# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ~/_data/modules/j1_navigator_menu.yml (run-time) # Configuration of the J1 NAV Module for the main navigation bar # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams # # J1 Theme is licensed under the MIT License. # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1-template/blob/main/LICENSE.md # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # NOTE: # For general navigation settings, see navigator.yml # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # NOTE: # NO default settings # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Menu LEARN # - item: Learn sublevel: - title: Where to go href: /pages/public/learn/where_to_go/ icon: paw # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Roundtrip # - title: Roundtrip icon: briefcase-search-outline dropdown: - title: Image href: /pages/public/learn/roundtrip/present_images/ icon: image - title: Video href: /pages/public/learn/roundtrip/present_videos/ icon: video - title: Typography href: /pages/public/learn/roundtrip/typography/ icon: format-text - title: Icons href: /pages/public/learn/roundtrip/mdi_icon_font/ icon: fan - title: Extensions href: /pages/public/learn/roundtrip/asciidoc_extensions/ icon: format-annotation-plus - title: Modals href: /pages/public/learn/roundtrip/modals/ icon: image - title: Tables href: /pages/public/learn/roundtrip/responsive_tables/ icon: table - title: Themes href: /pages/public/learn/roundtrip/themes/ icon: theme-light-dark - title: Search href: /pages/public/learn/roundtrip/quicksearch/ icon: magnify # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Collections # - title: Collections icon: application dropdown: - title: Jekyll Collections href: /pages/public/collections/jekyll_collections/ icon: head-question - title: Bookshelf Collection icon: eye dropdown: - title: Bookshelf href: /pages/public/bookshelf/bookshelf/ icon: book-marker - title: Biography href: /pages/public/bookshelf/biography/ icon: book-marker - title: Fantasy href: /pages/public/bookshelf/fantasy/ icon: book-marker - title: Romance href: /pages/public/bookshelf/romance/ icon: book-marker # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # TopLevel item FEATURES # - item: Features href: /#home_intro_panel # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # TopLevel item BLOG # # - item: Blog # href: /#home_news_panel # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Menu BLOG # - item: Blog sublevel: - title: Navigator href: /pages/public/blog/navigator/ icon: near-me - title: Categories href: /pages/public/blog/navigator/archive/categoryview/ icon: pin - title: Date href: /pages/public/blog/navigator/archive/dateview/ icon: calendar - title: Archive href: /pages/public/blog/navigator/archive/allview/ icon: archive # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Menu MANUALS # - item: Manuals sublevel: # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Modules # - title: Modules icon: alpha-j-box dropdown: - title: Master Header href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/modules/attic/ icon: window-shutter target: _blank - title: Carousel href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/modules/carousel/ icon: view-carousel target: _blank - title: Cookie Consent href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/modules/cookie_consent/ # href: '#' icon: cookie target: _blank - title: Galleries href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/modules/gallery/ icon: view-dashboard-variant target: _blank - title: Lightbox href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/modules/lightbox/ icon: flashlight target: _blank - title: Logger href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/modules/logger/ icon: math-log target: _blank - title: Master Slider href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/modules/masterslider/ icon: gesture-swipe target: _blank - title: Mobile Menu href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/mmenu/ icon: menu target: _blank - title: MSDropdown href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/msdropdown/ icon: form-dropdown - title: Navigator href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/modules/navigator/ # href: '#' icon: near-me target: _blank - title: Range Slider href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/modules/rangeslider/ icon: distribute-vertical-center target: _blank - title: Code Hightlighter Rouge href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/rouge/user_guide/ icon: format-color-fill target: _blank - title: Themer href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/modules/themer/ # href: '#' icon: theme-light-dark target: _blank - title: Toccer href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/modules/toccer/ # href: '#' icon: wrap target: _blank # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # J1 Components # - title: Components icon: alpha-j-box dropdown: - title: Resources # href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/j1/resources/ href: '#' icon: garage target: _blank - title: Layouts # href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/j1/layouts/ # href: '#' href: https://jekyllrb.com/docs/layouts/ icon: page-layout-body target: _blank - title: Blocks icon: page-layout-header-footer dropdown: - title: Banner And Panel href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/j1/blocks/banner_panel/ icon: order-bool-descending target: _blank - title: Footer href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/j1/blocks/footer/ icon: order-bool-ascending target: _blank - title: Content icon: file dropdown: - title: Pages href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/j1/content/pages/ icon: file-document target: _blank - title: Posts href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/j1/content/posts/ icon: file-delimited target: _blank # - title: Collections # href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/j1/content/collections/ # icon: file-percent # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # J1 Integrations # - title: Integrations icon: alpha-j-box dropdown: - title: Google icon: google dropdown: - title: Google Translate href: '#' icon: google-translate - title: Google Analytics href: '#' icon: google-analytics - title: Google Ads href: '#' icon: google-ads - title: Comment Providers icon: comment dropdown: - title: Disqus href: '#' icon: disqus - title: Hyvor Talk href: '#' icon: comment-outline # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # J1 Plugins # - title: Plugins icon: alpha-j-box dropdown: - title: Internal Plugins icon: power-plug-outline dropdown: - title: J1 SiteMap href: '#' # https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/j1/plugins/j1_sitemap/ icon: map-marker-radius - title: J1 SEO Tags href: '#' # https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/j1/plugins/j1_seo_tags/ icon: tag-text - title: J1 Feeds href: '#' # https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/j1/plugins/j1_feeds/ icon: slide - title: J1 Quicksearch href: '#' # https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/j1/plugins/quicksearch/ icon: magnify - title: External Plugins icon: power-plug dropdown: - title: Asciidoctor href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/j1/plugins/asciidoctor/ icon: hospital target: _blank - title: J1 Paginator # href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/j1/plugins/j1_paginator/ href: '#' icon: page-last # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Menu TOOLS # - item: Tools sublevel: # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tools # - title: ToolBox icon: toolbox dropdown: - title: Pandoc href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/pandoc/ icon: cog-transfer target: _blank - title: Platform Info href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/platform/ icon: folder-information target: _blank # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # AsciiDoc # - title: Asciidoc icon: format-color-text dropdown: - title: Language Documentation href: https://docs.asciidoctor.org/asciidoc/latest/ icon: book target: _blank - title: Asciidoctor Documentation href: https://docs.asciidoctor.org/asciidoctor/latest/ icon: hospital target: _blank - title: Asciidoctor CLI href: https://docs.asciidoctor.org/asciidoctor/latest/cli/ icon: hospital target: _blank # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Jekyll # - title: Jekyll icon: flask dropdown: - title: Liquid href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/liquid/user_guide/ icon: mustache target: _blank - title: Commandline href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/jekyll/user_guide/commandline/ icon: console-line target: _blank - title: Configuration href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/jekyll/user_guide/configuration/ icon: code-braces target: _blank - title: Time and Date formats href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/manuals/jekyll/user_guide/date_formats/ icon: calendar-blank target: _blank # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Previewers # - title: Previewers icon: eye dropdown: - title: Current Theme href: /pages/public/previewer/current_theme/ icon: theme-light-dark - title: Placeholder Images href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/previewer/placeholder_images/ icon: image target: _blank - title: Slick Slider href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/previewer/slick/ icon: view-carousel target: _blank - title: Masonry href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/previewer/masonry/ icon: view-dashboard-variant target: _blank - title: MD Color Palette href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/previewer/color_palette/ icon: format-color- target: _blank - title: Master Slider href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/previewer/masterslider/ icon: gesture-swipe target: _blank - title: Country Flags href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/previewer/country_flags/ icon: flag target: _blank - title: MDI Icons (regular) href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/previewer/mdi_font/ icon: sprout target: _blank - title: MDI Icons (light) href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/previewer/mdil_font/ icon: sprout-outline target: _blank icon: emoticon-cool-outline - title: Rouge Styles href: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/previewer/rouge/ icon: code-parentheses target: _blank # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Menu ONLINE # - item: Online megamenu: - title: Sites icon: web column: - title: Jekyll Home href: https://jekyllrb.com/ target: _blank icon: flask - title: Jekyll Talk href: https://talk.jekyllrb.com/ target: _blank icon: flask - title: Asciidoctor href: https://asciidoctor.org/ target: _blank icon: hospital - title: Ruby href: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/ target: _blank icon: language-ruby - title: RubyGems href: https://rubygems.org/gems/j1-template/ target: _blank icon: language-ruby - title: NpmJS href: https://www.npmjs.com/ target: _blank icon: language-javascript - title: Bootstrap Home href: http://getbootstrap.com/ target: _blank icon: bootstrap - title: Bootstrap CDN href: https://www.bootstrapcdn.com/ target: _blank icon: bootstrap - title: FA Icons href: http://fontawesome.io/icons/ target: _blank icon: font-awesome - title: MD Icons href: https://materialdesignicons.com/ target: _blank icon: google - title: Fonts href: https://fonts.google.com/ target: _blank icon: google - title: cdnJS href: https://cdnjs.com/ target: _blank icon: arrow-down-bold-hexagon-outline - title: Knowledge icon: lightbulb-on column: - title: Learn Jekyll at CloudCannon href: http://jekyll.tips/ target: _blank icon: flask - title: Jekyll Cheat Sheet href: https://learn.cloudcannon.com/jekyll-cheat-sheet/ target: _blank icon: flask - title: Jekyll Stackoverflow href: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/jekyll target: _blank icon: flask - title: BS 4 Stackoverflow href: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/bootstrap-4 target: _blank icon: bootstrap - title: W3 Schools href: http://www.w3schools.com/ target: _blank icon: xml - title: SelfHTML href: https://wiki.selfhtml.org/ target: _blank icon: language-html5 - title: LearnCSS href: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS target: _blank icon: language-css3 - title: Asciidoc Language href: https://docs.asciidoctor.org/asciidoc/latest/ target: _blank icon: format-color-text - title: Asciidoc FAQ href: http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/faq.html target: _blank icon: format-color-text - title: Asciidoctor Docs href: https://docs.asciidoctor.org/asciidoctor/latest/ target: _blank icon: hospital - title: Asciidoctor QuickReference href: https://docs.asciidoctor.org/asciidoc/latest/syntax-quick-reference/ target: _blank icon: hospital - title: Asciidoctor Writers Gude href: https://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoc-writers-guide/ target: _blank icon: hospital - title: Tools icon: wrench column: - title: FreeFormatter href: http://www.freeformatter.com/ target: _blank icon: cached - title: BeautifyTools href: https://beautifytools.com/ target: _blank icon: cached - title: AppDevTools href: https://www.appdevtools.com/ target: _blank icon: cached - title: Nu Html Checker href: https://validator.w3.org/nu/ target: _blank icon: language-html5 - title: Closing Tag Checker href: https://www.aliciaramirez.com/closing-tags-checker/ target: _blank icon: language-html5 - title: Convert CSS to Sass href: http://sebastianpontow.de/css2compass/ target: _blank icon: language-css3 - title: CSS Matic Tools href: https://www.cssmatic.com target: _blank icon: language-css3 - title: JSON Editor href: https://jsoneditoronline.org/ target: _blank icon: code-json - title: YAML Parser href: http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/ target: _blank icon: code-braces - title: Character Codes href: http://character-code.com/ target: _blank icon: alpha-a-box-outline - title: RegEx 101 href: https://regex101.com/ target: _blank icon: regex - title: RegEx Library href: http://www.regexlib.com/ target: _blank icon: regex # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Menu Themes # - item: Theme theme_select: - preview: enabled title: Preview href: /pages/public/previewer/current_theme/ icon: eye - local_themes: enabled title: Jekyll One icon: alpha-j-box - bootswatch_themes: enabled title: Bootswatch icon: bootstrap # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Menu ABOUT # - item: About sublevel: - title: Starter icon: home-variant-outline href: /pages/public/about/starter/ - title: Issues icon: bug href: /pages/public/about/reporting_issues/ - title: Features icon: wrench href: /pages/public/about/features/ - title: Privacy icon: heart href: /pages/public/legal/en/privacy/ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # END config