# Lite::Component
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Lite::Component is a library for building component base objects. This technique simplifies
and organizes often used or logically comply page objects.
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'lite-component'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install lite-component
## Table of Contents
* [Setup](#setup)
* [Generator](#generator)
* [Assets](#assets)
* [Components](#components)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Attribute and blocks](#attributes-and-blocks)
* [Attributes defaults](#attribute-defaults)
* [Attributes overrides](#attribute-overrides)
* [Elements](#elements)
* [Helper methods](#helper-methods)
* [Rendering components without a partial](#rendering-components-without-a-partial)
* [Namespaced components](#namespaced-components)
## Setup
### Generator
Use `rails g component NAME` will generate the following files:
The generator also takes `--skip-css`, `--skip-js` and `--skip-erb` options
### Assets
In the basic Rails app setup component `*.scss` and `*.js` will be automatically load
via the tree lookup.
In order to require assets such manually require them in the manifest, e.g. `application.css`:
* All components:
*= require lite-component
* - or -
* Specific component:
*= require component/alert
### Components
If you create a `ApplicationComponent` file in the `app/components` directory, the generator
will create file that inherit from `ApplicationComponent` if not `Lite::Component::Base`.
## Usage
### Attributes and blocks
There are two ways of passing data to components: `attributes` and `blocks`. Attributes are useful for data such as ids, modifiers and data structures (models, etc). Blocks are useful when you need
to inject HTML content into components.
# app/components/alert_component.rb
class AlertComponent < Components::Component
attribute :context
attribute :message
<% # app/views/components/_alert.html.erb %>
<%= alert.message %>
<%= component "alert", message: "Something went right!", context: "success" %>
<%= component AlertComponent, message: "Something went wrong!", context: "danger" %>
To inject some text or HTML content into our component we can print the component variable in our template, and populate it by passing a block to the component helper:
<% # app/views/components/_alert.html.erb %>
<%= alert %>
<%= component "alert", context: "success" do %>
Something went right!
<% end %>
Another good use case for attributes is when you have a component backed by a model:
# app/components/comment_component.rb
class CommentComponent < Components::Component
attribute :comment
delegate :id, :author, :body, to: :comment
<% # app/views/components/_comment.html.erb %>
<% comments.each do |comment| %>
<%= component "comment", comment: comment %>
<% end %>
### Attribute defaults
Attributes can have default values:
# app/components/alert_component.rb
class AlertComponent < Components::Component
attribute :message
attribute :context, default: "primary"
### Attribute overrides
It's easy to override an attribute with additional logic:
# app/components/alert_component.rb
class AlertComponent < Components::Component
attribute :message
attribute :context, default: "primary"
def message
@message.upcase if context == "danger"
### Attribute validation
To ensure your components get initialized properly you can use `ActiveModel::Validations` in your elements or components:
# app/components/alert_component.rb
class AlertComponent < Components::Component
attribute :label
validates :label, presence: true
Your validations will be executed during the components initialization and raise an `Lite::Component::ValidationError` if any validation fails.
### Elements
Attributes and blocks are great for simple components or components backed by a data structure, such as a model. Other components are more generic in nature and can be used in a variety of contexts. Often they consist of multiple parts or elements, that sometimes repeat, and sometimes need their own modifiers.
Take a card component. In React, a common approach is to create subcomponents:
Section 1
Section 2
There are two problems with this approach:
1. The card header, section and footer have no standalone meaning, yet we treat them as standalone components. This means a `CardHeader` could be placed outside of a `Card`.
2. We lose control of the structure of the elements. A `CardHeader` can be placed below, or inside a `CardFooter`.
Using this gem, the same component can be written like this:
# app/components/card_component.rb
class CardComponent < Components::Component
attribute :flush, default: false
element :header do
attribute :centered, default: false
element :section, multiple: true do
attribute :size
element :footer
<% # app/views/components/_card.html.erb %>
<% card.sections.each do |section| %>
<%= section %>
<% end %>
Elements can be thought of as isolated subcomponents, and they are defined on the component. Passing `multiple: true` makes it a repeating element, and passing a block lets us declare attributes on our elements, in the same way we declare attributes on components.
In order to populate them with data, we pass a block to the component helper, which yields the component, which lets us set attributes and blocks on the element in the same way we do for components:
<%= component "card", flush: true do |c| %>
<% c.header centered: true do %>
<% end %>
<% c.section size: "large" do %>
Section 1
<% end %>
<% c.section size: "large" do %>
Section 2
<% end %>
<% c.footer do %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Multiple calls to a repeating element, such as `section` in the example above, will append each section to an array.
Another good use case is a navigation component:
# app/components/navigation_component.rb
class NavigationComponent < Components::Component
element :items, multiple: true do
attribute :label
attribute :url
attribute :active, default: false
<%= component "navigation" do |c| %>
<% c.item label: "Home", url: root_path, active: true %>
<% c.item label: "Explore" url: explore_path %>
<% end %>
An alternative here is to pass a data structure to the component as an attribute, if no HTML needs to be injected when rendering the component:
<%= component "navigation", items: items %>
Elements can have validations, too:
# app/components/navigation_component.rb
class NavigationComponent < Components::Component
element :items, multiple: true do
attribute :label
attribute :url
attribute :active, default: false
validates :label, presence: true
validates :url, presence: true
Elements can also be nested, although it is recommended to keep nesting to a minimum:
# app/components/card_component.rb
class CardComponent < Components::Component
element :section, multiple: true do
attribute :size
element :header
element :footer
### Helper methods
In addition to declaring attributes and elements, it is also possible to declare helper methods. This is useful if you prefer to keep logic out of your templates. Let's extract the modifier logic from the card component template:
# app/components/card_component.rb
class CardComponent < Components::Component
def css_classes
css_classes = ["card"]
css_classes << "card--flush" if flush
css_classes.join(" ")
<% # app/views/components/_card.html.erb %>
<%= content_tag :div, class: card.css_classes do %>
<% end %>
It's even possible to declare helpers on elements:
# app/components/card_component.rb %>
class CardComponent < Components::Component
element :section, multiple: true do
attribute :size
def css_classes
css_classes = ["card__section"]
css_classes << "card__section--#{size}" if size
css_classes.join(" ")
<% # app/views/components/_card.html.erb %>
<%= content_tag :div, class: card.css_classes do %>
<%= content_tag :div, class: section.css_classes do %>
<%= section %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Helper methods can also make use of the `@view` instance variable in order to call Rails helpers such as `link_to` or `content_tag`.
### Rendering components without a partial
For some small components, such as buttons, it might make sense to skip the partial altogether, in order to speed up rendering. This can be done by overriding `render` on the component:
# app/components/button_component.rb
class ButtonComponent < Components::Component
attribute :label
attribute :url
attribute :context
def render
@view.link_to label, url, class: css_classes
def css_classes
css_classes = "button"
css_classes << "button--#{context}" if context
css_classes.join(" ")
<%= component "button", label: "Sign up", url: sign_up_path, context: "primary" %>
<%= component ButtonComponent, label: "Sign in", url: sign_in_path %>
### Namespaced components
Components can be nested under a namespace. This is useful if you want to practice things like [Atomic Design](http://bradfrost.com/blog/post/atomic-web-design/), [BEMIT](https://csswizardry.com/2015/08/bemit-taking-the-bem-naming-convention-a-step-further/) or any other component classification scheme. In order to create a namespaced component, stick it in a folder and wrap the class in a module:
module Objects
class MediaObject < Components::Component; end
Then call it from a template like so:
<%= component "objects/media_object" %>
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org).
## Contributing
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/[USERNAME]/lite-component. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct.
## License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
## Code of Conduct
Everyone interacting in the Lite::Component project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct](https://github.com/[USERNAME]/lite-component/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).