require 'gnuplot' class GnuPlotGraph def initialize(file_name,x,y,title=nil) $VERBOSE=true do |gp| # histogram gp ) do |plot| # 5 # it's the free space between the first/last value and the begin/end of axis X #plot.set("xrange [#{xr_min}: #{xr_max}]") if !title title=file_name end plot.title "#{title}" plot.xlabel "length" plot.ylabel "Number of sequences" plot.set "key off" #leyend # plot.set "style fill solid 1.00 border -1" # #plot.set "style histogram clustered gap 0 title offset character 0, 0, 0" # plot.set "style data histograms" # plot.set "boxwidth 0.2 absolute" # For this next line, lw is linewidth (2-4)? #plot [XMIN:XMAX] 'myHistogramData' with boxes lw VALUE contains_strings=false x.each do |v| begin r=Integer(v) rescue contains_strings=true break end end if !contains_strings # plot.set "xrange [*:*]" # puts "INTEGER GRAPH" "fill pattern 22 border -1" plot.set "boxwidth 0.2" # Probably 3-5. << [x, y] ) do |ds| #ds.with= " boxes lw 1" # ds.using="" ds.with= " imp lw 4" end else #graph with strings in X axis # puts "STRING GRAPH" plot.xlabel "" plot.set "style fill solid 1.00 border -1" plot.set "style histogram clustered gap 1 title offset character 0, 0, 0" plot.set "style data histogram" plot.set "boxwidth 0.2 absolute" if x.count>4 then plot.set "xtics offset 0,graph 0 rotate 90" end # $VERBOSE=true # plot.set "style data linespoints" # plot.set "xtics border in scale 1,0.5 nomirror rotate by -45 offset character 0, 0, 0" # s = [] # # i=0 # x.each_with_index do |v,i| # #s.push "\"#{v}\"" # s.push "#{v} #{i}" # # # i+=1 # end # # # plot.set "xtics (#{s.join(',')})" # puts "XTICKS: (#{s.join(',')})" # puts "X:" # puts x.join(';') # puts "Y:" # puts y.join(';') # if more than 20 strings, then keep greater ones if x.count>20 # puts "original X:#{x.count}" $VERBOSE=true h = {} x.each_with_index do |x1,i| h[x1]=y[i] end # puts h.to_json x=[] y=[] 10.times do ma=h.max_by{|k,v| v} if ma puts "MAX:",ma.join(' * '),"of",h.values.sort.join(',') x.push ma[0] y.push ma[1] h.delete(ma[0]) end end # puts "MAX 20 #{x.length}:#{x.join(';')}" # set key below # plot.set "label 3 below" end << [x,y] ) do |ds| ds.using = "2:xticlabels(1)" #show the graph and use labels at x # ds.using="2" #ds.with= " boxes lw 1" # ds.using = "2 t 'Sequences' " #show the legend in the graph end end if !file_name.nil? plot.terminal "png size 800,600" plot.output "#{file_name}" end end end end end