# rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity class Simple::CLI::Runner end require_relative "runner/command_help" require_relative "runner/autocompletion" # A Runner object manages running a CLI application module with a set # of string arguments (usually taken from ARGV) class Simple::CLI::Runner include Autocompletion def self.run(app, *args) new(app).run(*args) end def initialize(app) @app = app end def extract_default_flags!(args) args.reject! do |arg| case arg when "--verbose", "-v" then logger.level = Logger::DEBUG when "--quiet", "-q" then logger.level = Logger::WARN end end end def run(*args) extract_default_flags!(args) @instance = Object.new.extend(@app) command_name = args.shift || help! command = string_to_command(command_name) if command == :help do_help!(*args) elsif command == :autocomplete autocomplete(*args) elsif command == :autocomplete_bash autocomplete_bash(*args) elsif commands.include?(command) @instance.run! command, *args_with_options(args) else help! end rescue StandardError => e on_exception(e) end def do_help!(subcommand = nil) if !subcommand help! else help_subcommand!(subcommand) end end def help_subcommand!(subcommand) edoc = CommandHelp.new(@app, string_to_command(subcommand)) puts <<~MSG #{help_for_command(subcommand)} #{edoc.full} MSG end def logger Simple::CLI.logger end def on_exception(e) raise(e) if Simple::CLI.logger.level == Logger::DEBUG case e when ArgumentError logger.error "#{e}\n\n" help! else msg = e.to_s msg += " (#{e.class.name})" unless $!.class.name == "RuntimeError" logger.error msg exit 2 end end def args_with_options(args) r = [] options = {} while (arg = args.shift) case arg when /^--(.*)=(.*)/ then options[$1.to_sym] = $2 when /^--no-(.*)/ then options[$1.to_sym] = false when /^--(.*)/ then options[$1.to_sym] = true else r << arg end end r << options unless options.empty? r end def command_to_string(sym) sym.to_s.tr("_", ":") end def string_to_command(s) s.to_s.tr(":", "_").to_sym end def commands @app.public_instance_methods(false).grep(/^[_a-zA-Z0-9]+$/) end def help_for_command(sym) if sym == "autocomplete" autocomplete_help return end cmd = string_to_command(sym) CommandHelp.new(@app, cmd).interface(binary_name, cmd) end def binary_name $0.gsub(/.*\//, "") end def help! # collect help information on individual comments; when not on DEBUG # level skipping the commands that don't jave a command help. command_helps = commands.inject({}) do |hsh, sym| edoc = CommandHelp.new(@app, sym) next hsh if !edoc.head && logger.level != ::Logger::DEBUG hsh.update sym => help_for_command(sym) end # build a lambda which prints a help line with nice formatting max_length = command_helps.values.map(&:length).max print_help_line = lambda do |cmd, description| if description STDERR.puts format(" %-#{max_length}s # %s", cmd, description) else STDERR.puts format(" %-#{max_length}s", cmd) end end # print help for commands STDERR.puts "Usage:\n\n" command_helps.keys.sort.each do |sym| command_help = command_helps[sym] edoc = CommandHelp.new(@app, sym) print_help_line.call command_help, edoc.head end # print help for default commands STDERR.puts <<~DOC Default options include: DOC print_help_line.call "#{binary_name} [ --verbose | -v ]", "run on DEBUG log level" print_help_line.call "#{binary_name} [ --quiet | -q ]", "run on WARN log level" STDERR.puts <<~DOC Other commands: DOC print_help_line.call "#{binary_name} help [ subcommand ]", "print help on a specific subcommand" print_help_line.call "#{binary_name} help -v", "show help for internal commands as well" print_help_line.call "#{binary_name} help autocomplete", "print information on autocompletion." STDERR.puts "\n" exit 1 end end