << sourceRel.chomp(File.extname(sourceRel)) File.join(parts) + (Rake::application.preproFlags ? ".i" : ".o") end def get_dep_file(object) object[0..-3] + ".o.d" end def get_source_type(source) ex = File.extname(source) [:CPP, :C, :ASM].each do |t| return t if tcs[:COMPILER][t][:SOURCE_FILE_ENDINGS].include?(ex) end nil end def get_sources_task_name "Objects of #{name}" end def parse_includes(deps) #deps look like "test.o: test.cpp test.h" -> remove .o and .cpp from list return deps.gsub(/\\\n/,'').split()[2..-1] end def convert_depfile(depfile) deps_string = read_file_or_empty_string(depfile) deps = parse_includes(deps_string) if deps.nil? return # ok, because next run the source will be recompiled due to invalid depfile end expanded_deps = do |d| tmp = d.gsub(/[\\]/,'/') deps_in_depFiles << tmp tmp end FileUtils.mkpath File.dirname(depfile), 'wb') do |f| f.write(expanded_deps.to_yaml) end end def apply_depfile(depfile,outfileTask) deps = nil begin deps = YAML.load_file(depfile) deps.each do |d| deps_in_depFiles << d f = file d f.ignore_missing_file end outfileTask.enhance(deps) rescue # may happen if depfile was not converted the last time def outfileTask.needed? true end end end def create_object_file_tasks() sources_to_build = {} exclude_files = exclude_sources.each do |p| if p.include?".." Printer.printError "Error: Exclude source file pattern '#{p}' must not include '..'" return nil end Dir.glob(p).each {|f| exclude_files << f} end files = # do not build the same file twice sources.each do |f| if f.include?".." Printer.printError "Error: Source file '#{f}' must not include '..'" return nil end next if exclude_files.include?(f) next if files.include?(f) files << f sources_to_build[f] = tcs4source(f) end source_patterns.each do |p| if p.include?".." Printer.printError "Error: Source file pattern '#{p}' must not include '..'" return nil end globRes = Dir.glob(p) if (globRes.length == 0) Printer.printWarning "Warning: Source file pattern '#{p}' did not match to any file" end globRes.each do |f| next if exclude_files.include?(f) next if files.include?(f) files << f t = tcs4source(f) t = tcs4source(p) if t == nil sources_to_build[f] = t end end ordered = sources_to_build.keys.sort() dirs = [] filemap = {} ordered.reverse.each do |o| d = File.dirname(o) if filemap.include?(d) filemap[d] << o else filemap[d] = [o] dirs << d end end obj_tasks = [] dirs.each do |d| filemap[d].reverse.each do |f| obj_task = create_object_file_task(f, sources_to_build[f]) obj_tasks << obj_task unless obj_task.nil? end end obj_tasks end def create_object_file_task(sourceRel, the_tcs) if File.is_absolute?(sourceRel) sourceRel = File.rel_from_to_project(@project_dir, sourceRel, false) end type = get_source_type(sourceRel) return nil if type.nil? objectRel = get_object_file(sourceRel) @objects << objectRel object = File.expand_path(objectRel) source = File.expand_path(sourceRel) depStr = "" dep_file = nil if type != :ASM dep_file = get_dep_file(objectRel) dep_file = "\""+dep_file+"\"" if dep_file.include?" " depStr = the_tcs[:COMPILER][type][:DEP_FLAGS] end res = typed_file_task Rake::Task::OBJECT, object => source do compiler = the_tcs[:COMPILER][type] if Rake::application.preproFlags and compiler[:PREPRO_FLAGS] == "" Printer.printInfo("Info: No preprocessor option available for " + sourceRel) else i_array = the_tcs == @tcs ? @include_string[type] : get_include_string(the_tcs, type) d_array = the_tcs == @tcs ? @define_string[type] : get_define_string(the_tcs, type) cmd = [compiler[:COMMAND]] cmd += compiler[:COMPILE_FLAGS].split(" ") if dep_file cmd += depStr.split(" ") if the_tcs[:COMPILER][type][:DEP_FLAGS_SPACE] cmd << dep_file else cmd[cmd.length-1] << dep_file end end cmd += compiler[:FLAGS].gsub(/\"/,"").split(" ") # double quotes within string do not work on windows... cmd += i_array cmd += d_array cmd += (compiler[:OBJECT_FILE_FLAG] + objectRel).split(" ") cmd += compiler[:PREPRO_FLAGS].split(" ") if Rake::application.preproFlags cmd << sourceRel if Cxxproject::Utils.old_ruby?! {|c| ((c.include?" ") ? ("\""+c+"\"") : c )} cmdLine = cmd.join(" ") if cmdLine.length > 8000 inputName = objectRel+".tmp","wb") { |f| f.write(cmd[1..-1].join(" ")) } inputName = "\""+inputName+"\"" if inputName.include?" " consoleOutput = `#{compiler[:COMMAND] + " @" + inputName}` else consoleOutput = `#{cmd.join(" ")} 2>&1` end else rd, wr = IO.pipe cmd << { :err=>wr, :out=>wr } sp = spawn(*cmd) cmd.pop consoleOutput = ProcessHelper.readOutput(sp, rd, wr) end process_result(cmd, consoleOutput, compiler[:ERROR_PARSER], "Compiling #{sourceRel}") convert_depfile(dep_file) if dep_file check_config_file() end end enhance_with_additional_files(res) add_output_dir_dependency(object, res, false) apply_depfile(dep_file, res) if depStr != "" res end def enhance_with_additional_files(task) task.enhance(file_dependencies) task.enhance(@config_files) end def process_console_output(console_output, error_parser) ret = false if not console_output.empty? if error_parser begin error_descs, console_output_full = error_parser.scan_lines(console_output, @project_dir) console_output = console_output_full if Rake::application.consoleOutput_fullnames ret = error_descs.any? { |e| e.severity == ErrorParser::SEVERITY_ERROR } console_output.gsub!(/[\r]/, "") highlighter = @tcs[:CONSOLE_HIGHLIGHTER] if (highlighter and highlighter.enabled?) puts highlighter.format(console_output, error_descs, error_parser) else puts console_output end Rake.application.idei.set_errors(error_descs) rescue Exception => e Printer.printWarning "Parsing output failed (maybe language not set to English?): " + e.message puts "Original output:" puts console_output end end end ret end def prepare_tasks_for_objects if (@output_dir_abs) CLEAN.include(@output_dir + "/objects/" + @name) end @objects = [] t = multitask get_sources_task_name t.type = Rake::Task::SOURCEMULTI t.transparent_timestamp = true t.set_building_block(self) t end end end