# frozen_string_literal: true require "active_support/core_ext/enumerable" module ActionView module CollectionCaching # :nodoc: extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # Fallback cache store if Action View is used without Rails. # Otherwise overridden in Railtie to use Rails.cache. mattr_accessor :collection_cache, default: ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore.new end private def will_cache?(options, view) options[:cached] && view.controller.respond_to?(:perform_caching) && view.controller.perform_caching end def cache_collection_render(instrumentation_payload, view, template, collection) return yield(collection) unless will_cache?(@options, view) collection_iterator = collection # Result is a hash with the key represents the # key used for cache lookup and the value is the item # on which the partial is being rendered keyed_collection, ordered_keys = collection_by_cache_keys(view, template, collection) # Pull all partials from cache # Result is a hash, key matches the entry in # `keyed_collection` where the cache was retrieved and the # value is the value that was present in the cache cached_partials = collection_cache.read_multi(*keyed_collection.keys) instrumentation_payload[:cache_hits] = cached_partials.size # Extract the items for the keys that are not found collection = keyed_collection.reject { |key, _| cached_partials.key?(key) }.values rendered_partials = collection.empty? ? [] : yield(collection_iterator.from_collection(collection)) index = 0 keyed_partials = fetch_or_cache_partial(cached_partials, template, order_by: keyed_collection.each_key) do # This block is called once # for every cache miss while preserving order. rendered_partials[index].tap { index += 1 } end ordered_keys.map do |key| keyed_partials[key] end end def callable_cache_key? @options[:cached].respond_to?(:call) end def collection_by_cache_keys(view, template, collection) seed = callable_cache_key? ? @options[:cached] : ->(i) { i } digest_path = view.digest_path_from_template(template) collection.each_with_object([{}, []]) do |item, (hash, ordered_keys)| key = expanded_cache_key(seed.call(item), view, template, digest_path) ordered_keys << key hash[key] = item end end def expanded_cache_key(key, view, template, digest_path) key = view.combined_fragment_cache_key(view.cache_fragment_name(key, digest_path: digest_path)) key.frozen? ? key.dup : key # #read_multi & #write may require mutability, Dalli 2.6.0. end # `order_by` is an enumerable object containing keys of the cache, # all keys are passed in whether found already or not. # # `cached_partials` is a hash. If the value exists # it represents the rendered partial from the cache # otherwise `Hash#fetch` will take the value of its block. # # This method expects a block that will return the rendered # partial. An example is to render all results # for each element that was not found in the cache and store it as an array. # Order it so that the first empty cache element in `cached_partials` # corresponds to the first element in `rendered_partials`. # # If the partial is not already cached it will also be # written back to the underlying cache store. def fetch_or_cache_partial(cached_partials, template, order_by:) entries_to_write = {} keyed_partials = order_by.index_with do |cache_key| if content = cached_partials[cache_key] build_rendered_template(content, template) else rendered_partial = yield body = rendered_partial.body # We want to cache buffers as raw strings. This both improve performance and # avoid creating forward compatibility issues with the internal representation # of these two types. if body.is_a?(ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer) body = body.to_str end entries_to_write[cache_key] = body rendered_partial end end unless entries_to_write.empty? collection_cache.write_multi(entries_to_write) end keyed_partials end end end