class ClassModel < ActiveRecord::Base has_permalink :title end class SubClassHasPermalinkModel < ClassModel has_permalink [:title, :extra] end class SubClassNoPermalinkModel < ClassModel end class MockModel < ClassModel def self.exists?(conditions) if conditions[1] == 'foo' || conditions[1] == 'bar' || (conditions[1] == 'bar-2' && conditions[2] != 2) true else false end end has_permalink :title end class PermalinkChangeableMockModel < ClassModel def self.exists?(conditions) if conditions[1] == 'foo' true else false end end has_permalink :title def permalink_changed? @permalink_changed end def permalink_will_change! @permalink_changed = true end end class CommonMockModel < ClassModel def self.exists?(conditions) false # oh noes end has_permalink :title, :unique => false end class ScopedModel < ClassModel def self.exists?(conditions) if conditions[1] == 'foo' && conditions[2] != 5 true else false end end has_permalink :title, :scope => :foo end class ScopedModelForNilScope < ClassModel def self.exists?(conditions) (conditions[0] == 'permalink = ? and foo IS NULL') ? (conditions[1] == 'ack') : false end has_permalink :title, :scope => :foo end class OverrideModel < ClassModel has_permalink :title def permalink 'not the permalink' end end class ChangedWithoutUpdateModel < ClassModel has_permalink :title def title_changed?; true; end end class ChangedWithUpdateModel < ClassModel has_permalink :title, :update => true def title_changed?; true; end end class NoChangeModel < ClassModel has_permalink :title, :update => true def title_changed?; false; end end class IfProcConditionModel < ClassModel has_permalink :title, :if => { |obj| false } end class IfMethodConditionModel < ClassModel has_permalink :title, :if => :false_method def false_method; false; end end class IfStringConditionModel < ClassModel has_permalink :title, :if => 'false' end class UnlessProcConditionModel < ClassModel has_permalink :title, :unless => { |obj| false } end class UnlessMethodConditionModel < ClassModel has_permalink :title, :unless => :false_method def false_method; false; end end class UnlessStringConditionModel < ClassModel has_permalink :title, :unless => 'false' end class MockModelExtra < ClassModel has_permalink [:title, :extra] end class MinLength < ClassModel has_permalink :title, :min_length => 5 end