#require 'active_support' require 'yaml' #- ©2009 Rick DeNatale, All rights reserved. Refer to the file README.txt for the license # # code stolen from ActiveSupport Gem unless String.instance_methods.include?("camelize") class String def camelize self.gsub(/\/(.?)/) { "::#{$1.upcase}" }.gsub(/(?:^|_)(.)/) { $1.upcase } end end end class VEntityUpdater Pluralization = { "attach" => "attachments", "categories" => "multiple_categories", "free_busy" => "free_busies", "security_class" => "security_classes", "request_status" => "request_statuses", "related_to" => "multiple_related_to", "resources" => "multiple_resources" } def initialize(target, defs_file) @target = target @name=File.basename(target).sub(".rb","") @indent = "" @property_map = {} @property_defs = YAML.load_file(defs_file) @all_props = {} @date_time_props = [] end def property(prop_name_or_hash) if Hash === prop_name_or_hash name = prop_name_or_hash.keys[0] override_options = prop_name_or_hash[name] || {} else name = prop_name_or_hash override_options = {} end standard_options = @property_defs[name] unless standard_options puts "**** WARNING, no definition found for property #{name}" standard_options = {} end options = {'type' => 'Text', 'ruby_name' => name}.merge(standard_options).merge(override_options) named_property(name, options) end def indent(string) @outfile.puts("#{@indent}#{string}") end def comment(*strings) strings.each do |string| indent("\# #{string}") end end def no_doc(string) indent("#{string} \# :nodoc:") end def blank_line @outfile.puts end def describe_type(type) case type when 'date_time_or_date' "either DateTime or Date" when 'Text' 'String' else type end end def describe_property(type) case type when 'date_time_or_date' "either RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime or RiCal::PropertyValue::Date" else "RiCal::PropertyValue#{type}" end end def type_class(type) if type == 'date_time_or_date' "RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime" else "RiCal::PropertyValue::#{type}" end end def cast_value(ruby_val, type) "#{type_class(type)}.convert(self, #{ruby_val.inspect})" end def lazy_init_var(var, options) const_val = options["constant_value"] default_val = options["default_value"] if options["multi"] puts("*** Warning default_value of #{default_val} for multi-value property #{name} ignored") if default_val puts("*** Warning const_value of #{const_val} for multi-value property #{name} ignored") if const_val if var "@#{var} ||= []" else "[]" end else puts("*** Warning default_value of #{default_val} for property #{name} with constant_value of #{const_val}") if const_val && default_val init_val = const_val || default_val if init_val if var "@#{var} ||= #{cast_value(init_val, options["type"])}" else init_val.inspect end else "@#{var}" end end end def pluralize(name) Pluralization[name] || "#{name}s" end def named_property(name, options) ruby_name = options['ruby_name'] multi = options['multi'] type = options['type'] rfc_ref = options['rfc_ref'] conflicts = options['conflicts_with'] type_constraint = options['type_constraint'] options.keys.each do |opt_key| unless %w{ ruby_name type multi rfc_ref conflicts_with purpose constant_value default_value }.include?(opt_key) puts "**** WARNING: unprocessed option key #{opt_key} for property #{name}" end end if conflicts mutually_exclusive(name, *conflicts) end needs_tz_access = %w{OccurrenceList date_time_or_date DateTime Date}.include?(type) ruby_name = ruby_name.tr("-", "_") ruby_method = ruby_name.downcase property = "#{name.tr("-", "_").downcase}_property" if type_constraint != 'must_be_utc' && %w[date_time_or_date DateTime Period OccurrenceList].include?(type) @date_time_props << property end @all_props[property] = name.upcase @property_map[name.upcase] = :"#{property}_from_string" parent_set = needs_tz_access ? " ? property_value.for_parent(self) : nil" : "" if type == 'date_time_or_date' line_evaluator = "RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.or_date(self, line)" else line_evaluator = "#{type_class(type)}.new(self, line)" end if %w{Array, OccurrenceList}.include?(type) ruby_val_parm = "*ruby_value" val_parm = "*val" else ruby_val_parm = "ruby_value" val_parm = "val" end blank_line if multi comment( "return the the #{name.upcase} property", "which will be an array of instances of #{describe_property(type)}" ) comment("", "[purpose (from RFC 2445)]", options["purpose"]) if options["purpose"] comment("", "see RFC 2445 #{rfc_ref}") if rfc_ref indent("def #{property}") indent(" #{lazy_init_var(property,options)}") indent("end") unless (options["constant_value"]) plural_ruby_method = pluralize(ruby_method) blank_line comment("set the the #{name.upcase} property") comment("one or more instances of #{describe_property(type)} may be passed to this method") indent("def #{property}=(*property_values)") if needs_tz_access indent(" @#{property}= property_values.map{|prop| prop.for_parent(self)}") else indent(" @#{property}= property_values") end indent("end") blank_line comment("set the value of the #{name.upcase} property to multiple values") comment("one or more instances of #{describe_type(type)} may be passed to this method") indent("def #{plural_ruby_method}=(ruby_values)") indent(" @#{property} = ruby_values.map {|val| #{type_class(type)}.convert(self, #{val_parm})}") indent("end") blank_line comment("set the value of the #{name.upcase} property to a single value") comment("one instance of #{describe_type(type)} may be passed to this method") indent("def #{ruby_method}=(#{ruby_val_parm})") indent(" @#{property} = [#{type_class(type)}.convert(self, #{ruby_val_parm})]") indent("end") blank_line comment("add one or more values to the #{name.upcase} property") comment("one or more instances of #{describe_type(type)} may be passed to this method") indent("def add_#{plural_ruby_method}(*ruby_values)") indent(" ruby_values.each {|val| self.#{property} << #{type_class(type)}.convert(self, #{val_parm})}") indent("end") blank_line comment("add one value to the #{name.upcase} property") comment("one instances of #{describe_type(type)} may be passed to this method") indent("def add_#{ruby_method}(#{ruby_val_parm})") indent(" self.#{property} << #{type_class(type)}.convert(self, #{ruby_val_parm})") indent("end") blank_line comment("remove one or more values from the #{name.upcase} property") comment("one or more instances of #{describe_type(type)} may be passed to this method") indent("def remove_#{plural_ruby_method}(*ruby_values)") indent(" ruby_values.each {|val| self.#{property}.delete(#{type_class(type)}.convert(self, #{val_parm}))}") indent("end") blank_line comment("remove one value from the #{name.upcase} property") comment("one instances of #{describe_type(type)} may be passed to this method") indent("def remove_#{ruby_method}(#{ruby_val_parm})") indent(" self.#{property}.delete(#{type_class(type)}.convert(self, #{ruby_val_parm}))") indent("end") end blank_line comment("return the value of the #{name.upcase} property") comment("which will be an array of instances of #{describe_type(type)}") indent("def #{ruby_method}") indent(" #{property}.map {|prop| prop ? prop.ruby_value : prop}") indent("end") blank_line no_doc("def #{property}_from_string(line)") indent(" #{property} << #{line_evaluator}") indent("end") else comment( "return the the #{name.upcase} property", "which will be an instances of #{describe_property(type)}" ) comment("", "[purpose (from RFC 2445)]", options["purpose"]) if options["purpose"] comment("", "see RFC 2445 #{rfc_ref}") if rfc_ref indent("def #{property}") indent(" #{lazy_init_var(property,options)}") indent("end") unless (options["constant_value"]) blank_line comment("set the #{name.upcase} property") comment("property value should be an instance of #{describe_property(type)}") indent("def #{property}=(property_value)") indent(" @#{property} = property_value#{parent_set}") if conflicts conflicts.each do |conflict| indent(" @#{conflict}_property = nil") end end indent("end") blank_line comment("set the value of the #{name.upcase} property") indent("def #{ruby_method}=(ruby_value)") indent(" self.#{property}= #{type_class(type)}.convert(self, ruby_value)") indent("end") end blank_line comment("return the value of the #{name.upcase} property") comment("which will be an instance of #{describe_type(type)}") indent("def #{ruby_method}") indent(" #{property} ? #{property}.ruby_value : nil") indent("end") blank_line no_doc("def #{property}_from_string(line)") indent(" @#{property} = #{line_evaluator}") indent("end") @outfile.puts end end def mutually_exclusive *prop_names exclusives = prop_names.map {|str| :"#{str}_property"}.sort {|a, b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s} unless mutually_exclusive_properties.include?(exclusives) mutually_exclusive_properties << prop_names.map {|str| :"#{str}_property"} end end def mutually_exclusive_properties @mutually_exclusive_properties ||= [] end def generate_support_methods blank_line indent("def export_properties_to(export_stream) #:nodoc:") @all_props.each do |prop_attr, prop_name| indent(" export_prop_to(export_stream, #{prop_name.inspect}, @#{prop_attr})") end indent("end") blank_line indent("def ==(o) #:nodoc:") indent(" if o.class == self.class") @all_props.keys.each_with_index do |prop_name, i| and_str = i < @all_props.length - 1 ? " &&" : "" indent(" (#{prop_name} == o.#{prop_name})#{and_str}") end indent(" else") indent(" super") indent(" end") indent("end") blank_line indent("def initialize_copy(o) #:nodoc:") indent(" super") @all_props.each_key do |prop_name| indent(" #{prop_name} = #{prop_name} && #{prop_name}.dup") end indent("end") blank_line indent("def add_date_times_to(required_timezones) #:nodoc:") @date_time_props.each do | prop_name| indent(" add_property_date_times_to(required_timezones, #{prop_name})") end indent("end") blank_line indent("module ClassMethods #:nodoc:") indent(" def property_parser #:nodoc:") indent(" #{@property_map.inspect}") indent(" end") indent("end") blank_line indent("def self.included(mod) #:nodoc:") indent(" mod.extend ClassMethods") indent("end") blank_line indent("def mutual_exclusion_violation #:nodoc:") if mutually_exclusive_properties.empty? indent(" false") else mutually_exclusive_properties.each do |mutex_set| indent(" return true if #{mutex_set.inspect}.inject(0) {|sum, prop| send(prop) ? sum + 1 : sum} > 1") end indent(" false") end indent "end" end def update File.open(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib', 'ri_cal', 'properties' , "#{@name}.rb"), 'w') do |ruby_out_file| @outfile = ruby_out_file module_name = @name.camelize class_name = module_name.sub(/Properties$/, "") ruby_out_file.puts("module RiCal") ruby_out_file.puts(" module Properties #:nodoc:") @indent = " " ruby_out_file.puts(" #- ©2009 Rick DeNatale") ruby_out_file.puts(" #- All rights reserved. Refer to the file README.txt for the license") ruby_out_file.puts(" #") ruby_out_file.puts(" # Properties::#{module_name} provides property accessing methods for the #{class_name} class") ruby_out_file.puts(" # This source file is generated by the rical:gen_propmodules rake tasks, DO NOT EDIT") ruby_out_file.puts(" module #{module_name}") @indent = " " YAML.load_file(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'component_attributes', "#{@name}.yml")).each do |att_def| property(att_def) end generate_support_methods ruby_out_file.puts(" end") ruby_out_file.puts(" end") ruby_out_file.puts("end") end @outfile = nil end end def updateTask srcGlob, taskSymbol targetDir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib', 'ri_cal', 'properties') defsFile = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'component_attributes', 'component_property_defs.yml') FileList[srcGlob].each do |f| unless f == defsFile target = File.join targetDir, File.basename(f).gsub(".yml", ".rb") file target => [f, defsFile, __FILE__] do |t| VEntityUpdater.new(target, defsFile).update end task taskSymbol => target end end end namespace :rical do desc '(RE)Generate VEntity attributes' task :gen_propmodules do |t| end updateTask File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '/component_attributes', '*.yml'), :gen_propmodules end # namespace :rical desc 'add or update copyright in code and specs' task :copyrights do require 'mmcopyrights' MM::Copyrights.process('lib', "rb", "#-", IO.read('copyrights.txt')) MM::Copyrights.process('spec', "rb", "#-", IO.read('copyrights.txt')) end