/** @class This View is used by Greenhouse when application is in design mode This is a Drawing View: If you want to draw a new shape you can pass in the information: For a Line: { +shape: SC.LINE, +start: {x: 0, y: 0}, +end: {x: 100, y: 100}, ?style: { ?width: 5, ?color: 'orange' | '#FFA500' | 'rgb(255,165,0)' | 'rgba(255,165,0,1)' ?transparency: 0.2 } } For a Rectangle: { +shape: SC.RECT, +start: {x: 0, y: 0}, +size: {width: 100, height: 100}, ?type: SC.FILL | SC.STROKE ?style: { ?width: 5, ?color: 'orange' | '#FFA500' | 'rgb(255,165,0)' | 'rgba(255,165,0,1)' ?transparency: 0.2 } } For a Circle: { +shape: SC.CIRCLE, +center: {x: 0, y: 0}, +radius: 20, ?type: SC.FILL | SC.STROKE ?style: { ?width: 5, ?color: 'orange' | '#FFA500' | 'rgb(255,165,0)' | 'rgba(255,165,0,1)' ?transparency: 0.2 } } For a Polygon: { +shape: SC.POLY +path: [ +{x: 0, y: 0}, +{x: 10, y: 10}, ?{x: 0, y: 50} ], ?type: SC.FILL | SC.STROKE ?style: { ?width: 5, ?color: 'orange' | '#FFA500' | 'rgb(255,165,0)' | 'rgba(255,165,0,1)' ?transparency: 0.2 } } @author Evin Grano @extends SC.View @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.LINE = 'line'; SC.RECT = 'rect'; SC.CIRCLE = 'circle'; SC.POLY = 'poly'; SC.FILL = 'fill'; SC.STROKE = 'stroke'; SC.DrawingView = SC.View.extend({ classNames: 'scui-drawing-view', shapes: [], _drawingManager: {}, shapesDidChange: function(){ this.set('layerNeedsUpdate', YES); this.updateLayerIfNeeded(); }.observes('*shapes.[]'), init: function(){ sc_super(); // Register Basic Shapes // Drawing a Line this.registerShapeDrawing( SC.LINE, function(ctx, params){ if (params.style){ if (params.style.width) ctx.lineWidth = params.style.width; if (params.style.color) ctx.strokeStyle = params.style.color; if (params.style.transparency) ctx.globalAlpha = params.style.transparency; } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(params.start.x, params.start.y); ctx.lineTo(params.end.x, params.end.y); ctx.stroke(); }); // Drawing a Rectangle this.registerShapeDrawing( SC.RECT, function(ctx, params){ if (params.style){ if (params.style.width) ctx.lineWidth = params.style.width; if (params.style.color) ctx.fillStyle = ctx.strokeStyle = params.style.color; if (params.style.transparency) ctx.globalAlpha = params.style.transparency; } switch(params.type){ case SC.FILL: ctx.fillRect(params.start.x, params.start.y, params.size.width, params.size.height); break; case SC.STROKE: ctx.strokeRect(params.start.x, params.start.y, params.size.width, params.size.height); break; default: ctx.clearRect(params.start.x, params.start.y, params.size.width, params.size.height); break; } }); // Drawing a Circle this.registerShapeDrawing( SC.CIRCLE, function(ctx, params){ if (params.style){ if (params.style.width) ctx.lineWidth = params.style.width; if (params.style.color) ctx.fillStyle = ctx.strokeStyle = params.style.color; if (params.style.transparency) ctx.globalAlpha = params.style.transparency; } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(params.center.x,params.center.y,params.radius,0,Math.PI*2,true); if (params.type === SC.FILL) ctx.fill(); else ctx.stroke(); }); // Drawing a Polygon this.registerShapeDrawing( SC.POLY, function(ctx, params){ if (params.style){ if (params.style.width) ctx.lineWidth = params.style.width; if (params.style.color) ctx.fillStyle = ctx.strokeStyle = params.style.color; if (params.style.transparency) ctx.globalAlpha = params.style.transparency; } ctx.beginPath(); var len = params.path ? params.path.length : 0; if (len < 2) return; var path = params.path, curr; ctx.moveTo(path[0].x, path[0].y); for(var i = 1; i < len; i++){ curr = path[i]; ctx.lineTo(curr.x, curr.y); } ctx.lineTo(path[0].x, path[0].y); if (params.type === SC.FILL) ctx.fill(); else ctx.stroke(); }); }, render: function(context, firstTime) { //console.log('%@.render()'.fmt(this)); var frame = this.get('frame'); if (firstTime) { if (!SC.browser.isIE) { context.push('You can\'t use canvas tags'.fmt(frame.width, frame.height)); } } else { var canvasElem = this.$('canvas.base-layer'); if (canvasElem) { canvasElem.attr('width', frame.width); canvasElem.attr('height', frame.height); if (canvasElem.length > 0) { var cntx = canvasElem[0].getContext('2d'); // Get the actual canvas object context if (cntx) { cntx.clearRect(0, 0, frame.width, frame.height); this._drawShapes(cntx); } else { SC.Logger.error("SC.DrawingView.render(): Canvas object context is not accessible."); } } else { SC.Logger.error("SC.DrawingView.render(): Canvas element array length is zero."); } } else { SC.Logger.error("SC.DrawingView.render(): Canvas element is not accessible."); } } return sc_super(); }, registerShapeDrawing: function(name, drawingFunction){ if (!name) { SC.Logger.error('Can\'t register this drawing paradigm because name is null'); return NO; } // OK, create the drawing paradigm this._drawingManager[name] = drawingFunction; this.set('layerNeedsUpdate', YES); this.updateLayerIfNeeded(); return YES; }, /** @private Function for actually drawing the shapes that we have listed */ _drawShapes: function(cntx){ var curr; var shapes = this.get('shapes'); var drawingFunc; for (var i=0,len=shapes.length;i