#------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (The MIT License) # # Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Rhomobile, Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # http://rhomobile.com #------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace "config" do task :set_osx_platform do $current_platform = "osx" unless $current_platform end task :osx => [:set_osx_platform, "config:common"] do $make = "make" $name_tool = "install_name_tool" $move = "mv" $remove = "rm" $qt_project_dir = File.join( $startdir, 'platform/shared/qt/' ) $build_dir = File.join( $startdir, 'platform/osx/bin/' ) $devroot = '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer' $devbin = $devroot + '/usr/bin' $sdkroot = $devroot + '/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk' $xcodebuild = $devbin + '/xcodebuild' if !File.exists? $xcodebuild $devroot = '/Developer' $devbin = '/usr/bin' $sdkroot = $devroot + '/MacOSX10.6.sdk' $xcodebuild = $devbin + '/xcodebuild' end end end namespace "build" do namespace "osx" do task :extensions do ENV['RHO_PLATFORM'] = 'osx' ENV["PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR"] = $devbin ENV["SDKROOT"] = $sdkroot ENV['PWD'] = $startdir ENV['RHO_ROOT'] = ENV['PWD'] ENV['TARGET_TEMP_DIR'] = File.join(ENV['PWD'], "platform", "osx", "bin", "extensions") ENV["BUILD_DIR"] = File.join(ENV['PWD'], "platform", "osx", "bin", "RhoSimulator", "tmp") ENV["ARCHS"] = "x86_64 -g -gdwarf-2 -Xarch_x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -DRHODES_EMULATOR" ENV["RHO_ROOT"] = $startdir ENV["XCODEBUILD"] = $xcodebuild ENV["CONFIGURATION"] ||= $configuration ENV["SDK_NAME"] ||= $sdk $app_config["extensions"].each do |ext| $app_config["extpaths"].each do |p| extpath = File.join(p, ext, 'ext') next unless File.exists? File.join(extpath, "build") ENV['TEMP_FILES_DIR'] = File.join(ENV['PWD'], "platform", "osx", "bin", "extensions", ext) if ext != 'openssl.so' $extensions_lib << " -l#{ext}" $pre_targetdeps << " ../../../osx/bin/extensions/lib#{ext}.a" end puts Jake.run('./build', [], extpath) exit 1 unless $? == 0 end end end task :rhosimulator => ["config:rhosimulator", "config:set_osx_platform", "config:osx", "config:qt", "build:rhosimulator_version"] do $config["platform"] = $current_platform chdir $startdir $extensions_lib = '' $pre_targetdeps = '' init_extensions(pwd, nil) Rake::Task["build:osx:extensions"].invoke ext_dir = File.join($startdir, 'platform/osx/bin/extensions') mkdir_p ext_dir if not File.exists? ext_dir File.open(File.join(ext_dir, 'extensions.pri'), "wb") do |fextensions| fextensions.write(%{SOURCES += ../../ruby/ext/rho/extensions.c LIBS += -L../../../osx/bin/extensions#{$extensions_lib} PRE_TARGETDEPS += #{$pre_targetdeps} }) end app_path = File.join( $build_dir, 'RhoSimulator/RhoSimulator.app' ) puts Jake.run($remove,['-Rf', app_path ]) File.open(File.join($startdir, 'platform/shared/qt/rhodes/resources/Info.plist'), "wb") do |fversion| fversion.write( %{ CFBundleIconFile @ICON@ CFBundlePackageType APPL CFBundleGetInfoString RhoSimulator #{$rhodes_version}, Copyright 2010-2012 Rhomobile, Inc. CFBundleSignature @TYPEINFO@ CFBundleExecutable @EXECUTABLE@ CFBundleIdentifier com.rhomobile.@EXECUTABLE@ }) end chdir $qt_project_dir args = ['-o', 'Makefile', '-r', '-spec', 'macx-g++', 'RhoSimulator.pro', "QMAKE_MAC_SDK='#{$sdkroot}'"] puts Jake.run($qmake,args) puts Jake.run($make, ['clean']) puts Jake.run($make, ['all']) unless $? == 0 puts "Error building" exit 1 end puts Jake.run($macdeployqt, [app_path]) # Last version of macdeployqt correctly handles these paths, so in the future this code can be removed: exe_path = File.join( app_path, 'Contents/MacOS/RhoSimulator' ) frm_path = File.join( app_path, 'Contents/Frameworks/' ) fw_path = ['@executable_path/../Frameworks/', '.framework/Versions/Current', '.framework/Versions/4'] libs = ['QtCore', 'QtGui', 'QtNetwork', 'QtWebKit', 'QtDBus', 'QtXml', 'phonon'] libs.each {|lib| args = [ frm_path + lib + fw_path[1], frm_path + lib + fw_path[2] ] puts Jake.run($move,args) args = [ '-change', fw_path[0] + lib + fw_path[1] + '/' + lib, fw_path[0] + lib + fw_path[2] + '/' + lib, exe_path] puts Jake.run($name_tool,args) } # end of the depricated macdeployqt fix code puts Jake.run($remove,['-Rf', File.join(frm_path, 'QtDeclarative.framework' )]) puts Jake.run($remove,['-Rf', File.join(frm_path, 'QtOpenGL.framework' )]) puts Jake.run($remove,['-Rf', File.join(frm_path, 'QtScript.framework' )]) puts Jake.run($remove,['-Rf', File.join(frm_path, 'QtSql.framework' )]) puts Jake.run($remove,['-Rf', File.join(frm_path, 'QtSvg.framework' )]) puts Jake.run($remove,['-Rf', File.join(frm_path, 'QtXmlPatterns.framework' )]) chdir $qt_project_dir puts Jake.run($make, ['clean']) end end end