require 'helper' describe Toy::List do uses_constants('User', 'Game', 'Move', 'Chat', 'Contact') before do @list = User.list(:games) end let(:list) { @list } it "has model" do list.model.should == User end it "has name" do == :games end it "has type" do list.type.should == Game end it "has key" do list.key.should == :game_ids end it "has instance_variable" do list.instance_variable.should == :@_games end it "adds list to model" do User.lists.keys.should include(:games) end it "adds attribute to model" do User.attributes.keys.should include('game_ids') end it "adds reader method" do respond_to(:games) end it "adds writer method" do respond_to(:games=) end describe "#eql?" do it "returns true if same class, model, and name" do list.should eql(list) end it "returns false if not same class" do list.should_not eql({}) end it "returns false if not same model" do list.should_not eql(, :users)) end it "returns false if not the same name" do list.should_not eql(, :moves)) end end describe "setting list type" do before do @list = User.list(:active_games, Game) end let(:list) { @list } it "uses type provided instead of inferring from name" do list.type.should be(Game) end it "works properly when reading and writing" do user = User.create game = Game.create user.active_games = [game] user.active_games.should == [game] end end describe "list reader" do before do @game = Game.create @user = User.create(:game_ids => []) end it "returns instances" do == [@game] end it "memoizes result" do == [@game] Game.should_not_receive(:get_multiple) Game.should_not_receive(:get) == [@game] end it "does not query if ids attribute is blank" do user = User.create Game.should_not_receive(:get_multiple) Game.should_not_receive(:get) == [] end end describe "list writer (with instances)" do before do @game1 = Game.create @game2 = Game.create @user = User.create(:game_ids => []) = [@game2] end it "set attribute" do @user.game_ids.should == [] end it "unmemoizes reader" do == [@game2] = [@game1] == [@game1] end end describe "list#reset" do before do @game = Game.create @user = User.create(:game_ids => []) end it "unmemoizes the list" do games = { => @game} == games.values Game.should_receive(:get_multiple).and_return(games) == games.values end it "should be reset when owner is reloaded" do games = { => @game} == games.values @user.reload Game.should_receive(:get_multiple).and_return(games) == games.values end end describe "list#push" do before do @game = Game.create @user = User.create end it "adds id to attribute" do @user.game_ids.should == [] end it "resets association" do == [@game] end it "raises error if wrong type assigned" do lambda { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "Game expected, but was Move") end end describe "list#<<" do before do @game = Game.create @user = User.create << @game end it "adds id to attribute" do @user.game_ids.should == [] end it "raises error if wrong type assigned" do lambda { << }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "Game expected, but was Move") end end describe "list#concat" do before do @game1 = Game.create @game2 = Game.create @user = User.create, @game2) end it "adds id to attribute" do @user.game_ids.should == [,] end it "raises error if wrong type assigned" do lambda { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "Game expected, but was Move") end end describe "list#concat (with array)" do before do @game1 = Game.create @game2 = Game.create @user = User.create[@game1, @game2]) end it "adds id to attribute" do @user.game_ids.should == [,] end it "raises error if wrong type assigned" do lambda {[]) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "Game expected, but was Move") end end shared_examples_for("list#create") do it "creates instance" do @game.should be_persisted end it "adds id to attribute" do @user.game_ids.should == [] end it "adds instance to reader" do == [@game] end end describe "list#create" do before do @user = User.create @game = end it_should_behave_like "list#create" end describe "list#create (with attributes)" do before do Game.attribute(:move_count, Integer) @user = User.create @game = => 10) end it_should_behave_like "list#create" it "sets attributes on instance" do @game.move_count.should == 10 end end describe "list#create (invalid)" do before do @user = User.create @user.should_not_receive(:reload) @user.should_not_receive(:save) Game.attribute(:move_count, Integer) Game.validates_presence_of(:move_count) @game = end it "returns instance" do @game.should be_instance_of(Game) end it "is not persisted" do @game.should_not be_persisted end end describe "list#create (with :inverse_of)" do before do Chat.reference(:game, Game) Game.list(:chats, Chat, :inverse_of => :game) @game = Game.create @chat = @game.chats.create end it "sets the inverse association" do == @game end end describe "list#create (with callbacks)" do it "should not overwrite changes made in callbacks of list item" do User.attribute :chat_count, Integer, :default => 0 User.list :chats, :inverse_of => :user Chat.reference(:user) Chat.class_eval do after_create :increment_user_chat_count def increment_user_chat_count self.user.update_attributes(:chat_count => 1) end end @user = User.create @user.chat_count.should == 0 chat = @user.chats.create chat.user.should == @user @user.chats.count.should == 1 @user.chat_count.should == 1 end it "should be able to create list item in a callback" do Contact.reference(:user) User.list(:contacts, :inverse_of => :user) User.class_eval do after_create :create_initial_contact def create_initial_contact contacts.create end end user = User.create user.contacts.count.should == 1 end end describe "list#destroy" do before do @user = User.create @game1 = @game2 = User.get( == [@game1, @game2] end it "should take multiple ids" do, User.get( be_empty Game.get( be_nil Game.get( be_nil end it "should take an array of ids" do[,]) User.get( be_empty Game.get( be_nil Game.get( be_nil end it "should take a block to filter on" do Game.attribute :active, Boolean @game1.update_attributes(:active => true) @game2.update_attributes(:active => false) { |g| == true } User.get( == [@game2] Game.get( be_nil end it "should not override changes make in callbacks" do User.attribute :chat_count, Integer, :default => 1 User.list :chats, :inverse_of => :user Chat.reference :user Chat.class_eval do after_destroy :decrement_user_chat_count def decrement_user_chat_count user.update_attributes(:chat_count => 0) end end user = User.create user.chat_count.should == 1 chat = user.chats.create user.chats.destroy( user.chat_count.should == 0 end end describe "list#destroy_all" do before do @user = User.create @game1 = @game2 = User.get( == [@game1, @game2] end it "should destroy all" do User.get( be_empty Game.get( be_nil Game.get( be_nil end end describe "list#each" do before do @game1 = Game.create @game2 = Game.create @user = User.create(:game_ids => [,]) end it "iterates through each instance" do games = [] do |game| games << game end games.should == [@game1, @game2] end end describe "enumerating" do before do Game.attribute(:moves, Integer) @game1 = Game.create(:moves => 1) @game2 = Game.create(:moves => 2) @user = User.create(:game_ids => [,]) end it "works" do { |g| g.moves > 1 }.should == [@game2] { |g| g.moves > 1 }.should == [@game1] end end describe "list#include?" do before do @game1 = Game.create @game2 = Game.create @user = User.create(:game_ids => []) end it "returns true if instance in association" do include(@game1) end it "returns false if instance not in association" do include(@game2) end it "returns false for nil" do include(nil) end end describe "list with block" do before do Move.attribute(:old, Boolean) User.list(:moves) do def old { |m| m.old? } end end @move_new = Move.create(:old => false) @move_old = Move.create(:old => true) @user = User.create(:moves => [@move_new, @move_old]) end it "extends block methods onto proxy" do @user.moves.respond_to?(:old).should be_true @user.moves.old.should == [@move_old] end end describe "list with :dependent option" do before do User.list :games, :dependent => true @game = Game.create @user = User.create(:game_ids => []) end it "should create a method to destroy games" do respond_to(:destroy_games) end it "should remove the games" do user_id = game_id = @user.destroy User.get(user_id).should be_nil Game.get(game_id).should be_nil end end describe "list with :attribute_type option" do before do @type = stub User.list :games, :attribute_type => @type end it "uses correct type" do User.attributes['game_ids'].type.should eq(@type) end end describe "list extension with :extensions option" do before do old_module = do def old { |m| m.old? } end end recent_proc = do def recent { |m| !m.old? } end end Move.attribute(:old, Boolean) User.list(:moves, :extensions => [old_module, recent_proc]) @move_new = Move.create(:old => false) @move_old = Move.create(:old => true) @user = User.create(:moves => [@move_new, @move_old]) end it "extends modules" do @user.moves.respond_to?(:old).should be_true @user.moves.old.should == [@move_old] end it "extends procs" do @user.moves.respond_to?(:recent).should be_true @user.moves.recent.should == [@move_new] end end describe "list#get" do before do @user = User.create @game = end it "should not find items that don't exist" do'does-not-exist').should be_nil end it "should not find items that exist but are not in list" do user = User.create be_nil end it "should find items that are in list" do == @game end it "should only perform one get to find the item if present" do Game.should_receive(:get).once end end describe "list#get!" do before do @user = User.create @game = end it "returns game if found" do lambda {!('does-not-exist') }.should raise_error(Toy::NotFound, 'Could not find document with id: "does-not-exist"') end it "raises exception if not found" do!( == @game end end end