Feature: Find files orphaned from xcproj Scenario: Help When I get help for "findxcprojorphan" Then the exit status should be 0 And the banner should be present And the banner should document that this app takes options And the following options should be documented: | --version | And the banner should document that this app's arguments are: | xcproj_path | which is required | | files_glob | which is required | Scenario: No orphaned files When I successfully process "NoOrphans/NoOrphans.xcodeproj" with "NoOrphans/**/*.m" Then the output should contain all of these lines: | No Orphaned Files! | Scenario: No orphaned files for that glob When I successfully process "Orphans/Orphans.xcodeproj" with "Orphans/**/*.foo" Then the output should contain all of these lines: | No Orphaned Files! | Scenario: Orphaned files When I unsuccessfully process "Orphans/Orphans.xcodeproj" with "Orphans/**/*.{m,swift}" Then the output should contain all of these lines: | These files aren't referenced anywhere in the project: | | Orphans/ObjCFile.m | | Orphans/SwiftFile.swift |