AllCops: Include: - '../**/*.rake' - 'Gemfile' - 'Guardfile' - 'Rakefile' Exclude: - !ruby/regexp /spec\/setup/ # Avoid parameter lists longer than five parameters. ParameterLists: Max: 4 CountKeywordArgs: true # Avoid more than `Max` levels of nesting. BlockNesting: Max: 3 # Align with the style guide. CollectionMethods: PreferredMethods: collect: 'map' inject: 'reduce' find: 'detect' find_all: 'select' HashSyntax: Enabled: true StringLiterals: Enabled: true Void: Enabled: true MethodLength: Enabled: false LineLength: Enabled: false DotPosition: EnforcedStyle: 'leading' SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces: Enabled: true AlignParameters: Enabled: true # I don't agree with this Blocks: Enabled: false NumericLiterals: Enabled: true SpaceInsideBrackets: Enabled: true WordArray: Enabled: true Lambda: Enabled: true RegexpLiteral: Enabled: true # Don't agree ConstantName: Enabled: false TrivialAccessors: Enabled: true ExactNameMatch: true Alias: Enabled: true Loop: Enabled: false # Do not agree at all AndOr: Enabled: false # This is done by YARD Stick Documentation: Enabled: false # Braces can be really, really useful for clarity BracesAroundHashParameters: Enabled: false # I prefer raise over fail SignalException: EnforcedStyle: only_raise ClassLength: CountComments: false Max: 140 # The suggested style does not match the common ruby way of aligning the content of a hash IndentHash: Enabled: false # This cop seems to not work correctly. Also we don't agree with it. FileName: Enabled: false # Double negations are extremely useful DoubleNegation: Enabled: false Output: Enabled: false