module Krikri::Enrichments ## # Converts text fields and/or providedLabels to ISO 639-3 URIs (Lexvo) # # Transforms text values matching either (English) labels or language codes # from Lexvo into DPLA::MAP::Controlled::Language resources with # skos:exactMatch of the appropriate Lexvo URIs. Original string values are # retained as dpla:providedLabel. # # Currently suppports langague codes in ISO 639-3, but may be extended to # matchother two and three letter codes in Lexvo with ISO 639-3 URIs. # # @example matching string values # iso = # iso.enrich_value('fin') # matches '' # iso.enrich_value('finnish') # matches '' # iso.enrich_value('eng') # matches '' # iso.enrich_value('english') # matches '' # iso.enrich_value('English') # matches '' # # If no matches are found, returns a bnode with the input value as # providedLabel. # # If passed an ActiveTriples::Resource, the enrichment will: # # - Perform the above text matching on any present `providedLabel`s, # returning the original node if no results are found. If multiple # values are provided and multiple matches found, they will be # deduplicated. # - Leave DPLA::MAP::Controlled::Language objects that are not bnodes # unaltered. # - Remove any values which are not either bnodes or members of # DPLA::MAP::Controlled::Language. # # @example matching node values # iso = # lang = # lang.providedLabel = 'eng' # iso.enrich_value(lang) # matches [''] # lang.providedLabel = 'fin', 'eng' # iso.enrich_value(lang) # matches ['', # # ''] # # Label matches are cached within the enrichment instance, # # @see DPLA::MAP::Controlled::Language # @see class LanguageToLexvo include Audumbla::FieldEnrichment TERMS = DPLA::MAP::Controlled::Language.list_terms.freeze QNAMES = { |t| t.qname[1] }.freeze ## # Runs the enrichment against a node. Can match literal values, and Language # values with a provided label. # # @example with a matching value # lang = enrich_value('finnish') # #=> #<DPLA::MAP::Controlled::Language:0x3f(default)> # lang.providedLabel # #=> ['finnish'] # # #=> [#<RDF::Vocabulary::Term:0x9b URI:>] # # @example with no match # lang = enrich_value('moomin') # #=> #<DPLA::MAP::Controlled::Language:0x3f(default)> # lang.providedLabel # #=> ['moomin'] # lang.exactMatch # #=> [] # # @param value [ActiveTriples::Resource, #to_s] # @return [DPLA::MAP::Controlled::Language, nil] a resource representing the # language match. def enrich_value(value) return enrich_node(value) if value.is_a?(ActiveTriples::Resource) && value.node? return value if value.is_a?(DPLA::MAP::Controlled::Language) return nil if value.is_a?(ActiveTriples::Resource) enrich_literal(value) end ## # Runs the enrichment over a specific node, accepting an # `ActiveTriples::Resource` with a provided label and returning a new node # with a lexvo match. # # @param value [ActiveTriples::Resource] a resource with a # `dpla:providedLabel` # @return [Array<ActiveTriples::Resource>, ActiveTriples::Resource] def enrich_node(value) labels = value.get_values(RDF::DPLA.providedLabel) return value if labels.empty? { |label| enrich_literal(label) } end ## # Runs the enrichment over a string. # # @param label [#to_s] the string to match # @return [ActiveTriples::Resource] a blank node with a `dpla:providedLabel` # of `label` and a `skos:exactMatch` of the matching lexvo language, # if any def enrich_literal(label) node = node.providedLabel = label match = match_iso(label.to_s) match = match_label(label.to_s) if match.node? node.exactMatch = match unless match.node? node end ## # Converts string or symbol for a three letter language code to an # `ActiveTriples::Resource`. # # @param code [#to_sym] a three letter iso code # @return [DPLA::MAP::Controlled::Language] def match_iso(code) match = QNAMES.find { |c| c == code.to_sym } from_sym(match) end ## # Converts string or symbol for a language label to an # `ActiveTriples::Resource`. # # Matched values are cached in an instance variable `@lang_cache` to avoid # multiple traversals through the vocabulary term labels. # # @param code [#to_sym] a string to match against a language label # @return [DPLA::MAP::Controlled::Language] def match_label(label) @lang_cache ||= {} return @lang_cache[label] if @lang_cache.keys.include? label match = TERMS.find do |t| Array(t.label).map(&:downcase).include? label.downcase end # Caches and returns the the label match @lang_cache[label] = from_sym(match) end private ## # @param code [#to_s] A language code to convert to a URI # @return [DPLA::MAP::Controlled::Language] a language Resource with the # matching code as the URL's local name. this will be a Node if code is # `nil` def from_sym(code) end end end