[ SectionBlock[text: Text[mrkdwn: [ "Hey there :wave: I'm TaskBot. I'm here to help you create and manage tasks in Slack.", "There are two ways to quickly create tasks:" ]]], SectionBlock[text: Text[mrkdwn: [ "#{Bold[":one: Use the #{Code['/task']} command"]}. Type #{Code['/task']} followed by a short description of your tasks and I'll ask for a due date (if applicable). Try it out by using the #{Code['/task']} command in this channel." ]]], SectionBlock[text: Text[mrkdwn: [ "#{Bold[":two: Use the #{Italic['Create a Task']} action."]} If you want to create a task from a message, select #{Code['Create a Task']} in a message's context menu. Try it out by selecting the #{Italic['Create a Task']} action for this message (shown below)." ]]], ImageBlock[ title: Text[plain_text: "image1", emoji: true], image_url: "https://api.slack.com/img/blocks/bkb_template_images/onboardingComplex.jpg", alt_text: "image1" ], SectionBlock[ text: Text[mrkdwn: ":heavy_plus_sign: To start tracking your team's tasks, #{Bold['add me to a channel']} and I'll introduce myself. I'm usually added to a team or project channel. Type #{Code['/invite @TaskBot']} from the channel or pick a channel on the right."], accessory: ConversationsSelectElement[ placeholder: Text[plain_text: 'Select a channel...', emoji: true] ] ], DividerBlock[], ContextBlock[elements: [ Text[mrkdwn: [ ":eyes: View all tasks with #{Code['/task list']}", ":question: Get help at any time with #{Code['/task help']} or type #{Bold['help']} in a DM with me" ]] ]] ]