# WARNING ABOUT GENERATED CODE # # This file is generated. See the contributing guide for more information: # https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md # # WARNING ABOUT GENERATED CODE module Aws::ACM module Types # @note When making an API call, you may pass AddTagsToCertificateRequest # data as a hash: # # { # certificate_arn: "Arn", # required # tags: [ # required # { # key: "TagKey", # required # value: "TagValue", # }, # ], # } # # @!attribute [rw] certificate_arn # String that contains the ARN of the ACM Certificate to which the tag # is to be applied. This must be of the form: # # `arn:aws:acm:region:123456789012:certificate/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012` # # For more information about ARNs, see [Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) # and AWS Service Namespaces][1]. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] tags # The key-value pair that defines the tag. The tag value is optional. # @return [Array] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/AddTagsToCertificateRequest AWS API Documentation # class AddTagsToCertificateRequest < Struct.new( :certificate_arn, :tags) include Aws::Structure end # Contains metadata about an ACM certificate. This structure is returned # in the response to a DescribeCertificate request. # # @!attribute [rw] certificate_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate. For more # information about ARNs, see [Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS # Service Namespaces][1] in the *AWS General Reference*. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] domain_name # The fully qualified domain name for the certificate, such as # www.example.com or example.com. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] subject_alternative_names # One or more domain names (subject alternative names) included in the # certificate. This list contains the domain names that are bound to # the public key that is contained in the certificate. The subject # alternative names include the canonical domain name (CN) of the # certificate and additional domain names that can be used to connect # to the website. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] domain_validation_options # Contains information about the initial validation of each domain # name that occurs as a result of the RequestCertificate request. This # field exists only when the certificate type is `AMAZON_ISSUED`. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] serial # The serial number of the certificate. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] subject # The name of the entity that is associated with the public key # contained in the certificate. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] issuer # The name of the certificate authority that issued and signed the # certificate. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] created_at # The time at which the certificate was requested. This value exists # only when the certificate type is `AMAZON_ISSUED`. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] issued_at # The time at which the certificate was issued. This value exists only # when the certificate type is `AMAZON_ISSUED`. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] imported_at # The date and time at which the certificate was imported. This value # exists only when the certificate type is `IMPORTED`. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] status # The status of the certificate. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] revoked_at # The time at which the certificate was revoked. This value exists # only when the certificate status is `REVOKED`. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] revocation_reason # The reason the certificate was revoked. This value exists only when # the certificate status is `REVOKED`. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] not_before # The time before which the certificate is not valid. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] not_after # The time after which the certificate is not valid. # @return [Time] # # @!attribute [rw] key_algorithm # The algorithm that was used to generate the key pair (the public and # private key). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] signature_algorithm # The algorithm that was used to sign the certificate. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] in_use_by # A list of ARNs for the AWS resources that are using the certificate. # A certificate can be used by multiple AWS resources. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] failure_reason # The reason the certificate request failed. This value exists only # when the certificate status is `FAILED`. For more information, see # [Certificate Request Failed][1] in the *AWS Certificate Manager User # Guide*. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/troubleshooting.html#troubleshooting-failed # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] type # The source of the certificate. For certificates provided by ACM, # this value is `AMAZON_ISSUED`. For certificates that you imported # with ImportCertificate, this value is `IMPORTED`. ACM does not # provide [managed renewal][1] for imported certificates. For more # information about the differences between certificates that you # import and those that ACM provides, see [Importing Certificates][2] # in the *AWS Certificate Manager User Guide*. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/acm-renewal.html # [2]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/import-certificate.html # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] renewal_summary # Contains information about the status of ACM's [managed renewal][1] # for the certificate. This field exists only when the certificate # type is `AMAZON_ISSUED`. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/acm-renewal.html # @return [Types::RenewalSummary] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/CertificateDetail AWS API Documentation # class CertificateDetail < Struct.new( :certificate_arn, :domain_name, :subject_alternative_names, :domain_validation_options, :serial, :subject, :issuer, :created_at, :issued_at, :imported_at, :status, :revoked_at, :revocation_reason, :not_before, :not_after, :key_algorithm, :signature_algorithm, :in_use_by, :failure_reason, :type, :renewal_summary) include Aws::Structure end # This structure is returned in the response object of ListCertificates # action. # # @!attribute [rw] certificate_arn # Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate. This is of the form: # # `arn:aws:acm:region:123456789012:certificate/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012` # # For more information about ARNs, see [Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) # and AWS Service Namespaces][1]. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] domain_name # Fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as www.example.com or # example.com, for the certificate. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/CertificateSummary AWS API Documentation # class CertificateSummary < Struct.new( :certificate_arn, :domain_name) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DeleteCertificateRequest # data as a hash: # # { # certificate_arn: "Arn", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] certificate_arn # String that contains the ARN of the ACM Certificate to be deleted. # This must be of the form: # # `arn:aws:acm:region:123456789012:certificate/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012` # # For more information about ARNs, see [Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) # and AWS Service Namespaces][1]. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/DeleteCertificateRequest AWS API Documentation # class DeleteCertificateRequest < Struct.new( :certificate_arn) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass DescribeCertificateRequest # data as a hash: # # { # certificate_arn: "Arn", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] certificate_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the ACM Certificate. The ARN must # have the following form: # # `arn:aws:acm:region:123456789012:certificate/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012` # # For more information about ARNs, see [Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) # and AWS Service Namespaces][1]. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/DescribeCertificateRequest AWS API Documentation # class DescribeCertificateRequest < Struct.new( :certificate_arn) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] certificate # Metadata about an ACM certificate. # @return [Types::CertificateDetail] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/DescribeCertificateResponse AWS API Documentation # class DescribeCertificateResponse < Struct.new( :certificate) include Aws::Structure end # Contains information about the validation of each domain name in the # certificate. # # @!attribute [rw] domain_name # A fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in the certificate. For # example, `www.example.com` or `example.com`. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] validation_emails # A list of email addresses that ACM used to send domain validation # emails. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] validation_domain # The domain name that ACM used to send domain validation emails. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] validation_status # The validation status of the domain name. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/DomainValidation AWS API Documentation # class DomainValidation < Struct.new( :domain_name, :validation_emails, :validation_domain, :validation_status) include Aws::Structure end # Contains information about the domain names that you want ACM to use # to send you emails to validate your ownership of the domain. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass DomainValidationOption # data as a hash: # # { # domain_name: "DomainNameString", # required # validation_domain: "DomainNameString", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] domain_name # A fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in the certificate request. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] validation_domain # The domain name that you want ACM to use to send you validation # emails. This domain name is the suffix of the email addresses that # you want ACM to use. This must be the same as the `DomainName` value # or a superdomain of the `DomainName` value. For example, if you # request a certificate for `testing.example.com`, you can specify # `example.com` for this value. In that case, ACM sends domain # validation emails to the following five addresses: # # * admin@example.com # # * administrator@example.com # # * hostmaster@example.com # # * postmaster@example.com # # * webmaster@example.com # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/DomainValidationOption AWS API Documentation # class DomainValidationOption < Struct.new( :domain_name, :validation_domain) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass GetCertificateRequest # data as a hash: # # { # certificate_arn: "Arn", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] certificate_arn # String that contains a certificate ARN in the following format: # # `arn:aws:acm:region:123456789012:certificate/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012` # # For more information about ARNs, see [Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) # and AWS Service Namespaces][1]. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/GetCertificateRequest AWS API Documentation # class GetCertificateRequest < Struct.new( :certificate_arn) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] certificate # String that contains the ACM Certificate represented by the ARN # specified at input. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] certificate_chain # The certificate chain that contains the root certificate issued by # the certificate authority (CA). # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/GetCertificateResponse AWS API Documentation # class GetCertificateResponse < Struct.new( :certificate, :certificate_chain) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass ImportCertificateRequest # data as a hash: # # { # certificate_arn: "Arn", # certificate: "data", # required # private_key: "data", # required # certificate_chain: "data", # } # # @!attribute [rw] certificate_arn # The [Amazon Resource Name (ARN)][1] of an imported certificate to # replace. To import a new certificate, omit this field. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] certificate # The certificate to import. It must meet the following requirements: # # * Must be PEM-encoded. # # * Must contain a 1024-bit or 2048-bit RSA public key. # # * Must be valid at the time of import. You cannot import a # certificate before its validity period begins (the certificate's # `NotBefore` date) or after it expires (the certificate's # `NotAfter` date). # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] private_key # The private key that matches the public key in the certificate. It # must meet the following requirements: # # * Must be PEM-encoded. # # * Must be unencrypted. You cannot import a private key that is # protected by a password or passphrase. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] certificate_chain # The certificate chain. It must be PEM-encoded. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/ImportCertificateRequest AWS API Documentation # class ImportCertificateRequest < Struct.new( :certificate_arn, :certificate, :private_key, :certificate_chain) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] certificate_arn # The [Amazon Resource Name (ARN)][1] of the imported certificate. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/ImportCertificateResponse AWS API Documentation # class ImportCertificateResponse < Struct.new( :certificate_arn) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass ListCertificatesRequest # data as a hash: # # { # certificate_statuses: ["PENDING_VALIDATION"], # accepts PENDING_VALIDATION, ISSUED, INACTIVE, EXPIRED, VALIDATION_TIMED_OUT, REVOKED, FAILED # next_token: "NextToken", # max_items: 1, # } # # @!attribute [rw] certificate_statuses # The status or statuses on which to filter the list of ACM # Certificates. # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] next_token # Use this parameter only when paginating results and only in a # subsequent request after you receive a response with truncated # results. Set it to the value of `NextToken` from the response you # just received. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] max_items # Use this parameter when paginating results to specify the maximum # number of items to return in the response. If additional items exist # beyond the number you specify, the `NextToken` element is sent in # the response. Use this `NextToken` value in a subsequent request to # retrieve additional items. # @return [Integer] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/ListCertificatesRequest AWS API Documentation # class ListCertificatesRequest < Struct.new( :certificate_statuses, :next_token, :max_items) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] next_token # When the list is truncated, this value is present and contains the # value to use for the `NextToken` parameter in a subsequent # pagination request. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] certificate_summary_list # A list of ACM Certificates. # @return [Array] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/ListCertificatesResponse AWS API Documentation # class ListCertificatesResponse < Struct.new( :next_token, :certificate_summary_list) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass ListTagsForCertificateRequest # data as a hash: # # { # certificate_arn: "Arn", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] certificate_arn # String that contains the ARN of the ACM Certificate for which you # want to list the tags. This has the following form: # # `arn:aws:acm:region:123456789012:certificate/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012` # # For more information about ARNs, see [Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) # and AWS Service Namespaces][1]. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/ListTagsForCertificateRequest AWS API Documentation # class ListTagsForCertificateRequest < Struct.new( :certificate_arn) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] tags # The key-value pairs that define the applied tags. # @return [Array] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/ListTagsForCertificateResponse AWS API Documentation # class ListTagsForCertificateResponse < Struct.new( :tags) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass RemoveTagsFromCertificateRequest # data as a hash: # # { # certificate_arn: "Arn", # required # tags: [ # required # { # key: "TagKey", # required # value: "TagValue", # }, # ], # } # # @!attribute [rw] certificate_arn # String that contains the ARN of the ACM Certificate with one or more # tags that you want to remove. This must be of the form: # # `arn:aws:acm:region:123456789012:certificate/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012` # # For more information about ARNs, see [Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) # and AWS Service Namespaces][1]. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] tags # The key-value pair that defines the tag to remove. # @return [Array] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/RemoveTagsFromCertificateRequest AWS API Documentation # class RemoveTagsFromCertificateRequest < Struct.new( :certificate_arn, :tags) include Aws::Structure end # Contains information about the status of ACM's [managed renewal][1] # for the certificate. This structure exists only when the certificate # type is `AMAZON_ISSUED`. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/acm-renewal.html # # @!attribute [rw] renewal_status # The status of ACM's [managed renewal][1] of the certificate. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/acm-renewal.html # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] domain_validation_options # Contains information about the validation of each domain name in the # certificate, as it pertains to ACM's [managed renewal][1]. This is # different from the initial validation that occurs as a result of the # RequestCertificate request. This field exists only when the # certificate type is `AMAZON_ISSUED`. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/acm-renewal.html # @return [Array] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/RenewalSummary AWS API Documentation # class RenewalSummary < Struct.new( :renewal_status, :domain_validation_options) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass RequestCertificateRequest # data as a hash: # # { # domain_name: "DomainNameString", # required # subject_alternative_names: ["DomainNameString"], # idempotency_token: "IdempotencyToken", # domain_validation_options: [ # { # domain_name: "DomainNameString", # required # validation_domain: "DomainNameString", # required # }, # ], # } # # @!attribute [rw] domain_name # Fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as www.example.com, of the # site that you want to secure with an ACM Certificate. Use an # asterisk (*) to create a wildcard certificate that protects several # sites in the same domain. For example, *.example.com protects # www.example.com, site.example.com, and images.example.com. # # The maximum length of a DNS name is 253 octets. The name is made up # of multiple labels separated by periods. No label can be longer than # 63 octets. Consider the following examples: # # `(63 octets).(63 octets).(63 octets).(61 octets)` is legal because # the total length is 253 octets (63+1+63+1+63+1+61) and no label # exceeds 63 octets. # # `(64 octets).(63 octets).(63 octets).(61 octets)` is not legal # because the total length exceeds 253 octets (64+1+63+1+63+1+61) and # the first label exceeds 63 octets. # # `(63 octets).(63 octets).(63 octets).(62 octets)` is not legal # because the total length of the DNS name (63+1+63+1+63+1+62) exceeds # 253 octets. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] subject_alternative_names # Additional FQDNs to be included in the Subject Alternative Name # extension of the ACM Certificate. For example, add the name # www.example.net to a certificate for which the `DomainName` field is # www.example.com if users can reach your site by using either name. # The maximum number of domain names that you can add to an ACM # Certificate is 100. However, the initial limit is 10 domain names. # If you need more than 10 names, you must request a limit increase. # For more information, see [Limits][1]. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/acm-limits.html # @return [Array] # # @!attribute [rw] idempotency_token # Customer chosen string that can be used to distinguish between calls # to `RequestCertificate`. Idempotency tokens time out after one hour. # Therefore, if you call `RequestCertificate` multiple times with the # same idempotency token within one hour, ACM recognizes that you are # requesting only one certificate and will issue only one. If you # change the idempotency token for each call, ACM recognizes that you # are requesting multiple certificates. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] domain_validation_options # The domain name that you want ACM to use to send you emails to # validate your ownership of the domain. # @return [Array] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/RequestCertificateRequest AWS API Documentation # class RequestCertificateRequest < Struct.new( :domain_name, :subject_alternative_names, :idempotency_token, :domain_validation_options) include Aws::Structure end # @!attribute [rw] certificate_arn # String that contains the ARN of the issued certificate. This must be # of the form: # # `arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:123456789012:certificate/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012` # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/RequestCertificateResponse AWS API Documentation # class RequestCertificateResponse < Struct.new( :certificate_arn) include Aws::Structure end # @note When making an API call, you may pass ResendValidationEmailRequest # data as a hash: # # { # certificate_arn: "Arn", # required # domain: "DomainNameString", # required # validation_domain: "DomainNameString", # required # } # # @!attribute [rw] certificate_arn # String that contains the ARN of the requested certificate. The # certificate ARN is generated and returned by the RequestCertificate # action as soon as the request is made. By default, using this # parameter causes email to be sent to all top-level domains you # specified in the certificate request. # # The ARN must be of the form: # # `arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:123456789012:certificate/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012` # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] domain # The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the certificate that needs # to be validated. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] validation_domain # The base validation domain that will act as the suffix of the email # addresses that are used to send the emails. This must be the same as # the `Domain` value or a superdomain of the `Domain` value. For # example, if you requested a certificate for # `site.subdomain.example.com` and specify a **ValidationDomain** of # `subdomain.example.com`, ACM sends email to the domain registrant, # technical contact, and administrative contact in WHOIS and the # following five addresses: # # * admin@subdomain.example.com # # * administrator@subdomain.example.com # # * hostmaster@subdomain.example.com # # * postmaster@subdomain.example.com # # * webmaster@subdomain.example.com # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/ResendValidationEmailRequest AWS API Documentation # class ResendValidationEmailRequest < Struct.new( :certificate_arn, :domain, :validation_domain) include Aws::Structure end # A key-value pair that identifies or specifies metadata about an ACM # resource. # # @note When making an API call, you may pass Tag # data as a hash: # # { # key: "TagKey", # required # value: "TagValue", # } # # @!attribute [rw] key # The key of the tag. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [rw] value # The value of the tag. # @return [String] # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/acm-2015-12-08/Tag AWS API Documentation # class Tag < Struct.new( :key, :value) include Aws::Structure end end end