require 'rubygems' require 'json' module Jarbler class Config attr_accessor :jar_name, :includes, :excludes, :jruby_version, :executable, :executable_params, :compile_ruby_files, :include_gems_to_compile, :excludes_from_compile CONFIG_FILE = 'config/jarble.rb' # create instance of Config class with defaults or from config file # Should be called from rails/ruby root directory def self.create if File.exist?(CONFIG_FILE) config = eval(, binding, CONFIG_FILE, 0) else config = end unless config.class == Jarbler::Config Jarbler.debug "No valid config provided in #{CONFIG_FILE}! Using defaults." config = end config.define_jruby_version # Replace .rb with .class if compile_ruby_files is true config.executable = config.executable.sub(/\.rb$/, '.class') if config.compile_ruby_files config.validate_values puts "" if File.exist?(CONFIG_FILE) puts "Configuration loaded from file #{File.join(Dir.pwd, CONFIG_FILE)}" else puts "No configuration file found at #{File.join(Dir.pwd, CONFIG_FILE)}. Using default values." end puts "Used configuration values are:" puts " compile_ruby_files: #{config.compile_ruby_files}" if config.compile_ruby_files puts " excludes: #{config.excludes}" unless config.excludes.empty? puts " excludes_from_compile: #{config.excludes_from_compile}" unless config.excludes_from_compile.empty? puts " executable: #{config.executable}" puts " executable_params: #{config.executable_params}" unless config.executable_params.empty? puts " include_gems_to_compile: #{config.include_gems_to_compile}" if config.include_gems_to_compile puts " includes: #{config.includes}" unless config.includes.empty? puts " jar_name: #{config.jar_name}" puts " jruby_version: #{config.jruby_version}" puts "" config end def initialize @compile_ruby_files = false @excludes = %w(tmp/cache tmp/pids tmp/sockets vendor/bundle vendor/cache vendor/ruby) @excludes_from_compile = %w(config) @executable = 'bin/rails' @executable_params = %w(server -e production -p 8080) @include_gems_to_compile = false @includes = %w(app bin config db Gemfile Gemfile.lock lib log public Rakefile script vendor tmp) @jar_name = File.basename(Dir.pwd) + '.jar' @jruby_version = nil # determined automatically at runtime # execute additional block if given yield self if block_given? end # Generate the template config file based on default values def create_config_file write_config_file("\ # Name of the generated jar file # config.jar_name = '#{jar_name}' # Application directories or files to include in the jar file # config.includes = #{includes} # config.includes << 'additional' # Application directories or files to exclude from the jar file # config.excludes = #{excludes} # config.excludes << 'additional' # Use certain JRuby version # if not set (nil) then the version defined in .ruby-version # if not JRuby version defined here or in .ruby-version then the latest available JRuby version is used # config.jruby_version = '' # config.jruby_version = nil # The Ruby executable file to run, e.g. 'bin/rails' or 'bin/rake' # config.executable = '#{executable}' # Additional command line parameters for the Ruby executable # config.executable_params = #{executable_params} # Compile the ruby files of the project to Java .class files with JRuby's ahead-of-time compiler? # the original ruby files are not included in the jar file, so source code is not visible # config.compile_ruby_files = #{compile_ruby_files} # Compile also the .rb files of the gems of the project to Java .class files? # config.include_gems_to_compile = #{include_gems_to_compile} # Directories or files to exclude from the compilation if compile_ruby_files = true # config.excludes_from_compile = #{excludes_from_compile} ".split("\n")) end # write a config file with the given lines # if the file exists, it is overwritten # if the file does not exist, it is created # @param [Array] lines is an array of strings def write_config_file(lines) lines = [lines] unless lines.is_a?(Array) FileUtils.mkdir_p('config') raise "config file #{CONFIG_FILE} already exists in current directory! Please move file temporary and try again." if File.exist?(CONFIG_FILE), 'w') do |file| file.write("# Jarbler configuration, see\n") file.write("# values in comments are the default values\n") file.write("# uncomment and adjust if needed\n") file.write(" \n") file.write(" do |config|\n") lines.each do |line| file.write(" #{line}\n") end file.write("end\n") end puts "Jarbler: Created config file #{Dir.pwd}/#{CONFIG_FILE}" end # define JRuby version if not set in config file def define_jruby_version unless @jruby_version # not defined in config file if File.exist?('.ruby-version') # read the file RAILS_ROOT/.ruby-version starting from char at position 6 to the end of the line self.jruby_version ='.ruby-version')[6..20].strip debug "JRuby version from .ruby-version file: #{jruby_version}" else # no .ruby-version file, use JRuby version of the latest Gem # Fetch the gem specification from # search for the gem and get the JSON response response = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher.search_for_dependency('jruby-jars')) # extract the versions from the response self.jruby_version = response&.first&.first&.first&.version&.to_s raise "Unable to determine the latest available version of jruby-jars gem!\Rsponse = #{response.inspect}" unless self.jruby_version #command = "gem search --remote jruby-jars" #lines = `#{command}` #raise "Command \"#{command}\" failed with return code #{$?} and output:\n#{lines}" unless $?.success? #jruby_jars_line = lines.match(/^jruby-jars \((.*)\)/) #raise "No jruby-jars gem found in!" unless jruby_jars_line #self.jruby_version = /\((.*?)\)/.match(jruby_jars_line.to_s)[1] debug "JRuby version from latest jruby-jars gem: #{jruby_version}" end end end def debug(msg) puts msg if ENV['DEBUG'] end def validate_values raise "Invalid config value for jar name: #{jar_name}" unless jar_name =~ /\w+/ raise "Invalid config value for executable: #{executable}" unless executable =~ /\w+/ raise "Invalid config value for executable params: #{executable_params}" unless executable_params.is_a?(Array) raise "Invalid config value for includes: #{includes}" unless includes.is_a?(Array) raise "Invalid config value for excludes: #{excludes}" unless excludes.is_a?(Array) raise "Invalid config value for compile_ruby_files: #{compile_ruby_files}" unless [true, false].include?(compile_ruby_files) raise "compile_ruby_files = true is supported only with JRuby! Current runtime is '#{RUBY_ENGINE}'" if compile_ruby_files && (defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE != 'jruby') raise "include_gems_to_compile = true is supported only if compile_ruby_files = true!" if include_gems_to_compile && !compile_ruby_files raise "Invalid config value for excludes_from_compile: #{excludes_from_compile}" unless excludes_from_compile.is_a?(Array) end end end