require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','spec_helper') describe DBGraph::Line do describe "minutes" do before :all do Product.delete_all Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-01-01 10:59:59") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-01-01 10:59:59") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-01-01 11:00:00") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-01-01 11:10:10") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-01-01 11:10:20") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-01-01 11:59:59") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-01-01 12:00:00") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-01-01 12:00:00") end it "collects from one hour when at is set" do line =, :at=>Time.parse('2009-01-01 11:15:16')) line.count(Product, :created_at).should == {"0"=>1,"10"=>2,"59"=>1} end it "collects from all hours when at is not set" do @line = @line.count(Product, :created_at).should == {"59"=>3,"0"=>3,"10"=>2} end end describe "hours" do before :all do Product.delete_all Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-01-01 23:59:59") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-01-02 00:00:00") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-01-02 10:11:12") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-01-02 10:59:12") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-01-02 13:11:12") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-01-03 00:00:00") end it "collects from one day when at is set" do @line =, :at=>Time.parse('2009-01-02 14:15:16')) @line.count(Product, :created_at).should == {"0"=>1,"10"=>2,"13"=>1} end it "collects from all days when at is not set" do @line = @line.count(Product, :created_at).should == {"23"=>1,"0"=>2,"10"=>2,"13"=>1} end end describe "days" do before :all do Product.delete_all Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-03-31 23:59:59") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-04-01 00:00:00") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-04-10 13:11:12") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-04-30 23:59:59") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-04-30 23:59:59") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-05-01 00:00:00") end it "collects from one onth when at is set" do @line =, :at=>Time.parse('2009-04-02 14:15:16')) @line.count(Product, :created_at).should == {"1"=>1,"10"=>1,"30"=>2} end it "collects from all years when at is not set" do @line = @line.count(Product, :created_at).should == {"1"=>2,"10"=>1,"30"=>2,"31"=>1} end end describe "weeks" do before :all do Product.delete_all Product.create!(:created_at=>"2008-12-31 23:59:59") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-01-01 00:00:00") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-05-31 13:11:12") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-05-31 13:11:11") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-12-31 23:59:59") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2010-01-01 00:00:00") end it "collects from one year when at is set" do @line =, :at=>Time.parse('2009-01-02 14:15:16')) @line.count(Product, :created_at).should == {"0"=>1,"22"=>2,"52"=>1} end it "collects from all years when at is not set" do @line = @line.count(Product, :created_at).should == {"0"=>2,"22"=>2,"52"=>2} end end describe "months" do before :all do Product.delete_all Product.create!(:created_at=>"2008-12-31 23:59:59") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-01-01 00:00:00") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-05-31 13:11:12") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-05-31 13:11:11") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2009-12-31 23:59:59") Product.create!(:created_at=>"2010-01-01 00:00:00") end it "collects from one year when at is set" do @line =, :at=>Time.parse('2009-01-02 14:15:16')) @line.count(Product, :created_at).should == {"1"=>1,"5"=>2,"12"=>1} end it "collects from all years when at is not set" do @line = @line.count(Product, :created_at).should == {"1"=>2,"5"=>2,"12"=>2} end end describe :add do it "accepts options for count" do Product.delete_all 3.times{Product.create!} 2.times{Product.create!(:created_at=>'2009-02-02')} 3.times{Product.create!} line = line.add(Product, :created_at, :conditions=>"MONTH(created_at)=2") == {"2"=>2} end it "supports custom labels" do line = line.add(Product, :created_at, :label=>'ToC')['ToC'].should_not be_nil end it "adds the collected data to a hash" do line = line.add(Product, :created_at)['Product created_at'].should_not be_nil end end describe :x_labels do it "has minutes with gaps for readability" do line = gaps = [''] * 9 line.x_labels.should == [0,gaps,10,gaps,20,gaps,30,gaps,40,gaps,50,gaps].flatten end it "has all hours" do line = line.x_labels.should == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23] end it "has days with gaps for readability" do line = gaps = ['','','',''] line.x_labels.should == [gaps,5,gaps,10,gaps,15,gaps,20,gaps,25,gaps,30,''].flatten end it "has weeks with gaps for readability" do line = gaps = [''] * 9 line.x_labels.should == [0,gaps,10,gaps,20,gaps,30,gaps,40,gaps,50,'',''].flatten end it "has all months" do line = line.x_labels.should == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] end end describe :y_labels do it "has even values as y labels" do Product.should_receive(:count).and_return({"0"=>1,"1"=>3,"2"=>3,"23"=>9}) line = line.add(Product, :created_at) line.y_labels.should == [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] end end describe :fill_up_values do it "adds 0 for every non-filled value" do data = [["1",2], ["3",3]] expected_keys = [1,2,3,4,5] filled = DBGraph::Line.send(:fill_up_values, data, expected_keys) filled.should == [[1,2], [2,0], [3,3], [4,0], [5,0]] end end describe :filled_and_sorted_values do it "fills/sorts the values" do data = {"1"=>2, "3"=>3, "10"=>4} expected_keys = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] filled = DBGraph::Line.send(:filled_and_sorted_values, data, expected_keys) filled.should == [2, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4] end end describe :color_for do it "returns the same color for the same names" do c1 = DBGraph::Line.send(:color_for,'User found_at') c2 = DBGraph::Line.send(:color_for,'User found_at') c1.should == c2 end it "returns different colors for different names" do c1 = DBGraph::Line.send(:color_for,'User found_at') c2 = DBGraph::Line.send(:color_for,'User created_at') c1.should_not == c2 end it "returns a color for empty/nil/[] names" do [nil,[],'',' '].each do |value| DBGraph::Line.send(:color_for,value).length.should == 6 end end end describe :url do it "can be called with 3 arguments" do url = DBGraph::Line.url(:weeks, Product, :created_at) url.should =~ /^http/ end it "can be called with at option" do url = DBGraph::Line.url(:weeks, Product, :created_at, :at=> url.should =~ /^http/ end end end