module SemanticLogger # Log # # Class to hold all log entry information # # level # Log level of the supplied log call # :trace, :debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal # # thread_name # Name of the thread in which the logging call was called # # name # Class name supplied to the logging instance # # message # Text message to be logged # # payload # Optional Hash or Ruby Exception object to be logged # # time # The time at which the log entry was created # # duration # The time taken to complete a measure call # # tags # Any tags active on the thread when the log call was made # # level_index # Internal index of the log level # # exception # Ruby Exception object to log # # metric [Object] # Object supplied when measure_x was called # # backtrace [Array] # The backtrace captured at source when the log level >= SemanticLogger.backtrace_level # # metric_amount [Numeric] # Used for numeric or counter metrics. # For example, the number of inquiries or, the amount purchased etc. # # context [Hash] # Named contexts that were captured when the log entry was created. class Log # Keys passed in without a payload that will be extracted and the remainder passed into the payload. NON_PAYLOAD_KEYS = %i[message exception backtrace exception duration min_duration log_exception on_exception_level metric metric_amount dimensions].freeze attr_accessor :level, :level_index, :name, :message, :time, :duration, :payload, :exception, :thread_name, :backtrace, :tags, :named_tags, :context, :metric, :metric_amount, :dimensions def initialize(name, level, index = nil) @level = level @thread_name = @name = name @time = @tags = SemanticLogger.tags @named_tags = SemanticLogger.named_tags @level_index = index.nil? ? Levels.index(level) : index end # Assign named arguments to this log entry, supplying defaults where applicable # # Returns [true|false] whether this log entry should be logged # # Example: # 'value') def assign(message: nil, payload: nil, min_duration: 0.0, exception: nil, metric: nil, metric_amount: nil, duration: nil, backtrace: nil, log_exception: :full, on_exception_level: nil, dimensions: nil) self.message = message self.payload = payload self.duration = duration self.metric = metric self.metric_amount = metric_amount self.dimensions = dimensions if exception case log_exception when :full self.exception = exception when :partial self.message = "#{message} -- Exception: #{exception.class}: #{exception.message}" when nil, :none # Log the message without the exception that was raised nil else raise(ArgumentError, "Invalid value:#{log_exception.inspect} for argument :log_exception") end # On exception change the log level if on_exception_level self.level = on_exception_level self.level_index = Levels.index(level) end end # Elastic logging: Log when :duration exceeds :min_duration # Except if there is an exception when it will always be logged return false if duration && ((duration < min_duration) && exception.nil?) if backtrace self.backtrace = Utils.extract_backtrace(backtrace) elsif level_index >= SemanticLogger.backtrace_level_index self.backtrace = Utils.extract_backtrace(caller) end true end # Assign known keys to self, all other keys to the payload. def assign_hash(hash) self.payload ||= {} hash.each_pair do |key, value| if respond_to?("#{key}=".to_sym) public_send("#{key}=".to_sym, value) else payload[key] = value end end self.payload = nil if payload.empty? self end # Extract the arguments from a Hash Payload def extract_arguments(payload) raise(ArgumentError, "payload must be a Hash") unless payload.is_a?(Hash) return payload if payload.key?(:payload) args = {} payload.each_key { |key| args[key] = payload.delete(key) if NON_PAYLOAD_KEYS.include?(key) } args[:payload] = payload unless payload.empty? args end MAX_EXCEPTIONS_TO_UNWRAP = 5 # Call the block for exception and any nested exception def each_exception # With thanks to depth = 0 exceptions = [] ex = exception while !ex.nil? && !exceptions.include?(ex) && exceptions.length < MAX_EXCEPTIONS_TO_UNWRAP exceptions << ex yield(ex, depth) depth += 1 ex = if ex.respond_to?(:cause) && ex.cause ex.cause elsif ex.respond_to?(:continued_exception) && ex.continued_exception ex.continued_exception elsif ex.respond_to?(:original_exception) && ex.original_exception ex.original_exception end end end # Returns [String] the exception backtrace including all of the child / caused by exceptions def backtrace_to_s trace = "" each_exception do |exception, i| if trace = (exception.backtrace || []).join("\n") else trace << "\nCause: #{}: #{exception.message}\n#{(exception.backtrace || []).join("\n")}" end end trace end # Returns [String] duration of the log entry as a string # Returns nil if their is no duration # Java time precision does not include microseconds if Formatters::Base::PRECISION == 3 def duration_to_s "#{duration.to_i}ms" if duration end else def duration_to_s return unless duration duration < 10.0 ? "#{format('%.3f', duration)}ms" : "#{format('%.1f', duration)}ms" end end # Returns [String] the duration in human readable form def duration_human return nil unless duration seconds = duration / 1000 if seconds >= 86_400.0 # 1 day "#{(seconds / 86_400).to_i}d #{'%-Hh %-Mm')}" elsif seconds >= 3600.0 # 1 hour"%-Hh %-Mm") elsif seconds >= 60.0 # 1 minute"%-Mm %-Ss") elsif seconds >= 1.0 # 1 second "#{format('%.3f', seconds)}s" else duration_to_s end end # Returns [String] single character upper case log level def level_to_s level.to_s[0..0].upcase end # DEPRECATED def process_info(thread_name_length = 30) file, line = file_name_and_line(true) file_name = " #{file}:#{line}" if file "#{$$}:#{format("%.#{thread_name_length}s", thread_name)}#{file_name}" end CALLER_REGEXP = /^(.*):(\d+).*/.freeze # Extract the filename and line number from the last entry in the supplied backtrace def extract_file_and_line(stack, short_name = false) match = CALLER_REGEXP.match(stack.first) [short_name ? File.basename(match[1]) : match[1], match[2].to_i] end # Returns [String, String] the file_name and line_number from the backtrace supplied # in either the backtrace or exception def file_name_and_line(short_name = false) stack = backtrace || exception&.backtrace extract_file_and_line(stack, short_name) if stack&.size&.positive? end # Strip the standard Rails colorizing from the logged message def cleansed_message message.to_s.gsub(/(\e(\[([\d;]*[mz]?))?)?/, "").strip end # Return the payload in text form # Returns nil if payload is missing or empty def payload_to_s payload.inspect if payload? end # Returns [true|false] whether the log entry has a payload def payload? !(payload.nil? || (payload.respond_to?(:empty?) && payload.empty?)) end def to_h(host =, application = SemanticLogger.application, environment = SemanticLogger.environment) logger =, :application, :environment).new(host, application, environment), logger) end # Lazy initializes the context hash and assigns a key value pair. def set_context(key, value) (self.context ||= {})[key] = value end # A metric only event has a metric but no message or exception. def metric_only? metric && message.nil? && exception.nil? end end end