require "helpful_configuration" require "rails_connector/cms_base_model" require "rails_connector/blob" module RailsConnector # RailsConnector::Configuration is used to en/disable and initialize addons. class Configuration DEFAULT_MODE = :live # # Default fields which the +DefaultUserController+ will store in the session. # DEFAULT_STORE_USER_ATTRS_IN_SESSION = [:login, :first_name, :last_name, :email, :id] @features = {} class << self # Automatically generate editmarkers when rendering liquid templates in editor mode. attr_accessor :auto_liquid_editmarkers # there are three available modes for the rails connector: # live (show released contents only), # preview (show edited contents) # editor (show edited contents and editor interface (e.g. edit markers)) # Default mode is live. attr_accessor :mode # default options for SearchRequest attr_writer :search_options # Cache also editable workspaces. # Editable workspaces will be cached until the cache is cleared manually. # Should never be used in a production environment. attr_accessor :cache_editable_workspaces def search_options @search_options || local_config_file["search"].symbolize_keys end def mode=(new_mode) #:nodoc:# new_mode = new_mode.to_sym raise ArgumentError, "Unknown Mode #{new_mode}" unless [:editor, :preview, :live].include?(new_mode) @mode = new_mode end def mode #:nodoc:# @mode || DEFAULT_MODE end # # Sets the array of fields which the +DefaultUserController+ will store in the session. # Defaults to +DEFAULT_STORE_USER_ATTRS_IN_SESSION+. # attr_writer :store_user_attrs_in_session # # Returns fields which the +DefaultUserController+ stores in the session. # def store_user_attrs_in_session @store_user_attrs_in_session || DEFAULT_STORE_USER_ATTRS_IN_SESSION end def editor_interface_enabled? #:nodoc:# mode == :editor end def use_edited_content? #:nodoc:# mode == :preview || mode == :editor end def register_features(*features) #:nodoc: features.each do |f| @features.merge!(f.to_sym => false) end end alias :register_feature :register_features def registered_features #:nodoc: @features.keys end # Rails Connector Addons can be enabled as follows (in config/rails_connector.rb): # # RailsConnector::Configuration.enable( # :search, # :time_machine, # :pdf_generator, # :crm # ) # def enable(*features) features.each do |f| assert_feature_is_known(f) @features[f.to_sym] = true end initialize_addon_mixins end # Returns true if +feature+ is enabled, else false. def enabled?(feature) assert_feature_is_known(feature) @features[feature.to_sym] == true end # Configures your CMS instance name. # # Example call as to be used in rails_connector.rb: # RailsConnector::Configuration.instance_name = 'internet' def instance_name=(name) RailsConnector::CmsBaseModel.instance_name = name end def after_initialize #:nodoc: enable_authentication # Hier muss explizit der Namespace verwendet werden, da diese Methode von Rails # während der Initialisierung aufgerufen wird. ::RailsConnector::Obj.configure_for_content( ::RailsConnector::Configuration.use_edited_content? ? :edited : :released ) end def to_prepare #:nodoc: unless Rails.configuration.cache_classes after_initialize NamedLink.reset_cache initialize_addon_mixins end end def configure_cms_database if RailsConnector::CmsBaseModel.superclass.to_s == "ActiveRecord::Base" CmsBaseModel.configure_database("cms") else CmsBaseModel.configure_database(local_config_file["cms_database"]) blob_storage_config = local_config_file["cms_blob_storage"] Blob.configure(blob_storage_config) dict_storage_config = if blob_storage_config["type"] == "s3" cms_dict_storage = local_config_file.with_default({}, "cms_dict_storage") blob_storage_config.merge(cms_dict_storage) else local_config_file["cms_dict_storage"] end DictStorage.configure(dict_storage_config) end end attr_accessor :choose_homepage_callback #:nodoc: # Configure a callback to be invoked when the rails connector delivers the homepage. # The given callback will receive the rack env # and must return an Obj to be used as the homepage. # If no callback is configured, Obj.homepage will be used as the default. def choose_homepage(&block) self.choose_homepage_callback = block end def license #:nodoc: end def license_file #:nodoc: @license_file.presence || Rails.root + "config" + "license.xml" end def license_file=(license_file) #:nodoc: @license_file = license_file.presence && Pathname(license_file) end def cms_routes(*args) #:nodoc: raise <<-EOS.gsub(/\s+/, ' ') Calling RailsConnector::Configuration.cms_routes is not needed anymore. Please remove it from config/routes.rb EOS end def use_x_sendfile=(value) #:nodoc: raise 'Configuration.use_x_sendfile is now available as Rails configuration:'\ ' config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = "X-Sendfile"' end def initialize_addon_mixins #:nodoc: ::ApplicationController.__send__(:helper, :cms) if enabled?(:search) require "rails_connector/ses" RailsConnector::SES.enable end RailsConnector::Crm.enable if enabled?(:crm) ::Obj.__send__(:include, RailsConnector::Syndicateable) if enabled?(:rss) ::Obj.__send__(:include, RailsConnector::Commentable) if enabled?(:comments) ::Obj.__send__(:include, RailsConnector::Rateable) if enabled?(:ratings) end def local_config_file #:nodoc: @local_config_file ||= read_local_config_file end def local_config_file_name #:nodoc: (Rails.root + "config/rails_connector.yml").expand_path end # for test purposes only def reset_local_config_file_cache #:nodoc: @local_config_file = nil end protected def read_local_config_file contents = YAML.load_file(local_config_file_name) if File.exists?(local_config_file_name) contents ||= {} config = contents, local_config_file_name ) config.explain( "cms_database", "a hash of options, including type, that specify the database configuration" ) config.explain( "cms_blob_storage", "a hash of options, including type, that specify the cms blob storage configuration" ) config.explain( "cms_dict_storage", "a hash of options, including type, that specify the cms dict storage configuration" ) config.explain( "search", "a hash of options that specify access to the search server" ) config end def assert_feature_is_known(f) #:nodoc: raise ArgumentError, "unknown feature: #{f.inspect}" unless @features.keys.include?(f.to_sym) end def enable_authentication #:nodoc: # Wenn das OMC-Features an ist, dann braucht man keine Standardimplementierung # für die Authentifizierung. unless enabled?(:crm) ::ApplicationController.__send__(:include, RailsConnector::Authenticable) end end end # defaults self.auto_liquid_editmarkers = true self.cache_editable_workspaces = false register_features( :search, :time_machine, :pdf_generator, :rss, :comments, :ratings, :crm, :seo_sitemap, :google_analytics ) end class ConfigurationError < StandardError # :nodoc: end end