# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../spec_helpers') describe 'local task', :shared=>true do it "should execute task for project in current directory" do define 'foobar' lambda { @task.invoke }.should run_task("foobar:#{@task.name}") end it "should not execute task for projects in other directory" do define 'foobar', :base_dir=>'elsewhere' lambda { task('build').invoke }.should_not run_task('foobar:build') end end describe 'build task' do it_should_behave_like 'local task' before(:each) { @task = task('build') } end describe 'clean task' do it_should_behave_like 'local task' before(:each) { @task = task('clean') } end describe 'package task' do it_should_behave_like 'local task' before(:each) { @task = task('package') } it 'should execute build task as prerequisite' do lambda { @task.invoke }.should run_task('build') end end describe 'install task' do it_should_behave_like 'local task' before(:each) { @task = task('install') } it 'should execute package task as prerequisite' do lambda { @task.invoke }.should run_task('package') end end describe 'uninstall task' do it_should_behave_like 'local task' before(:each) { @task = task('uninstall') } end describe 'upload task' do it_should_behave_like 'local task' before(:each) { @task = task('upload') } it 'should execute package task as prerequisite' do lambda { @task.invoke }.should run_task('package') end end describe Project, '#build' do it 'should return the project\'s build task' do define('foo').build.should eql(task('foo:build')) end it 'should enhance the project\'s build task' do task 'prereq' task 'action' define 'foo' do build 'prereq' do task('action').invoke end end lambda { project('foo').build.invoke }.should run_tasks('prereq', 'action') end it 'should execute build task for sub-project' do define 'foo' do define 'bar' end lambda { task('foo:build').invoke }.should run_task('foo:bar:build') end it 'should not execute build task of other projects' do define 'foo' define 'bar' lambda { task('foo:build').invoke }.should_not run_task('bar:build') end end describe Project, '#clean' do it 'should return the project\'s clean task' do define('foo').clean.should eql(task('foo:clean')) end it 'should enhance the project\'s clean task' do task 'prereq' task 'action' define 'foo' do clean 'prereq' do task('action').invoke end end lambda { project('foo').clean.invoke }.should run_tasks('prereq', 'action') end it 'should remove target directory' do define 'foo' do self.layout[:target] = 'targeted' end mkpath 'targeted' lambda { project('foo').clean.invoke }.should change { File.exist?('targeted') }.from(true).to(false) end it 'should remove reports directory' do define 'foo' do self.layout[:reports] = 'reported' end mkpath 'reported' lambda { project('foo').clean.invoke }.should change { File.exist?('reported') }.from(true).to(false) end it 'should execute clean task for sub-project' do define 'foo' do define 'bar' end lambda { task('foo:clean').invoke }.should run_task('foo:bar:clean') end it 'should not execute clean task of other projects' do define 'foo' define 'bar' lambda { task('foo:clean').invoke }.should_not run_task('bar:clean') end end describe Project, '#target' do before :each do @project = define('foo', :layout=>Layout.new) end it 'should default to target' do @project.target.should eql('target') end it 'should set layout :target' do @project.target = 'bar' @project.layout.expand(:target).should point_to_path('bar') end it 'should come from layout :target' do @project.layout[:target] = 'baz' @project.target.should eql('baz') end end describe Project, '#reports' do before :each do @project = define('foo', :layout=>Layout.new) end it 'should default to reports' do @project.reports.should eql('reports') end it 'should set layout :reports' do @project.reports = 'bar' @project.layout.expand(:reports).should point_to_path('bar') end it 'should come from layout :reports' do @project.layout[:reports] = 'baz' @project.reports.should eql('baz') end end describe Buildr::Release do describe '#make' do before do write 'buildfile', "VERSION_NUMBER = '1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'" # Prevent a real call to a spawned buildr process. Release.stub!(:buildr) Svn.stub!(:repo_url).and_return('http://my.repo.org/foo/trunk') Svn.stub!(:uncommitted_files).and_return('') Svn.stub!(:remove) Svn.stub!(:copy) Svn.stub!(:commit) end it 'should tag a release with the release version' do Svn.should_receive(:copy).with(Dir.pwd, 'http://my.repo.org/foo/tags/1.0.0', 'Release 1.0.0').and_return { file('buildfile').should contain('VERSION_NUMBER = "1.0.0"') } Release.make end it 'should update the buildfile with the next version number' do Release.make file('buildfile').should contain('VERSION_NUMBER = "1.0.1-SNAPSHOT"') end it 'should commit the updated buildfile' do Svn.should_receive(:commit).with(File.expand_path('buildfile'), 'Changed version number to 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT').and_return { file('buildfile').should contain('VERSION_NUMBER = "1.0.1-SNAPSHOT"') } Release.make end end describe '#check' do before do Svn.stub!(:uncommitted_files).and_return('') end it 'should accept to release from the trunk' do Svn.stub!(:repo_url).and_return('http://my.repo.org/foo/trunk') lambda { Release.check }.should_not raise_error end it 'should accept to release from a branch' do Svn.stub!(:repo_url).and_return('http://my.repo.org/foo/branches/1.0') lambda { Release.check }.should_not raise_error end it 'should reject releasing from a tag' do Svn.stub!(:repo_url).and_return('http://my.repo.org/foo/tags/1.0.0') lambda { Release.check }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, "SVN URL must contain 'trunk' or 'branches/...'") end it 'should reject a non standard repository layout' do Svn.stub!(:repo_url).and_return('http://my.repo.org/foo/bar') lambda { Release.check }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, "SVN URL must contain 'trunk' or 'branches/...'") end it 'should reject an uncommitted file' do Svn.stub!(:repo_url).and_return('http://my.repo.org/foo/trunk') Svn.stub!(:uncommitted_files).and_return('M foo.rb') lambda { Release.check }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, "Uncommitted SVN files violate the First Principle Of Release!\n" + "M foo.rb") end end describe '#extract_version' do it 'should extract VERSION_NUMBER with single quotes' do write 'buildfile', "VERSION_NUMBER = '1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'" Release.extract_version.should == '1.0.0-SNAPSHOT' end it 'should extract VERSION_NUMBER with double quotes' do write 'buildfile', %{VERSION_NUMBER = "1.0.1-SNAPSHOT"} Release.extract_version.should == '1.0.1-SNAPSHOT' end it 'should extract VERSION_NUMBER without any spaces' do write 'buildfile', "VERSION_NUMBER='1.0.2-SNAPSHOT'" Release.extract_version.should == '1.0.2-SNAPSHOT' end it 'should extract THIS_VERSION as an alternative to VERSION_NUMBER' do write 'buildfile', "THIS_VERSION = '1.0.3-SNAPSHOT'" Release.extract_version.should == '1.0.3-SNAPSHOT' end it 'should complain if no current version number' do write 'buildfile', 'define foo' lambda { Release.extract_version }.should raise_error('Looking for THIS_VERSION = "..." in your Buildfile, none found') end end # Reference: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.reposadmin.planning.html#svn.reposadmin.projects.chooselayout describe '#tag url' do it 'should accept to tag foo/trunk' do Release.tag_url('http://my.repo.org/foo/trunk', '1.0.0').should == 'http://my.repo.org/foo/tags/1.0.0' end it 'should accept to tag foo/branches/1.0' do Release.tag_url('http://my.repo.org/foo/branches/1.0', '1.0.1').should == 'http://my.repo.org/foo/tags/1.0.1' end it 'should accept to tag trunk/foo' do Release.tag_url('http://my.repo.org/trunk/foo', '1.0.0').should == 'http://my.repo.org/tags/foo/1.0.0' end it 'should accept to tag branches/foo/1.0' do Release.tag_url('http://my.repo.org/branches/foo/1.0', '1.0.0').should == 'http://my.repo.org/tags/foo/1.0.0' end it 'should use tag specified by tag_name' do Release.tag_name = 'first' Release.tag_url('http://my.repo.org/foo/trunk', '1.0.0').should == 'http://my.repo.org/foo/tags/first' end it 'should use tag returned by tag_name if tag_name is a proc' do Release.tag_name = lambda { |version| "buildr-#{version}" } Release.tag_url('http://my.repo.org/foo/trunk', '1.0.0').should == 'http://my.repo.org/foo/tags/buildr-1.0.0' end after { Release.tag_name = nil } end describe '#with_release_candidate_version' do before do Buildr.application.stub!(:buildfile).and_return(file('buildfile')) write 'buildfile', "THIS_VERSION = '1.1.0-SNAPSHOT'" end it 'should yield the name of the release candidate buildfile' do Release.send :with_release_candidate_version do |new_filename| File.read(new_filename).should == %{THIS_VERSION = "1.1.0"} end end it 'should yield a name different from the original buildfile' do Release.send :with_release_candidate_version do |new_filename| new_filename.should_not point_to_path('buildfile') end end end describe '#tag_release' do before do write 'buildfile', "THIS_VERSION = '1.0.1'" Svn.stub!(:repo_url).and_return('http://my.repo.org/foo/trunk') Svn.stub!(:copy) Svn.stub!(:remove) end it 'should tag the working copy' do Svn.should_receive(:copy).with(Dir.pwd, 'http://my.repo.org/foo/tags/1.0.1', 'Release 1.0.1') Release.send :tag_release end it 'should remove the tag if it already exists' do Svn.should_receive(:remove).with('http://my.repo.org/foo/tags/1.0.1', 'Removing old copy') Release.send :tag_release end it 'should accept that the tag does not exist' do Svn.stub!(:remove).and_raise(RuntimeError) Release.send :tag_release end it 'should inform the user' do lambda { Release.send :tag_release }.should show_info('Tagging release 1.0.1') end end describe '#commit_new_snapshot' do before do write 'buildfile', 'THIS_VERSION = "1.0.0"' Svn.stub!(:commit) end it 'should update the buildfile with a new version number' do Release.send :commit_new_snapshot file('buildfile').should contain('THIS_VERSION = "1.0.1-SNAPSHOT"') end it 'should commit the new buildfile on the trunk' do Svn.should_receive(:commit).with(File.expand_path('buildfile'), 'Changed version number to 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT') Release.send :commit_new_snapshot end it 'should inform the user of the new version' do lambda { Release.send :commit_new_snapshot }.should show_info('Current version is now 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT') end end end describe Buildr::Svn, '#repo_url' do it 'should extract the SVN URL from svn info' do Svn.stub!(:svn, 'info').and_return(<<EOF) Path: . URL: http://my.repo.org/foo/trunk Repository Root: http://my.repo.org Repository UUID: 12345678-9abc-def0-1234-56789abcdef0 Revision: 112 Node Kind: directory Schedule: normal Last Changed Author: Lacton Last Changed Rev: 110 Last Changed Date: 2008-08-19 12:00:00 +0200 (Tue, 19 Aug 2008) EOF Svn.repo_url.should == 'http://my.repo.org/foo/trunk' end end