#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # tdiarysearch # # Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Minero Aoki # # This program is free software. # You can distribute/modify this program under the terms of # the GNU GPL, General Public License version 2. # # $originalId: search.rb,v 1.14 2005/07/27 07:16:07 aamine Exp $ # # Project home page: http://i.loveruby.net/w/tdiarysearch.html # # # Static Configurations # LOGGING = false LOGFILE_NAME = 'search.log' DEBUG = $DEBUG # # HTML Templates # def unindent(str) str.gsub(/^#{str[/\A(?:\t+| +)/]}/, '') end HEADER = unindent <<'EOS' tDiary Search
EOS FOOTER = unindent <<'EOS'
EOS SEARCH_FORM = unindent <<"EOS"
<% if theme %><% end %>
EOS SEARCH_PAGE = unindent <<"EOS"

tDiary Search


tDiary Search: Search Result

#{SEARCH_FORM} <% nhits = 0 toomanyhits = false match_components(patterns) {|diary, fragment, component| nhits += 1 if nhits > TOO_MANY_HITS toomanyhits = true break end %>

<%= diary.y_m_d %>

<%= short_html(component) %>

<% } %>

<%= toomanyhits ? 'too many hits.' : nhits.to_s+' hits.' %>

#{SEARCH_FORM} EOS SEARCH_ERROR = unindent <<"EOS" #{SEARCH_FORM} <%= escape(reason) %>. EOS HISTORY = unindent <<"EOS"

tDiary Search: Search History

#{SEARCH_FORM} #{SEARCH_FORM} EOS # # Main # if File.symlink?(__FILE__) tdiarylib = File.dirname(File.readlink(__FILE__)) else tdiarylib = File.dirname(__FILE__) end $:.unshift tdiarylib require 'tdiary' require 'tdiary/io/default' require 'erb' TDIARY_ENCODING = (TDIARY_VERSION >= '2.3.0') ? 'utf-8' : 'euc-jp' class WrongQuery < StandardError; end Z_SPACE = "\241\241" # zen-kaku space BEGIN { $stdout.binmode } def main $KCODE = TDIARY_ENCODING cgi = CGI.new @config = TDiary::Config.new(cgi) @config.options['apply_plugin'] = true html = '


' begin html = generate_page(cgi) ensure send_html cgi, html end exit 0 end def generate_page(cgi) query = nil begin theme = @config.theme if LOGGING and File.file?(query_log()) and cgi.valid?('history') return history_page(theme) end begin return search_form_page(theme) unless cgi.valid?('q') initialize_tdiary_plugins cgi query = @config.to_native([cgi.params['q']].flatten.compact.join(' ')) patterns = setup_patterns(query) html = search_result_page(theme, patterns) save_query(query, query_log()) if LOGGING return html rescue WrongQuery => err return search_error_page(theme, (patterns || []), err.message) end rescue Exception => err html = '' html << HEADER html << "
    html << 'q=' << escape(query) << "\n" if query
    html << escape(err.class.name) << "\n" if DEBUG
    html << escape(err.message) << "\n"
    html << err.backtrace.map {|i| escape(i) }.join("\n") if DEBUG
    html << "
\n" html << FOOTER return html end end def send_html(cgi, html) print cgi.header('status' => '200 OK', 'type' => 'text/html', 'charset' => TDIARY_ENCODING, 'Content-Length' => html.length.to_s, 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache', 'Pragma' => 'no-cache') print html unless cgi.request_method == 'HEAD' end def setup_patterns(query) patterns = split_string(query).map {|pat| check_pattern pat Regexp.new( Regexp.quote(pat), Regexp::IGNORECASE, TDIARY_ENCODING ) } raise WrongQuery, 'no pattern' if patterns.empty? raise WrongQuery, 'too many sub patterns' if patterns.length > 8 patterns end def check_pattern(pat) raise WrongQuery, 'no pattern' unless pat raise WrongQuery, 'empty pattern' if pat.empty? raise WrongQuery, "pattern too short: #{pat}" if pat.length < 2 raise WrongQuery, 'pattern too long' if pat.length > 128 end def split_string(str) str.split(/[\s#{Z_SPACE}]+/ou).reject {|w| w.empty? } end def save_query(query, file) File.open(file, 'a') {|f| begin f.flock(File::LOCK_EX) f.puts "#{Time.now.to_i}: #{query.dump}" ensure f.flock(File::LOCK_UN) end } end # # eRuby Dispatchers and Helper Routines # def search_form_page(theme) patterns = [] ERB.new(HEADER + SEARCH_FORM + FOOTER).result(binding()) end def search_result_page(theme, patterns) ERB.new(HEADER + SEARCH_RESULT + FOOTER).result(binding()) end def search_error_page(theme, patterns, reason) ERB.new(HEADER + SEARCH_ERROR + FOOTER).result(binding()) end def history_page(theme) patterns = [] ERB.new(HEADER + HISTORY + FOOTER).result(binding()) end def query_log "#{@config.data_path}#{LOGFILE_NAME}" end N_SHOW_QUERY_MAX = 20 def recent_queries return unless File.file?(query_log()) File.readlines(query_log()).reverse[0, N_SHOW_QUERY_MAX].map {|line| time, q = *line.split(/:/, 2) [Time.at(time.to_i), eval(q)] } end INF = 1 / 0.0 def match_components(patterns) foreach_diary_from_latest do |diary| next unless diary.visible? num = 1 diary.each_section do |sec| if patterns.all? {|re| re =~ sec.to_src } yield diary, fragment('p', num), sec end num += 1 end diary.each_visible_comment(INF) do |cmt, num| if patterns.all? {|re| re =~ cmt.body } yield diary, fragment('c', num), cmt end end end end def fragment(type, num) sprintf('%s%02d', type, num) end # # tDiary Implementation Dependent # def foreach_diary_from_latest(&block) foreach_data_file(@config.data_path.sub(%r, '')) do |path| read_diaries(path).sort_by {|diary| diary.date }.reverse_each(&block) end end def foreach_data_file(data_path, &block) Dir.glob("#{data_path}/[0-9]*/*.td2").sort.reverse_each do |path| yield path.untaint end end def read_diaries(path) d = nil diaries = {} load_tdiary_textdb(path) do |header, body| d = diary_class(header['Format']).new(header['Date'], '', body) d.show(header['Visible'] != 'false') diaries[d.ymd] = d end (Years[d.y] ||= []).push(d.m) if d load_comments diaries, path diaries.values end DIARY_CLASS_CACHE = {} def diary_class(style) c = DIARY_CLASS_CACHE[style] return c if c require "tdiary/style/#{style.downcase}_style.rb" c = eval("TDiary::#{style.capitalize}Diary") c.__send__(:include, DiaryClassDelta) DIARY_CLASS_CACHE[style] = c c end module DiaryClassDelta def ymd date().strftime('%Y%m%d') end def y_m_d date().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') end def y '%04d' % date().year end def m '%02d' % date().month end end def load_comments(diaries, path) cmtfile = path.sub(/2\z/, 'c') return unless File.file?(cmtfile) load_tdiary_textdb(cmtfile) do |header, body| c = TDiary::Comment.new(header['Name'], header['Mail'], body, Time.at(header['Last-Modified'].to_i)) c.show = (header['Visible'] != 'false') d = diaries[header['Date']] d.add_comment c if d end end def load_tdiary_textdb(path) File.open(path) {|f| ver = f.gets.strip raise "unkwnown format: #{ver}" unless ver == 'TDIARY2.00.00' or ver == 'TDIARY2.01.00' f.each('') do |header| h = {} header.untaint.strip.each do |line| n, v = *line.split(':', 2) h[n.strip] = v.strip end yield h, f.gets("\n.\n").chomp(".\n").untaint end } end def short_html(component) # Section classes do not have common superclass, we can't use class here. case component.class.name when /Section/ section = component if section.subtitle sprintf('%s
%s', tdiary2text(section.subtitle_to_html), tdiary2text(section.body_to_html)) else tdiary2text(section.body_to_html) end when /Comment/ cmt = component shorten(escape((cmt.name + ': ' + cmt.body))) else raise "must not happen: #{component.class}" end end def tdiary2text(html) re = Regexp.new('<[^>]*>', Regexp::EXTENDED, TDIARY_ENCODING) shorten(apply_tdiary_plugins(html).gsub(re, '')) end Years = {} TDiary::Plugin.__send__(:public, :apply_plugin) def apply_tdiary_plugins(html) @plugin.apply_plugin(html, false) end @plugin = nil def initialize_tdiary_plugins(cgi) @plugin = TDiary::Plugin.new('conf' => @config, 'secure' => false, 'diaries' => {}, 'cgi' => cgi, 'index' => @config.index, 'years' => Years, 'cache_path' => @config.cache_path || @config.data_path) end # # Utils # HTML_ESCAPE_TABLE = { '&' => '&', '<' => '<', '>' => '>', '"' => '"' } def escape(str) tbl = HTML_ESCAPE_TABLE str.gsub(/[&"<>]/) {|ch| tbl[ch] } end def escape_url(u) escape(urlencode(u)) end def urlencode(str) str.gsub(/[^\w-]/n) {|ch| sprintf('%%%02x', ch[0]) } end def shorten(str) re = Regexp.new('\A.{0,120}', Regexp::MULTILINE, TDIARY_ENCODING) str.slice(re) end def url(diary, fragment) if ( html_anchor_enabled? ) "#{@config.index}#{diary.ymd}.html\##{fragment}" else "#{@config.index}?date=#{diary.ymd}\##{fragment}" end end def html_anchor_enabled? if ( @html_anchor.nil? ) @html_anchor = @config.options2['sp.selected'].include?( 'html_anchor.rb' ) end return @html_anchor end # # Old Ruby Compatibility # if RUBY_VERSION < '1.8.0' class String remove_method :slice def slice(re, n = 0) m = re.match(self) or return nil m[n] end end end unless Array.method_defined?(:all?) module Enumerable def all? each do |i| return false unless yield(i) end true end end end unless Array.method_defined?(:sort_by) module Enumerable def sort_by map {|i| [yield(i), i] }.sort.map {|val, i| i } end end end unless MatchData.method_defined?(:captures) class MatchData def captures to_a()[1..-1] end end end main