import type {AnchorAlignment, AnchorSide} from '@primer/behaviors' import '@oddbird/popover-polyfill' import {getAnchoredPosition} from '@primer/behaviors' const isPopoverOpen = (() => { let selector: string function setSelector(el: Element) { try { selector = ':popover-open' return el.matches(selector) } catch { try { selector = ':open' return el.matches(':open') } catch { selector = '.\\:popover-open' return el.matches('.\\:popover-open') } } } return (el: Element) => (selector ? el.matches(selector) : setSelector(el)) })() const TOOLTIP_SR_ONLY_CLASS = 'sr-only' type Direction = 'n' | 's' | 'e' | 'w' | 'ne' | 'se' | 'nw' | 'sw' const DIRECTION_CLASSES = [ 'tooltip-n', 'tooltip-s', 'tooltip-e', 'tooltip-w', 'tooltip-ne', 'tooltip-se', 'tooltip-nw', 'tooltip-sw', ] function closeOpenTooltips(except?: Element) { for (const tooltip of openTooltips) { if (tooltip === except) continue if (isPopoverOpen(tooltip)) { tooltip.hidePopover() } else { openTooltips.delete(tooltip) } } } function focusOutListener() { closeOpenTooltips() } function focusInListener(event: Event) { setTimeout(() => { for (const tooltip of openTooltips) { if (isPopoverOpen(tooltip) && tooltip.showReason === 'focus' && tooltip.control !== { tooltip.hidePopover() } } }, 0) } const tooltips = new Set() const openTooltips = new Set() class ToolTipElement extends HTMLElement { styles() { return ` :host { --tooltip-top: var(--tool-tip-position-top, 0); --tooltip-left: var(--tool-tip-position-left, 0); padding: var(--overlay-paddingBlock-condensed) var(--overlay-padding-condensed) !important; font: var(--text-body-shorthand-small); color: var(--fgColor-onEmphasis, var(--color-fg-on-emphasis)) !important; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; text-transform: none; letter-spacing: normal; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre; background: var(--bgColor-emphasis, var(--color-neutral-emphasis-plus)) !important; border-radius: var(--borderRadius-medium); border: 0 !important; opacity: 0; max-width: var(--overlay-width-small); word-wrap: break-word; white-space: normal; width: max-content !important; inset: var(--tooltip-top) auto auto var(--tooltip-left) !important; overflow: visible !important; text-wrap: balance; } :host(:is(.tooltip-n, .tooltip-nw, .tooltip-ne)) { --tooltip-top: calc(var(--tool-tip-position-top, 0) - var(--overlay-offset, 0.25rem)); --tooltip-left: var(--tool-tip-position-left); } :host(:is(.tooltip-s, .tooltip-sw, .tooltip-se)) { --tooltip-top: calc(var(--tool-tip-position-top, 0) + var(--overlay-offset, 0.25rem)); --tooltip-left: var(--tool-tip-position-left); } :host(.tooltip-w) { --tooltip-top: var(--tool-tip-position-top); --tooltip-left: calc(var(--tool-tip-position-left, 0) - var(--overlay-offset, 0.25rem)); } :host(.tooltip-e) { --tooltip-top: var(--tool-tip-position-top); --tooltip-left: calc(var(--tool-tip-position-left, 0) + var(--overlay-offset, 0.25rem)); } :host:after{ position: absolute; display: block; right: 0; left: 0; height: var(--overlay-offset, 0.25rem); content: ""; } :host(.tooltip-s):after, :host(.tooltip-se):after, :host(.tooltip-sw):after { bottom: 100% } :host(.tooltip-n):after, :host(.tooltip-ne):after, :host(.tooltip-nw):after { top: 100%; } @keyframes tooltip-appear { from { opacity: 0; } to { opacity: 1; } } :host(:popover-open), :host(:popover-open):before { animation-name: tooltip-appear; animation-duration: .1s; animation-fill-mode: forwards; animation-timing-function: ease-in; } :host(.\\:popover-open) { animation-name: tooltip-appear; animation-duration: .1s; animation-fill-mode: forwards; animation-timing-function: ease-in; } @media (forced-colors: active) { :host { outline: solid 1px transparent; } :host:before { display: none; } } ` } #abortController: AbortController | undefined #align: AnchorAlignment = 'center' #side: AnchorSide = 'outside-bottom' #allowUpdatePosition = false #showReason: 'focus' | 'mouse' = 'mouse' get showReason() { return this.#showReason } get htmlFor(): string { return this.getAttribute('for') || '' } set htmlFor(value: string) { this.setAttribute('for', value) } get type(): 'description' | 'label' { const type = this.getAttribute('data-type') return type === 'label' ? 'label' : 'description' } set type(value: 'description' | 'label') { this.setAttribute('data-type', value) } get direction(): Direction { return (this.getAttribute('data-direction') || 's') as Direction } set direction(value: Direction) { this.setAttribute('data-direction', value) } get control(): HTMLElement | null { return this.ownerDocument.getElementById(this.htmlFor) } /* @deprecated */ set hiddenFromView(value: true | false) { if (value && isPopoverOpen(this)) { this.hidePopover() } else if (!value && !isPopoverOpen(this)) { this.showPopover() } } /* @deprecated */ get hiddenFromView() { return !isPopoverOpen(this) } connectedCallback() { tooltips.add(this) this.#updateControlReference() this.#updateDirection() if (!this.shadowRoot) { const shadow = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'}) const style = shadow.appendChild(document.createElement('style')) style.textContent = this.styles() shadow.appendChild(document.createElement('slot')) } this.#update(false) this.#allowUpdatePosition = true if (!this.control) return this.setAttribute('role', 'tooltip') this.#abortController?.abort() this.#abortController = new AbortController() const {signal} = this.#abortController this.addEventListener('mouseleave', this, {signal}) this.addEventListener('toggle', this, {signal}) this.control.addEventListener('mouseenter', this, {signal}) this.control.addEventListener('mouseleave', this, {signal}) this.control.addEventListener('focus', this, {signal}) this.control.addEventListener('mousedown', this, {signal}) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore popoverTargetElement is not in the type definition this.control.popoverTargetElement?.addEventListener('beforetoggle', this, { signal, }) this.ownerDocument.addEventListener('focusout', focusOutListener) this.ownerDocument.addEventListener('focusin', focusInListener) this.ownerDocument.addEventListener('keydown', this, {signal, capture: true}) } disconnectedCallback() { tooltips.delete(this) openTooltips.delete(this) this.#abortController?.abort() } async handleEvent(event: Event) { if (!this.control) return const showing = isPopoverOpen(this) // Ensures that tooltip stays open when hovering between tooltip and element // WCAG Success Criterion 1.4.13 Hoverable const shouldShow = event.type === 'mouseenter' || // Only show tooltip on focus if running in headless browser (for tests) or if focus ring // is visible (i.e. if user is using keyboard navigation) (event.type === 'focus' && (navigator.webdriver || this.control.matches(':focus-visible'))) const isMouseLeaveFromButton = event.type === 'mouseleave' && (event as MouseEvent).relatedTarget !== this.control && (event as MouseEvent).relatedTarget !== this const isEscapeKeydown = event.type === 'keydown' && (event as KeyboardEvent).key === 'Escape' const isMouseDownOnButton = event.type === 'mousedown' && event.currentTarget === this.control const isOpeningOtherPopover = event.type === 'beforetoggle' && event.currentTarget !== this const shouldHide = isMouseLeaveFromButton || isEscapeKeydown || isMouseDownOnButton || isOpeningOtherPopover if (showing && isEscapeKeydown) { /* eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax */ event.stopImmediatePropagation() event.preventDefault() } await Promise.resolve() if (!showing && shouldShow && !isPopoverOpen(this)) { this.#showReason = event.type === 'mouseenter' ? 'mouse' : 'focus' this.showPopover() } else if (showing && shouldHide && isPopoverOpen(this)) { this.hidePopover() } if (event.type === 'toggle') { this.#update((event as ToggleEvent).newState === 'open') } } static observedAttributes = ['data-type', 'data-direction', 'id'] #update(isOpen: boolean) { if (isOpen) { openTooltips.add(this) this.classList.remove(TOOLTIP_SR_ONLY_CLASS) closeOpenTooltips(this) this.#updatePosition() } else { openTooltips.delete(this) this.classList.remove(...DIRECTION_CLASSES) this.classList.add(TOOLTIP_SR_ONLY_CLASS) } } attributeChangedCallback(name: string) { if (!this.isConnected) return if (name === 'id' || name === 'data-type') { this.#updateControlReference() } else if (name === 'data-direction') { this.#updateDirection() } } #updateControlReference() { if (! || !this.control) return if (this.type === 'label') { let labelledBy = this.control.getAttribute('aria-labelledby') if (labelledBy) { if (!labelledBy.split(' ').includes( { labelledBy = `${labelledBy} ${}` } else { labelledBy = `${labelledBy}` } } else { labelledBy = } this.control.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', labelledBy) // Prevent duplicate accessible name announcements. this.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true') } else { let describedBy = this.control.getAttribute('aria-describedby') if (describedBy) { if (!describedBy.split(' ').includes( { describedBy = `${describedBy} ${}` } else { describedBy = `${describedBy}` } } else { describedBy = } this.control.setAttribute('aria-describedby', describedBy) } } #updateDirection() { this.classList.remove(...DIRECTION_CLASSES) const direction = this.direction if (direction === 'n') { this.#align = 'center' this.#side = 'outside-top' } else if (direction === 'ne') { this.#align = 'end' this.#side = 'outside-top' } else if (direction === 'e') { this.#align = 'center' this.#side = 'outside-right' } else if (direction === 'se') { this.#align = 'end' this.#side = 'outside-bottom' } else if (direction === 's') { this.#align = 'center' this.#side = 'outside-bottom' } else if (direction === 'sw') { this.#align = 'start' this.#side = 'outside-bottom' } else if (direction === 'w') { this.#align = 'center' this.#side = 'outside-left' } else if (direction === 'nw') { this.#align = 'start' this.#side = 'outside-top' } } #updatePosition() { if (!this.control) return if (!this.#allowUpdatePosition || !isPopoverOpen(this)) return const position = getAnchoredPosition(this, this.control, { side: this.#side, align: this.#align, anchorOffset: 0, }) const anchorSide = position.anchorSide const align = position.anchorAlign'--tool-tip-position-top', `${}px`)'--tool-tip-position-left', `${position.left}px`) let direction: Direction = 's' if (anchorSide === 'outside-left') { direction = 'w' } else if (anchorSide === 'outside-right') { direction = 'e' } else if (anchorSide === 'outside-top') { if (align === 'center') { direction = 'n' } else if (align === 'start') { direction = 'ne' } else { direction = 'nw' } } else { if (align === 'center') { direction = 's' } else if (align === 'start') { direction = 'se' } else { direction = 'sw' } } this.classList.add(`tooltip-${direction}`) } } if (!window.customElements.get('tool-tip')) { window.ToolTipElement = ToolTipElement window.customElements.define('tool-tip', ToolTipElement) } declare global { interface Window { ToolTipElement: typeof ToolTipElement } }