2009-05-26 Diego Zamboni * VERSION: Version bump to 0.8.2 2009-05-25 Diego Zamboni * lib/Things2THL.rb: Eliminate double URIs of the form 'URI [URI]' (i.e. when the link text is the URI itself) when converting notes. 2009-05-25 Diego Zamboni * things2thl.gemspec: Regenerated gemspec for version 0.8.1 2009-05-25 Diego Zamboni * : fixed conflict 2009-05-25 Diego Zamboni * ChangeLog, README: Fixed README for new options. 2009-05-25 Diego Zamboni * VERSION: Version bump to 0.8.1 2009-05-25 Diego Zamboni * README, things2thl.gemspec: Regenerated gemspec for version 0.8.0 2009-05-25 Diego Zamboni * things2thl.gemspec: Regenerated gemspec for version 0.8.0 2009-05-25 Diego Zamboni * ChangeLog, VERSION: Version bump to 0.8.0 2009-05-25 Diego Zamboni * bin/things2thl, lib/Things2THL.rb: Added new mode of operation --inbox (-I) to transfer only tasks from the Inbox. 2009-05-25 Diego Zamboni * bin/things2thl, lib/Things2THL.rb: Added printing of some statistics at the end - number of items created, total time elapsed. Can be disabled by specifying -q twice (-qq). 2009-05-25 Diego Zamboni * bin/things2thl, lib/Things2THL.rb: Added option --sync, which causes items (areas, projects and tasks) not to be created if they already exist. This is useful if you add more items to Things after you have transferred to THL, and want to re-transfer just the new ones. This option is disabled by default because the duplicate checking is done using only the item's name, so if you have multiple entries with the same name in Things, they will only be transferred once with --sync enabled. 2009-05-24 Diego Zamboni * bin/things2thl, lib/Things2THL.rb: Added options --areas-as-tags and --areas-as-contexts, which specify that areas in Things should be transferred to THL as tags/contexts respectively, instead of created as separate entities. Thanks to @biomac101 for the suggestion. 2009-05-21 Diego Zamboni * things2thl.gemspec: Regenerated gemspec for version 0.7.0 2009-05-21 Diego Zamboni * ChangeLog, VERSION, lib/Things2THL.rb: Version bump to 0.7.0 2009-05-21 Diego Zamboni * README, bin/things2thl, lib/Things2THL.rb: Added a new mode of operation --projects-areas-as-lists (-B). As the name implies, in this mode both projects and areas from Things are stored as lists in THL. This means that projects are NOT nested inside areas, as is the case in the other two modes. Instead, the lists for areas will contain only single tasks that were inside the area in Things. If --projects-top-level and --areas-top-level are not given, all the lists will be created in the main folders group. Otherwise, they will appear within the corresponding folder. 2009-05-21 Diego Zamboni * bin/things2thl, lib/Things2THL.rb: Added --areas-top-level option to specify a folder in which imported Areas should be created. 2009-05-20 Diego Zamboni * README: Updated README 2009-05-20 Diego Zamboni * things2thl.gemspec: Regenerated gemspec for version 0.6.0 2009-05-20 Diego Zamboni * ChangeLog, VERSION, lib/Things2THL.rb: Version bump to 0.6.0 2009-05-20 Diego Zamboni * Rakefile, lib/Things2THL.rb: Vastly improved conversion of the notes field. The HTML stored in the Things notes is parsed and rendered as text, including all the appropriate URLs and links. It does not look exactly as the original, but is quite usable. 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * README: Updated to state limitation of transferring repeating tasks. 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * lib/Things2THL.rb: Make Scheduled and Logbook a list instead of a folder when --projects-as-tasks. Someday stays always as a folder, because it can contain areas (suspended areas) 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * lib/Things2THL.rb: Transfer activation_date as start_date so that scheduled (one-time) tasks are set appropriately. Still need to figure out how to identify repeating tasks. 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * things2thl.gemspec: Regenerated gemspec for version 0.5.0 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * ChangeLog, README, VERSION, lib/Things2THL.rb: Version bump to 0.5.0 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * bin/things2thl, lib/Things2THL.rb: Made it mandatory to specify the mode of operation (--projects-as-lists or --projects-as-tasks). 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * bin/things2thl, lib/Things2THL.rb: Added --[no-]time-tags option, which allows time-estimate tags in Things for the form Xsec/Xmin/Xhr (e.g. I use "10min", "30min", "60min") to be converted to the appropriate time estimate attribute of the tasks in THL. For now the format of the time-estimate tags is fixed, but I might add customization if I someone asks for it. This option is disabled by default. Also changed the --context-tags-regex option to be --[no-]context-tags, which allows both specifying the regex and (with --no-) disabling the feature in a single option. 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * things2thl.gemspec: Regenerated gemspec for version 0.4.4 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * VERSION: Version bump to 0.4.4 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * ChangeLog, lib/Things2THL.rb: Updated ChangeLog 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * things2thl.gemspec: Regenerated gemspec for version 0.4.3 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * lib/Things2THL.rb: Updated version number 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * VERSION: Version bump to 0.4.3 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * README, Rakefile, lib/Things2THL.rb: Updated documentation, added rb-appscript dependency 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * VERSION: Version bump to 0.4.2 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * bin/things2thl: Reformatted usage message to fit in an 80-column window 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * things2thl.gemspec: Regenerated gemspec for version 0.4.1 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * VERSION: Version bump to 0.4.1 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * things2thl.gemspec: Regenerated gemspec for version 0.4.0 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * ChangeLog, README, VERSION, lib/Things2THL.rb: Version bump to 0.4.0, added ChangeLog Updated README file 2009-05-19 Diego Zamboni * lib/Things2THL.rb: Removed per-node type display from progress printout 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * bin/things2thl: Fetch only completed projects/tasks using Applescript (unless --completed is specified), which drastically improves performance. 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * bin/things2thl: Improved help text by showing actual options 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * bin/things2thl, lib/Things2THL.rb: Moved default options generation to Things2THL.default_options. 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * VERSION, lib/Things2THL.rb, things2thl.gemspec: Version bump to 0.3.0 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * VERSION, things2thl.gemspec: Version bump to 0.2.2 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * VERSION, lib/Things2THL.rb, things2thl.gemspec: Version bump to 0.2.1 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * VERSION, things2thl.gemspec: Version bump to 0.2.0 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * things2thl.gemspec: Regenerated gemspec for version 0.3.0 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * lib/Things2THL.rb: Bumped version number to 0.3.0 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * VERSION: Version bump to 0.3.0 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * bin/things2thl, lib/Things2THL.rb: Added option --context-tags-regex (-C) for specifying which Things tags should be considered as contexts when moving to THL. By default its value is "^@", which means any tag starting with @ will be entered into THL as a context. Any regular expression can be used. If any of the tags matched by this regex contains spaces, the spaces will be converted to underscores, since THL does not allow spaces in context names. 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * bin/things2thl: Code cleanup. 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * things2thl.gemspec: Regenerated gemspec for version 0.2.2 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * lib/Things2THL.rb: Fixed typo in version number code. Oops 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * VERSION: Version bump to 0.2.2 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * things2thl.gemspec: Regenerated gemspec for version 0.2.1 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * lib/Things2THL.rb: Bumped script version number to match gem version 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * VERSION: Version bump to 0.2.1 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * things2thl.gemspec: Regenerated gemspec for version 0.2.0 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * VERSION: Version bump to 0.2.0 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * Rakefile: Modified Rakefile to use Jeweler 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * lib/Things2THL.rb: Removed debug message 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * VERSION: Version bump to 0.1.0 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * VERSION: Version bump to 0.0.0 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * lib/Things2THL.rb: Added value caching for ThingsNode, drastically reducing the number of Apple events that have to be generated 2009-05-18 Diego Zamboni * lib/Things2THL.rb: Eliminated unnecessary (and extremely frequent) redefinition of ThingsNode methods, which made the script much slower by invoking eval_class thousands of times. 2009-05-17 Diego Zamboni * Manifest, Rakefile, things2thl.gemspec: Added Rakefile, Manifest and gemspec file 2009-05-17 Diego Zamboni * lib/Things2THL.rb: Added cache of focusnames, and avoid computing the task cache for "Logbook" (which can be pretty big) unless --completed was specified. 2009-05-16 Diego Zamboni * README, bin/things2thl, lib/Things2THL.rb: Fully functional version! All the essential functionality is there. Projects, areas and foci are handled appropriately, as are completed tasks and projects, suspended areas, etc. 2009-05-14 Diego Zamboni * lib/Things2THL.rb: - Handle project due dates when --projects-as-lists by creating a new task within the list, with the appropriate due date. - Mark fake "notes" task when --projects-as-lists as completed if the enclosing project is completed or canceled. - Added project- and area-tag inheritance into individual tasks when the project/area is a list (THL lists can't have tags) - Added generic internal mechanism for creating additional nodes, used both for the due dates tasks and the notes tasks. 2009-05-14 Diego Zamboni * lib/Things2THL.rb: - Inherit project tags into the corresponding tasks - Base support for putting tasks in the proper focus. So far, only Today tasks are properly flagged. 2009-05-13 Diego Zamboni * lib/Things2THL.rb: Simplified postproc blocks in STRUCTURE by passing the Things2THL object to it, which allows calling methods in the object (the postproc block itself cannot access anything from Things2THL because it is not defined as part of the Things2THL class). 2009-05-13 Diego Zamboni * lib/Things2THL.rb: Fixed bug when --projects-as-tasks was used 2009-05-13 Diego Zamboni * README, bin/things2thl, lib/Things2THL.rb: Added proper handling of most node attributes, including rudimentary transfering of the tags (not contexts vs tags yet). Updated README with some usage notes and warnings. 2009-05-12 Diego Zamboni * bin/things2thl, lib/Things2THL.rb: - Modified to use Applescript to get stuff out of Things instead of the things-rb library (needs Things 1.1.1 or later) - Simplified the algorithm to a multiple-pass one (areas, projects, tasks) using memoization to do the nesting, instead of trying to do a hierarchical traversal. - Tasks are also now imported, but those not in projects or areas are still not divided properly (e.g. in Inbox, Scheduled, etc.) 2009-05-05 Diego Zamboni * README: Updated URLs 2009-05-05 Diego Zamboni * First commit - partially-working code. Able to transfer some tasks from Things to THL, but not all attributes are preserved yet