# encoding: utf-8 require 'helper' describe T::CLI do before do rcfile = RCFile.instance rcfile.path = fixture_path + "/.trc" @t = T::CLI.new @old_stderr = $stderr $stderr = StringIO.new @old_stdout = $stdout $stdout = StringIO.new Timecop.freeze(Time.local(2011, 11, 24, 16, 20, 0)) end after do Timecop.return $stderr = @old_stderr $stdout = @old_stdout end describe "#account" do before do @t.options = @t.options.merge(:profile => fixture_path + "/.trc") end it "should have the correct output" do @t.accounts $stdout.string.should == <<-eos.gsub(/^ {8}/, '') testcli abc123 (default) eos end end describe "#authorize" do before do @t.options = @t.options.merge(:profile => File.expand_path('/tmp/trc', __FILE__), :consumer_key => "abc123", :consumer_secret => "asdfasd223sd2", :prompt => true, :dry_run => true) stub_post("/oauth/request_token"). to_return(:body => fixture("request_token")) stub_post("/oauth/access_token"). to_return(:body => fixture("access_token")) stub_get("/1/account/verify_credentials.json"). to_return(:body => fixture("sferik.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Press [Enter] to open the Twitter app authorization page. ") $stdin.should_receive(:gets).and_return("\n") $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Paste in the supplied PIN: ") $stdin.should_receive(:gets).and_return("1234567890") @t.authorize a_post("/oauth/request_token"). should have_been_made a_post("/oauth/access_token"). should have_been_made a_get("/1/account/verify_credentials.json"). should have_been_made end it "should not raise error" do lambda do $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Press [Enter] to open the Twitter app authorization page. ") $stdin.should_receive(:gets).and_return("\n") $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Paste in the supplied PIN: ") $stdin.should_receive(:gets).and_return("1234567890") @t.authorize end.should_not raise_error end end describe "#block" do before do @t.options = @t.options.merge(:profile => fixture_path + "/.trc") stub_post("/1/blocks/create.json"). with(:body => {:screen_name => "sferik", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:body => fixture("sferik.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.block("sferik") a_post("/1/blocks/create.json"). with(:body => {:screen_name => "sferik", :include_entities => "false"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.block("sferik") $stdout.string.should =~ /^@testcli blocked @sferik/ end end describe "#direct_messages" do before do stub_get("/1/direct_messages.json"). with(:query => {:count => "20", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:body => fixture("direct_messages.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.direct_messages a_get("/1/direct_messages.json"). with(:query => {:count => "20", :include_entities => "false"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.direct_messages $stdout.string.should == <<-eos.gsub(/^/, ' ' * 6) sferik: Sounds good. Meeting Tuesday is fine. (about 1 year ago) sferik: if you want to add me to your GroupMe group, my phone number is 415-312-2382 (about 1 year ago) sferik: That's great news! Let's plan to chat around 8 AM tomorrow Pacific time. Does that work for you? (about 1 year ago) sferik: I asked Yehuda about the stipend. I believe it has already been sent. Glad you're feeling better. (about 1 year ago) sferik: Just checking in. How's everything going? (about 1 year ago) sferik: Any luck completing graphs this weekend? There have been lots of commits to RailsAdmin since summer ended but none from you. How's it going? (about 1 year ago) sferik: Not sure about the payment. Feel free to ask Leah or Yehuda directly. Think you'll be able to finish up your work on graphs this weekend? (about 1 year ago) sferik: Looks good to me. I'm going to pull in the change now. My only concern is that we don't have any tests for auth. (about 1 year ago) sferik: How are the graph enhancements coming? (about 1 year ago) sferik: Changes pushed. You should pull and re-bundle when you have a minute. (about 1 year ago) sferik: Glad to hear the new graphs are coming along. Can't wait to see them! (about 1 year ago) sferik: I figured out what was wrong with the tests: I accidentally unbundled webrat. The problem had nothing to do with rspec-rails. (about 1 year ago) sferik: After the upgrade 54/80 specs are failing. I'm working on fixing them now. (about 1 year ago) sferik: a new version of rspec-rails just shipped with some nice features and fixes http://github.com/rspec/rspec-rails/blob/master/History.md (about 1 year ago) sferik: How are the graphs coming? I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with Raphaël. (about 1 year ago) sferik: Awesome! Any luck duplicating the Gemfile.lock error with Ruby 1.9.2 final? (about 1 year ago) sferik: I just committed a bunch of cleanup and fixes to RailsAdmin that touched many of files. Make sure you pull to avoid conflicts. (about 1 year ago) sferik: Can you try upgrading to 1.9.2 final, re-installing Bundler 1.0.0.rc.6 (don't remove 1.0.0) and see if you can reproduce the problem? (about 1 year ago) sferik: I'm trying to debug the issue you were having with the Bundler Gemfile.lock shortref. What version of Ruby and RubyGems are you running? (about 1 year ago) sferik: Let's try to debug that problem during our session in 1.5 hours. In the mean time, try working on the graphs or internationalization. (about 1 year ago) eos end end describe "#direct_messages_sent" do before do stub_get("/1/direct_messages/sent.json"). with(:query => {:count => "20", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:body => fixture("direct_messages.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.direct_messages_sent a_get("/1/direct_messages/sent.json"). with(:query => {:count => "20", :include_entities => "false"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.direct_messages_sent $stdout.string.should == <<-eos.gsub(/^/, ' ' * 3) hurrycane: Sounds good. Meeting Tuesday is fine. (about 1 year ago) technoweenie: if you want to add me to your GroupMe group, my phone number is 415-312-2382 (about 1 year ago) hurrycane: That's great news! Let's plan to chat around 8 AM tomorrow Pacific time. Does that work for you? (about 1 year ago) hurrycane: I asked Yehuda about the stipend. I believe it has already been sent. Glad you're feeling better. (about 1 year ago) hurrycane: Just checking in. How's everything going? (about 1 year ago) hurrycane: Any luck completing graphs this weekend? There have been lots of commits to RailsAdmin since summer ended but none from you. How's it going? (about 1 year ago) hurrycane: Not sure about the payment. Feel free to ask Leah or Yehuda directly. Think you'll be able to finish up your work on graphs this weekend? (about 1 year ago) hurrycane: Looks good to me. I'm going to pull in the change now. My only concern is that we don't have any tests for auth. (about 1 year ago) hurrycane: How are the graph enhancements coming? (about 1 year ago) hurrycane: Changes pushed. You should pull and re-bundle when you have a minute. (about 1 year ago) hurrycane: Glad to hear the new graphs are coming along. Can't wait to see them! (about 1 year ago) hurrycane: I figured out what was wrong with the tests: I accidentally unbundled webrat. The problem had nothing to do with rspec-rails. (about 1 year ago) hurrycane: After the upgrade 54/80 specs are failing. I'm working on fixing them now. (about 1 year ago) hurrycane: a new version of rspec-rails just shipped with some nice features and fixes http://github.com/rspec/rspec-rails/blob/master/History.md (about 1 year ago) hurrycane: How are the graphs coming? I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with Raphaël. (about 1 year ago) hurrycane: Awesome! Any luck duplicating the Gemfile.lock error with Ruby 1.9.2 final? (about 1 year ago) hurrycane: I just committed a bunch of cleanup and fixes to RailsAdmin that touched many of files. Make sure you pull to avoid conflicts. (about 1 year ago) hurrycane: Can you try upgrading to 1.9.2 final, re-installing Bundler 1.0.0.rc.6 (don't remove 1.0.0) and see if you can reproduce the problem? (about 1 year ago) hurrycane: I'm trying to debug the issue you were having with the Bundler Gemfile.lock shortref. What version of Ruby and RubyGems are you running? (about 1 year ago) hurrycane: Let's try to debug that problem during our session in 1.5 hours. In the mean time, try working on the graphs or internationalization. (about 1 year ago) eos end end describe "#dm" do before do @t.options = @t.options.merge(:profile => fixture_path + "/.trc") stub_post("/1/direct_messages/new.json"). with(:body => {:screen_name => "pengwynn", :text => "Creating a fixture for the Twitter gem", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:body => fixture("direct_message.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.dm("pengwynn", "Creating a fixture for the Twitter gem") a_post("/1/direct_messages/new.json"). with(:body => {:screen_name => "pengwynn", :text => "Creating a fixture for the Twitter gem", :include_entities => "false"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.dm("pengwynn", "Creating a fixture for the Twitter gem") $stdout.string.chomp.should == "Direct Message sent from @testcli to @pengwynn (about 1 year ago)." end end describe "#favorite" do before do @t.options = @t.options.merge(:profile => fixture_path + "/.trc") stub_post("/1/favorites/create/26755176471724032.json"). to_return(:body => fixture("status.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.favorite("26755176471724032") a_post("/1/favorites/create/26755176471724032.json"). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.favorite("26755176471724032") $stdout.string.should =~ /^@testcli favorited @sferik's status: "@noradio working on implementing #NewTwitter API methods in the twitter gem\. Twurl is making it easy\. Thank you!"$/ end end describe "#favorites" do before do stub_get("/1/favorites.json"). with(:query => {:count => "20", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:body => fixture("statuses.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.favorites a_get("/1/favorites.json"). with(:query => {:count => "20", :include_entities => "false"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.favorites $stdout.string.should == <<-eos.gsub(/^/, ' ' * 6) sferik: Ruby is the best programming language for hiding the ugly bits. (about 1 year ago) sferik: There are 1.3 billion people in China; when people say there are 1 billion they are rounding off the entire population of the United States. (about 1 year ago) sferik: The new Windows Phone campaign is the best advertising from Microsoft since "Start Me Up" (1995). Great work by CP+B. http://t.co/tIzxopI (about 1 year ago) sferik: Fear not to sow seeds because of the birds. http://twitpic.com/2wg621 (about 1 year ago) sferik: Speaking of things that are maddening: the interview with the Wall Street guys on the most recent This American Life http://bit.ly/af9pSD (about 1 year ago) sferik: Holy cow! RailsAdmin is up to 200 watchers (from 100 yesterday). http://github.com/sferik/rails_admin (about 1 year ago) sferik: Kind of cool that Facebook acts as a mirror for open-source projects that they use or like http://mirror.facebook.net/ (about 1 year ago) sferik: RailsAdmin already has 100 watchers, 12 forks, and 6 contributors in less than 2 months. Let's keep the momentum going! http://bit.ly/cCMMqD (about 1 year ago) sferik: This week's This American Life is amazing. @JoeLipari is an American hero. http://bit.ly/d9RbnB (about 1 year ago) sferik: RT @polyseme: OH: shofars should be called jewvuzelas. (about 1 year ago) sferik: Spent this morning fixing broken windows in RailsAdmin http://github.com/sferik/rails_admin/compare/ab6c598...0e3770f (about 1 year ago) sferik: I'm a big believer that the broken windows theory applies to software development http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory (about 1 year ago) sferik: I hope you idiots are happy with your piece of shit Android phones. http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2010/09/09statement.html (about 1 year ago) sferik: Ping: kills MySpace dead. (about 1 year ago) sferik: Crazy that iTunes Ping didn't leak a drop. (about 1 year ago) sferik: The plot thickens http://twitpic.com/2k5lt2 (about 1 year ago) sferik: 140 Proof Provides A Piece Of The Twitter Advertising Puzzle http://t.co/R2cUSDe via @techcrunch (about 1 year ago) sferik: Try as you may http://www.thedoghousediaries.com/?p=1940 (about 1 year ago) sferik: I know @SarahPalinUSA has a right to use Twitter, but should she? (over 1 year ago) eos end end describe "#follow" do before do @t.options = @t.options.merge(:profile => fixture_path + "/.trc") end context "no users" do it "should exit" do lambda do @t.follow end.should raise_error end end context "one user" do it "should request the correct resource" do stub_post("/1/friendships/create.json"). with(:body => {:screen_name => "sferik", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:body => fixture("sferik.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) @t.follow("sferik") a_post("/1/friendships/create.json"). with(:body => {:screen_name => "sferik", :include_entities => "false"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do stub_post("/1/friendships/create.json"). with(:body => {:screen_name => "sferik", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:body => fixture("sferik.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) @t.follow("sferik") $stdout.string.should =~ /^@testcli is now following 1 more user\.$/ end context "Twitter is down" do it "should retry 3 times and then raise an error" do stub_post("/1/friendships/create.json"). with(:body => {:screen_name => "sferik", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:status => 502) lambda do @t.follow("sferik") end.should raise_error("Twitter is down or being upgraded.") a_post("/1/friendships/create.json"). with(:body => {:screen_name => "sferik", :include_entities => "false"}). should have_been_made.times(3) end end end end describe "#followings" do before do stub_get("/1/friends/ids.json"). with(:query => {:cursor => "-1"}). to_return(:body => fixture("friends_ids.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) stub_get("/1/users/lookup.json"). with(:query => {:user_id => "7505382", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:body => fixture("users.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.followings a_get("/1/friends/ids.json"). with(:query => {:cursor => "-1"}). should have_been_made a_get("/1/users/lookup.json"). with(:query => {:user_id => "7505382", :include_entities => "false"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.followings $stdout.string.chomp.rstrip.should == "pengwynn sferik" end end describe "#followers" do before do stub_get("/1/followers/ids.json"). with(:query => {:cursor => "-1"}). to_return(:body => fixture("friends_ids.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) stub_get("/1/users/lookup.json"). with(:query => {:user_id => "7505382", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:body => fixture("users.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.followers a_get("/1/followers/ids.json"). with(:query => {:cursor => "-1"}). should have_been_made a_get("/1/users/lookup.json"). with(:query => {:user_id => "7505382", :include_entities => "false"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.followers $stdout.string.chomp.rstrip.should == "pengwynn sferik" end end describe "#friends" do before do stub_get("/1/friends/ids.json"). with(:query => {:cursor => "-1"}). to_return(:body => fixture("friends_ids.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) stub_get("/1/followers/ids.json"). with(:query => {:cursor => "-1"}). to_return(:body => fixture("friends_ids.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) stub_get("/1/users/lookup.json"). with(:query => {:user_id => "7505382", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:body => fixture("users.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.friends a_get("/1/friends/ids.json"). with(:query => {:cursor => "-1"}). should have_been_made a_get("/1/followers/ids.json"). with(:query => {:cursor => "-1"}). should have_been_made a_get("/1/users/lookup.json"). with(:query => {:user_id => "7505382", :include_entities => "false"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.friends $stdout.string.chomp.rstrip.should == "pengwynn sferik" end end describe "#leaders" do before do stub_get("/1/friends/ids.json"). with(:query => {:cursor => "-1"}). to_return(:body => fixture("friends_ids.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) stub_get("/1/followers/ids.json"). with(:query => {:cursor => "-1"}). to_return(:body => fixture("friends_ids.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.leaders a_get("/1/friends/ids.json"). with(:query => {:cursor => "-1"}). should have_been_made a_get("/1/followers/ids.json"). with(:query => {:cursor => "-1"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.leaders $stdout.string.chomp.rstrip.should == "" end end describe "#members" do before do stub_get("/1/lists/members.json"). with(:query => {:cursor => "-1", :include_entities => "false", :owner_screen_name => "sferik", :skip_status => "true", :slug => "presidents"}). to_return(:body => fixture("empty_cursor.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.members("sferik", "presidents") a_get("/1/lists/members.json"). with(:query => {:cursor => "-1", :include_entities => "false", :owner_screen_name => "sferik", :skip_status => "true", :slug => "presidents"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.members("sferik", "presidents") $stdout.string.chomp.should == "" end end describe "#mentions" do before do stub_get("/1/statuses/mentions.json"). with(:query => {:count => "20", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:body => fixture("statuses.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.mentions a_get("/1/statuses/mentions.json"). with(:query => {:count => "20", :include_entities => "false"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.mentions $stdout.string.should == <<-eos.gsub(/^/, ' ' * 6) sferik: Ruby is the best programming language for hiding the ugly bits. (about 1 year ago) sferik: There are 1.3 billion people in China; when people say there are 1 billion they are rounding off the entire population of the United States. (about 1 year ago) sferik: The new Windows Phone campaign is the best advertising from Microsoft since "Start Me Up" (1995). Great work by CP+B. http://t.co/tIzxopI (about 1 year ago) sferik: Fear not to sow seeds because of the birds. http://twitpic.com/2wg621 (about 1 year ago) sferik: Speaking of things that are maddening: the interview with the Wall Street guys on the most recent This American Life http://bit.ly/af9pSD (about 1 year ago) sferik: Holy cow! RailsAdmin is up to 200 watchers (from 100 yesterday). http://github.com/sferik/rails_admin (about 1 year ago) sferik: Kind of cool that Facebook acts as a mirror for open-source projects that they use or like http://mirror.facebook.net/ (about 1 year ago) sferik: RailsAdmin already has 100 watchers, 12 forks, and 6 contributors in less than 2 months. Let's keep the momentum going! http://bit.ly/cCMMqD (about 1 year ago) sferik: This week's This American Life is amazing. @JoeLipari is an American hero. http://bit.ly/d9RbnB (about 1 year ago) sferik: RT @polyseme: OH: shofars should be called jewvuzelas. (about 1 year ago) sferik: Spent this morning fixing broken windows in RailsAdmin http://github.com/sferik/rails_admin/compare/ab6c598...0e3770f (about 1 year ago) sferik: I'm a big believer that the broken windows theory applies to software development http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory (about 1 year ago) sferik: I hope you idiots are happy with your piece of shit Android phones. http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2010/09/09statement.html (about 1 year ago) sferik: Ping: kills MySpace dead. (about 1 year ago) sferik: Crazy that iTunes Ping didn't leak a drop. (about 1 year ago) sferik: The plot thickens http://twitpic.com/2k5lt2 (about 1 year ago) sferik: 140 Proof Provides A Piece Of The Twitter Advertising Puzzle http://t.co/R2cUSDe via @techcrunch (about 1 year ago) sferik: Try as you may http://www.thedoghousediaries.com/?p=1940 (about 1 year ago) sferik: I know @SarahPalinUSA has a right to use Twitter, but should she? (over 1 year ago) eos end end describe "#open" do before do @t.options = @t.options.merge(:dry_run => true) end it "should not raise error" do lambda do @t.open("sferik") end.should_not raise_error end end describe "#reply" do before do @t.options = @t.options.merge(:profile => fixture_path + "/.trc", :location => true) stub_get("/1/statuses/show/25938088801.json"). with(:query => {:include_entities => "false", :include_my_retweet => "false", :trim_user => "true"}). to_return(:body => fixture("status.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) stub_post("/1/statuses/update.json"). with(:body => {:in_reply_to_status_id => "25938088801", :status => "@sferik Testing", :lat => "37.76969909668", :long => "-122.39330291748", :include_entities => "false", :trim_user => "true"}). to_return(:body => fixture("status.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) stub_request(:get, "http://checkip.dyndns.org/"). to_return(:body => fixture("checkip.html"), :headers => {:content_type => "text/html"}) stub_request(:get, "http://www.geoplugin.net/xml.gp?ip="). to_return(:body => fixture("xml.gp"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/xml"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.reply("25938088801", "Testing") a_get("/1/statuses/show/25938088801.json"). with(:query => {:include_entities => "false", :include_my_retweet => "false", :trim_user => "true"}). should have_been_made a_post("/1/statuses/update.json"). with(:body => {:in_reply_to_status_id => "25938088801", :status => "@sferik Testing", :lat => "37.76969909668", :long => "-122.39330291748", :include_entities => "false", :trim_user => "true"}). should have_been_made a_request(:get, "http://checkip.dyndns.org/"). should have_been_made a_request(:get, "http://www.geoplugin.net/xml.gp?ip="). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.reply("25938088801", "Testing") $stdout.string.should =~ /^Reply created by @testcli to @sferik \(about 1 year ago\)\.$/ end end describe "#report_spam" do before do @t.options = @t.options.merge(:profile => fixture_path + "/.trc") stub_post("/1/report_spam.json"). with(:body => {:screen_name => "sferik", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:body => fixture("sferik.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.report_spam("sferik") a_post("/1/report_spam.json"). with(:body => {:screen_name => "sferik", :include_entities => "false"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.report_spam("sferik") $stdout.string.should =~ /^@testcli reported @sferik/ end end describe "#retweet" do before do @t.options = @t.options.merge(:profile => fixture_path + "/.trc") stub_post("/1/statuses/retweet/26755176471724032.json"). to_return(:body => fixture("retweet.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.retweet("26755176471724032") a_post("/1/statuses/retweet/26755176471724032.json"). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.retweet("26755176471724032") $stdout.string.should =~ /^@testcli retweeted @gruber's status: "As for the Series, I'm for the Giants\. Fuck Texas, fuck Nolan Ryan, fuck George Bush\."$/ end end describe "#retweets" do context "without arguments" do before do stub_get("/1/statuses/retweeted_by_me.json"). with(:query => {:count => "20", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:body => fixture("statuses.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.retweets a_get("/1/statuses/retweeted_by_me.json"). with(:query => {:count => "20", :include_entities => "false"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.retweets $stdout.string.should == <<-eos.gsub(/^/, ' ' * 4) sferik: Ruby is the best programming language for hiding the ugly bits. (about 1 year ago) sferik: There are 1.3 billion people in China; when people say there are 1 billion they are rounding off the entire population of the United States. (about 1 year ago) sferik: The new Windows Phone campaign is the best advertising from Microsoft since "Start Me Up" (1995). Great work by CP+B. http://t.co/tIzxopI (about 1 year ago) sferik: Fear not to sow seeds because of the birds. http://twitpic.com/2wg621 (about 1 year ago) sferik: Speaking of things that are maddening: the interview with the Wall Street guys on the most recent This American Life http://bit.ly/af9pSD (about 1 year ago) sferik: Holy cow! RailsAdmin is up to 200 watchers (from 100 yesterday). http://github.com/sferik/rails_admin (about 1 year ago) sferik: Kind of cool that Facebook acts as a mirror for open-source projects that they use or like http://mirror.facebook.net/ (about 1 year ago) sferik: RailsAdmin already has 100 watchers, 12 forks, and 6 contributors in less than 2 months. Let's keep the momentum going! http://bit.ly/cCMMqD (about 1 year ago) sferik: This week's This American Life is amazing. @JoeLipari is an American hero. http://bit.ly/d9RbnB (about 1 year ago) sferik: RT @polyseme: OH: shofars should be called jewvuzelas. (about 1 year ago) sferik: Spent this morning fixing broken windows in RailsAdmin http://github.com/sferik/rails_admin/compare/ab6c598...0e3770f (about 1 year ago) sferik: I'm a big believer that the broken windows theory applies to software development http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory (about 1 year ago) sferik: I hope you idiots are happy with your piece of shit Android phones. http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2010/09/09statement.html (about 1 year ago) sferik: Ping: kills MySpace dead. (about 1 year ago) sferik: Crazy that iTunes Ping didn't leak a drop. (about 1 year ago) sferik: The plot thickens http://twitpic.com/2k5lt2 (about 1 year ago) sferik: 140 Proof Provides A Piece Of The Twitter Advertising Puzzle http://t.co/R2cUSDe via @techcrunch (about 1 year ago) sferik: Try as you may http://www.thedoghousediaries.com/?p=1940 (about 1 year ago) sferik: I know @SarahPalinUSA has a right to use Twitter, but should she? (over 1 year ago) eos end end context "with a screen name passed" do before do stub_get("/1/statuses/retweeted_by_user.json"). with(:query => {:count => "20", :include_entities => "false", :screen_name => "sferik"}). to_return(:body => fixture("statuses.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.retweets("sferik") a_get("/1/statuses/retweeted_by_user.json"). with(:query => {:count => "20", :include_entities => "false", :screen_name => "sferik"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.retweets("sferik") $stdout.string.should == <<-eos.gsub(/^/, ' ' * 4) sferik: Ruby is the best programming language for hiding the ugly bits. (about 1 year ago) sferik: There are 1.3 billion people in China; when people say there are 1 billion they are rounding off the entire population of the United States. (about 1 year ago) sferik: The new Windows Phone campaign is the best advertising from Microsoft since "Start Me Up" (1995). Great work by CP+B. http://t.co/tIzxopI (about 1 year ago) sferik: Fear not to sow seeds because of the birds. http://twitpic.com/2wg621 (about 1 year ago) sferik: Speaking of things that are maddening: the interview with the Wall Street guys on the most recent This American Life http://bit.ly/af9pSD (about 1 year ago) sferik: Holy cow! RailsAdmin is up to 200 watchers (from 100 yesterday). http://github.com/sferik/rails_admin (about 1 year ago) sferik: Kind of cool that Facebook acts as a mirror for open-source projects that they use or like http://mirror.facebook.net/ (about 1 year ago) sferik: RailsAdmin already has 100 watchers, 12 forks, and 6 contributors in less than 2 months. Let's keep the momentum going! http://bit.ly/cCMMqD (about 1 year ago) sferik: This week's This American Life is amazing. @JoeLipari is an American hero. http://bit.ly/d9RbnB (about 1 year ago) sferik: RT @polyseme: OH: shofars should be called jewvuzelas. (about 1 year ago) sferik: Spent this morning fixing broken windows in RailsAdmin http://github.com/sferik/rails_admin/compare/ab6c598...0e3770f (about 1 year ago) sferik: I'm a big believer that the broken windows theory applies to software development http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory (about 1 year ago) sferik: I hope you idiots are happy with your piece of shit Android phones. http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2010/09/09statement.html (about 1 year ago) sferik: Ping: kills MySpace dead. (about 1 year ago) sferik: Crazy that iTunes Ping didn't leak a drop. (about 1 year ago) sferik: The plot thickens http://twitpic.com/2k5lt2 (about 1 year ago) sferik: 140 Proof Provides A Piece Of The Twitter Advertising Puzzle http://t.co/R2cUSDe via @techcrunch (about 1 year ago) sferik: Try as you may http://www.thedoghousediaries.com/?p=1940 (about 1 year ago) sferik: I know @SarahPalinUSA has a right to use Twitter, but should she? (over 1 year ago) eos end end end describe "#status" do before do @t.options = @t.options.merge(:profile => fixture_path + "/.trc", :location => true) stub_post("/1/statuses/update.json"). with(:body => {:status => "Testing", :lat => "37.76969909668", :long => "-122.39330291748", :include_entities => "false", :trim_user => "true"}). to_return(:body => fixture("status.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) stub_request(:get, "http://checkip.dyndns.org/"). to_return(:body => fixture("checkip.html"), :headers => {:content_type => "text/html"}) stub_request(:get, "http://www.geoplugin.net/xml.gp?ip="). to_return(:body => fixture("xml.gp"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/xml"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.status("Testing") a_post("/1/statuses/update.json"). with(:body => {:status => "Testing", :lat => "37.76969909668", :long => "-122.39330291748", :include_entities => "false", :trim_user => "true"}). should have_been_made a_request(:get, "http://checkip.dyndns.org/"). should have_been_made a_request(:get, "http://www.geoplugin.net/xml.gp?ip="). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.status("Testing") $stdout.string.should =~ /^Tweet created by @testcli \(about 1 year ago\)\.$/ end end describe "#suggest" do before do stub_get("/1/users/recommendations.json"). with(:query => {:limit => "20", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:body => fixture("recommendations.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.suggest a_get("/1/users/recommendations.json"). with(:query => {:limit => "20", :include_entities => "false"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.suggest $stdout.string.chomp.rstrip.should == "antpires jtrupiano maccman mlroach stuntmann82" end end describe "#timeline" do context "without user" do before do stub_get("/1/statuses/home_timeline.json"). with(:query => {:count => "20", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:body => fixture("statuses.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.timeline a_get("/1/statuses/home_timeline.json"). with(:query => {:count => "20", :include_entities => "false"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.timeline $stdout.string.should == <<-eos.gsub(/^/, ' ' * 4) sferik: Ruby is the best programming language for hiding the ugly bits. (about 1 year ago) sferik: There are 1.3 billion people in China; when people say there are 1 billion they are rounding off the entire population of the United States. (about 1 year ago) sferik: The new Windows Phone campaign is the best advertising from Microsoft since "Start Me Up" (1995). Great work by CP+B. http://t.co/tIzxopI (about 1 year ago) sferik: Fear not to sow seeds because of the birds. http://twitpic.com/2wg621 (about 1 year ago) sferik: Speaking of things that are maddening: the interview with the Wall Street guys on the most recent This American Life http://bit.ly/af9pSD (about 1 year ago) sferik: Holy cow! RailsAdmin is up to 200 watchers (from 100 yesterday). http://github.com/sferik/rails_admin (about 1 year ago) sferik: Kind of cool that Facebook acts as a mirror for open-source projects that they use or like http://mirror.facebook.net/ (about 1 year ago) sferik: RailsAdmin already has 100 watchers, 12 forks, and 6 contributors in less than 2 months. Let's keep the momentum going! http://bit.ly/cCMMqD (about 1 year ago) sferik: This week's This American Life is amazing. @JoeLipari is an American hero. http://bit.ly/d9RbnB (about 1 year ago) sferik: RT @polyseme: OH: shofars should be called jewvuzelas. (about 1 year ago) sferik: Spent this morning fixing broken windows in RailsAdmin http://github.com/sferik/rails_admin/compare/ab6c598...0e3770f (about 1 year ago) sferik: I'm a big believer that the broken windows theory applies to software development http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory (about 1 year ago) sferik: I hope you idiots are happy with your piece of shit Android phones. http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2010/09/09statement.html (about 1 year ago) sferik: Ping: kills MySpace dead. (about 1 year ago) sferik: Crazy that iTunes Ping didn't leak a drop. (about 1 year ago) sferik: The plot thickens http://twitpic.com/2k5lt2 (about 1 year ago) sferik: 140 Proof Provides A Piece Of The Twitter Advertising Puzzle http://t.co/R2cUSDe via @techcrunch (about 1 year ago) sferik: Try as you may http://www.thedoghousediaries.com/?p=1940 (about 1 year ago) sferik: I know @SarahPalinUSA has a right to use Twitter, but should she? (over 1 year ago) eos end end context "with user" do before do stub_get("/1/statuses/user_timeline.json"). with(:query => {:count => "20", :include_entities => "false", :screen_name => "sferik"}). to_return(:body => fixture("statuses.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.timeline("sferik") a_get("/1/statuses/user_timeline.json"). with(:query => {:count => "20", :include_entities => "false", :screen_name => "sferik"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.timeline("sferik") $stdout.string.should == <<-eos.gsub(/^/, ' ' * 4) sferik: Ruby is the best programming language for hiding the ugly bits. (about 1 year ago) sferik: There are 1.3 billion people in China; when people say there are 1 billion they are rounding off the entire population of the United States. (about 1 year ago) sferik: The new Windows Phone campaign is the best advertising from Microsoft since "Start Me Up" (1995). Great work by CP+B. http://t.co/tIzxopI (about 1 year ago) sferik: Fear not to sow seeds because of the birds. http://twitpic.com/2wg621 (about 1 year ago) sferik: Speaking of things that are maddening: the interview with the Wall Street guys on the most recent This American Life http://bit.ly/af9pSD (about 1 year ago) sferik: Holy cow! RailsAdmin is up to 200 watchers (from 100 yesterday). http://github.com/sferik/rails_admin (about 1 year ago) sferik: Kind of cool that Facebook acts as a mirror for open-source projects that they use or like http://mirror.facebook.net/ (about 1 year ago) sferik: RailsAdmin already has 100 watchers, 12 forks, and 6 contributors in less than 2 months. Let's keep the momentum going! http://bit.ly/cCMMqD (about 1 year ago) sferik: This week's This American Life is amazing. @JoeLipari is an American hero. http://bit.ly/d9RbnB (about 1 year ago) sferik: RT @polyseme: OH: shofars should be called jewvuzelas. (about 1 year ago) sferik: Spent this morning fixing broken windows in RailsAdmin http://github.com/sferik/rails_admin/compare/ab6c598...0e3770f (about 1 year ago) sferik: I'm a big believer that the broken windows theory applies to software development http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory (about 1 year ago) sferik: I hope you idiots are happy with your piece of shit Android phones. http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2010/09/09statement.html (about 1 year ago) sferik: Ping: kills MySpace dead. (about 1 year ago) sferik: Crazy that iTunes Ping didn't leak a drop. (about 1 year ago) sferik: The plot thickens http://twitpic.com/2k5lt2 (about 1 year ago) sferik: 140 Proof Provides A Piece Of The Twitter Advertising Puzzle http://t.co/R2cUSDe via @techcrunch (about 1 year ago) sferik: Try as you may http://www.thedoghousediaries.com/?p=1940 (about 1 year ago) sferik: I know @SarahPalinUSA has a right to use Twitter, but should she? (over 1 year ago) eos end end end describe "#unfollow" do before do @t.options = @t.options.merge(:profile => fixture_path + "/.trc") end context "no users" do it "should exit" do lambda do @t.unfollow end.should raise_error end end context "one user" do it "should request the correct resource" do stub_delete("/1/friendships/destroy.json"). with(:query => {:screen_name => "sferik", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:body => fixture("sferik.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) @t.unfollow("sferik") a_delete("/1/friendships/destroy.json"). with(:query => {:screen_name => "sferik", :include_entities => "false"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do stub_delete("/1/friendships/destroy.json"). with(:query => {:screen_name => "sferik", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:body => fixture("sferik.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) @t.unfollow("sferik") $stdout.string.should =~ /^@testcli is no longer following 1 user\.$/ end context "Twitter is down" do it "should retry 3 times and then raise an error" do stub_delete("/1/friendships/destroy.json"). with(:query => {:screen_name => "sferik", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:status => 502) lambda do @t.unfollow("sferik") end.should raise_error("Twitter is down or being upgraded.") a_delete("/1/friendships/destroy.json"). with(:query => {:screen_name => "sferik", :include_entities => "false"}). should have_been_made.times(3) end end end end describe "#users" do before do stub_get("/1/users/lookup.json"). with(:query => {:screen_name => "sferik", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:body => fixture("users.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.users("sferik") a_get("/1/users/lookup.json"). with(:query => {:screen_name => "sferik", :include_entities => "false"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.users("sferik") $stdout.string.chomp.rstrip.should == "pengwynn sferik" end end describe "#version" do it "should have the correct output" do @t.version $stdout.string.chomp.should == T::Version.to_s end end describe "#whois" do before do stub_get("/1/users/show.json"). with(:query => {:screen_name => "sferik", :include_entities => "false"}). to_return(:body => fixture("sferik.json"), :headers => {:content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}) end it "should request the correct resource" do @t.whois("sferik") a_get("/1/users/show.json"). with(:query => {:screen_name => "sferik", :include_entities => "false"}). should have_been_made end it "should have the correct output" do @t.whois("sferik") $stdout.string.should == <<-eos.gsub(/^ {8}/, '') id: #7,505,382 Erik Michaels-Ober, since Jul 2007. bio: A mind forever voyaging through strange seas of thought, alone. location: San Francisco web: https://github.com/sferik eos end end end