package PPI::Statement::Scheduled; =pod =head1 NAME PPI::Statement::Scheduled - A scheduled code block =head1 INHERITANCE PPI::Statement::Scheduled isa PPI::Statement::Sub isa PPI::Statement isa PPI::Node isa PPI::Element =head1 DESCRIPTION A scheduled code block is one that is intended to be run at a specific time during the loading process. There are five types of scheduled block: BEGIN { # Executes as soon as this block is fully defined ... } CHECK { # Executes after overall compile-phase in reverse order ... } UNITCHECK { # Executes after compile-phase of individual module in reverse order ... } INIT { # Executes just before run-time ... } END { # Executes as late as possible in reverse order ... } Technically these scheduled blocks are actually subroutines, and in fact may have 'sub' in front of them. =head1 METHODS =cut use strict; use PPI::Statement::Sub (); our $VERSION = '1.278'; our @ISA = "PPI::Statement::Sub"; sub __LEXER__normal() { '' } sub _complete { my $child = $_[0]->schild(-1); return !! ( defined $child and $child->isa('PPI::Structure::Block') and $child->complete ); } =pod =head2 type The C method returns the type of scheduled block, which should always be one of C<'BEGIN'>, C<'CHECK'>, C<'UNITCHECK'>, C<'INIT'> or C<'END'>. =cut sub type { my $self = shift; my @children = $self->schildren or return undef; $children[0]->content eq 'sub' ? $children[1]->content : $children[0]->content; } # This is actually the same as Sub->name sub name { shift->type(@_); } 1; =pod =head1 TO DO - Write unit tests for this package =head1 SUPPORT See the L in the main module. =head1 AUTHOR Adam Kennedy Eadamk@cpan.orgE =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2001 - 2011 Adam Kennedy. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. =cut