# frozen_string_literal: true module Bridgetown module Commands module Actions GITHUB_REGEX = %r!https://github\.com!.freeze GITHUB_TREE_REGEX = %r!#{GITHUB_REGEX}/.*/.*/tree/.*/?!.freeze GITHUB_BLOB_REGEX = %r!#{GITHUB_REGEX}/.*/.*/blob/!.freeze GITHUB_REPO_REGEX = %r!github\.com/(.*?/[^/]*)!.freeze def create_builder(filename, data = nil) say_status :create_builder, filename data ||= yield if block_given? site_builder = File.join("plugins", "site_builder.rb") unless File.exist?(site_builder) create_file("plugins/site_builder.rb", verbose: true) do <<~RUBY class SiteBuilder < Bridgetown::Builder end RUBY end end create_file("plugins/builders/#{filename}", data, verbose: false) end def javascript_import(data = nil, filename: "index.js") # rubocop:todo Metrics/PerceivedComplexity data ||= yield if block_given? data += "\n" unless data[-1] == "\n" say_status :javascript_import, filename js_index = File.join("frontend", "javascript", filename) if File.exist?(js_index) index_file = File.read(js_index) last_import = "" index_file.each_line do |line| line.start_with?("import ") ? last_import = line : break end if last_import == "" # add to top of file prepend_file js_index, data, verbose: false else # inject after the last import line inject_into_file js_index, data, after: last_import, verbose: false, force: false end else create_file(js_index, data, verbose: false) end end def add_gem(gemname, group: nil, version: nil) options = +"" options += " -v \"#{version}\"" if version options += " -g #{group}" if group # in_bundle? returns the path to the gemfile run "bundle add #{gemname}#{options}", env: { "BUNDLE_GEMFILE" => Bundler::SharedHelpers.in_bundle? } rescue SystemExit say_status :run, "Gem not added due to bundler error", :red end alias_method :add_bridgetown_plugin, :add_gem def add_initializer(name, data = "") say_status :initializer, name data = yield if block_given? data = data.indent(2).lstrip data = " #{data}" unless data.start_with?(",") data += "\n" unless data[-1] == "\n" init_file = File.join("config", "initializers.rb") unless File.exist?(init_file) create_file("config/initializers.rb", verbose: true) do File.read(File.expand_path("../../../site_template/config/initializers.rb", __dir__)) end end inject_into_file init_file, %( init :"#{name}"#{data}), before: %r!^end$!, verbose: false, force: false end def ruby_configure(name, data = "") say_status :configure, name data = yield if block_given? data = data.indent(2) data += "\n" unless data[-1] == "\n" init_file = File.join("config", "initializers.rb") unless File.exist?(init_file) create_file("config/initializers.rb", verbose: true) do File.read(File.expand_path("../../../site_template/config/initializers.rb", __dir__)) end end inject_into_file init_file, data, before: %r!^end$!, verbose: false, force: false end def add_yarn_for_gem(gemname) say_status :add_yarn, gemname Bundler.reset! Bridgetown::PluginManager.load_determined_bundler_environment Bridgetown::PluginManager.install_yarn_dependencies(name: gemname) rescue SystemExit say_status :add_yarn, "Package not added due to yarn error", :red end def apply_from_url(url) apply transform_automation_url(url.dup) end private def determine_remote_filename(arg) if arg.end_with?(".rb") arg.split("/").then do |segments| arg.sub!(%r!/#{segments.last}$!, "") segments.last end else "bridgetown.automation.rb" end end # TODO: option to download and confirm remote automation? # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def transform_automation_url(arg) return arg unless arg.start_with?("http") remote_file = determine_remote_filename(arg) github_match = GITHUB_REGEX.match(arg) arg = if arg.start_with?("https://gist.github.com") arg.sub( # rubocop:disable Style/StringConcatenation "https://gist.github.com", "https://gist.githubusercontent.com" ) + "/raw" elsif github_match new_url = arg.sub(GITHUB_REGEX, "https://raw.githubusercontent.com") github_tree_match = GITHUB_TREE_REGEX.match(arg) github_blob_match = GITHUB_BLOB_REGEX.match(arg) if github_tree_match new_url.sub("/tree/", "/") elsif github_blob_match new_url.sub("/blob/", "/") else "#{new_url}/#{Bridgetown::Utils.default_github_branch_name(arg)}" end else arg end "#{arg}/#{remote_file}" end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength end end end