# = Flickr # An insanely easy interface to the Flickr photo-sharing service. By Scott Raymond. # # Author:: Scott Raymond # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2005 Scott Raymond # License:: MIT # # USAGE: # require 'flickr' # flickr = Flickr.new # create a flickr client # user = flickr.users('sco@scottraymond.net') # lookup a user # user.getInfo.name # get the user's name # user.location # and location # user.photos # grab their collection of Photo objects... # user.groups # ...the groups they're in... # user.contacts # ...their contacts... # user.favorites # ...favorite photos... # user.photosets # ...their photo sets... # user.tags # ...and their tags # recentphotos = flickr.photos # get the 100 most recent public photos # photo = recent.first # or very most recent one # photo.getInfo.url # see its URL, # photo.title # title, # photo.description # and description, # photo.owner # and its owner. # File.open(photo.filename, 'w') do |file| # file.puts p.file # save the photo to a local file # end # flickr.photos.each do |p| # get the last 100 public photos... # File.open(p.filename, 'w') do |f| # f.puts p.file('Square') # ...and save a local copy of their square thumbnail # end # end # TODO: # - convert dates to ruby Dates # - investigate xmlsimple caching # - make to_s methods automatic? # - complete tests # - in tests, implement a MockFlickr object that has stored responses. automate the getting of the responses? # - test on a few platforms # - seek feedback from somebody # - make a kickass demo, including autocompleting-ajax photo lookup ala http://mir.aculo.us/images/autocomplete1.mov require 'cgi' require 'net/http' # Flickr client class. Requires an API key, and optionally takes an email and password for authentication class Flickr attr_accessor :user # Replace this API key with your own (see http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html) def initialize(api_key='86e18ef2a064ff2255845e029208d7f4', email=nil, password=nil) @api_key = api_key @host = 'http://flickr.com' @api = '/services/rest' login(email, password) if email and password end # Takes a Flickr API method name and set of parameters; returns an XmlSimple object with the response def request(method, *params) response = XmlSimple.xml_in(http_get(request_url(method, params)), { 'ForceArray' => false }) raise response['err']['msg'] if response['stat'] != 'ok' response end # Takes a Flickr API method name and set of parameters; returns the correct URL for the REST API. # If @email and @password are present, authentication information is included def request_url(method, *params) url = "#{@host}#{@api}/?api_key=#{@api_key}&method=flickr.#{method}" params[0][0].each_key do |key| url += "&#{key}=" + CGI::escape(params[0][0][key].to_s) end if params[0][0] url += "&email=#{@email}&password=#{@password}" if @email and @password url end # Does an HTTP GET on a given URL and returns the response body def http_get(url) Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url)).body.to_s end # Stores authentication credentials to use on all subsequent calls. # If authentication succeeds, returns a User object def login(email='', password='') @email = email @password = password user = request('test.login')['user'] rescue fail @user = User.new(user['id']) end # Implements flickr.urls.lookupGroup and flickr.urls.lookupUser def find_by_url(url) response = urls_lookupUser('url'=>url) rescue urls_lookupGroup('url'=>url) rescue nil (response['user']) ? User.new(response['user']['id']) : Group.new(response['group']['id']) unless response.nil? end # Implements flickr.photos.getRecent and flickr.photos.search def photos(*criteria) photos = (criteria[0]) ? photos_search(criteria[0]) : photos_getRecent photos['photos']['photo'].collect { |photo| Photo.new(photo['id']) } end # Gets public photos with a given tag def tag(tag) photos('tags'=>tag) end # Implements flickr.people.getOnlineList, flickr.people.findByEmail, and flickr.people.findByUsername def users(lookup=nil) if(lookup) user = people_findByEmail('find_email'=>lookup)['user'] rescue people_findByUsername('username'=>lookup)['user'] return User.new(user['nsid']) else return people_getOnlineList['online']['user'].collect { |person| User.new(person['nsid']) } end end # Implements flickr.groups.getActiveList def groups groups_getActiveList['activegroups']['group'].collect { |group| Group.new(group['nsid']) } end # Implements flickr.tags.getRelated def related_tags(tag) tags_getRelated('tag_id'=>tag)['tags']['tag'] end # Implements flickr.photos.licenses.getInfo def licenses photos_licenses_getInfo['licenses']['license'] end # Implements everything else. # Any method not defined explicitly will be passed on to the Flickr API, # and return an XmlSimple document. For example, Flickr#test_echo is not defined, # so it will pass the call to the flickr.test.echo method. # e.g., Flickr#test_echo['stat'] should == 'ok' def method_missing(method_id, *params) request(method_id.id2name.gsub(/_/, '.'), params[0]) end # Todo: # logged_in? # if logged in: # flickr.blogs.getList # flickr.favorites.add # flickr.favorites.remove # flickr.groups.browse # flickr.photos.getCounts # flickr.photos.getNotInSet # flickr.photos.getUntagged # flickr.photosets.create # flickr.photosets.orderSets # flickr.tags.getListUserPopular # flickr.test.login # uploading class User attr_reader :client, :id, :name, :location, :photos_url, :url, :count, :firstdate, :firstdatetaken def initialize(id=nil, username=nil, email=nil, password=nil) @id = id @username = username @email = email @password = password @client = Flickr.new @client.login(email, password) if email and password end def username @username.nil? ? getInfo.username : @username end def name @name.nil? ? getInfo.name : @name end def location @location.nil? ? getInfo.location : @location end def count @count.nil? ? getInfo.count : @count end def firstdate @firstdate.nil? ? getInfo.firstdate : @firstdate end def firstdatetaken @firstdatetaken.nil? ? getInfo.firstdatetaken : @firstdatetaken end def photos_url @photos_url.nil? ? getInfo.photos_url : @photos_url end def url @url.nil? ? getInfo.url : @url end # Implements flickr.people.getPublicGroups def groups @client.people_getPublicGroups('user_id'=>@id)['groups']['group'].collect { |group| Group.new(group['nsid']) } end # Implements flickr.people.getPublicPhotos def photos @client.people_getPublicPhotos('user_id'=>@id)['photos']['photo'].collect { |photo| Photo.new(photo['id']) } # what about non-public photos? end # Gets photos with a given tag def tag(tag) @client.photos('user_id'=>@id, 'tags'=>tag) end # Implements flickr.contacts.getPublicList and flickr.contacts.getList def contacts @client.contacts_getPublicList('user_id'=>@id)['contacts']['contact'].collect { |contact| User.new(contact['nsid']) } #or end # Implements flickr.favorites.getPublicList and flickr.favorites.getList def favorites @client.favorites_getPublicList('user_id'=>@id)['photos']['photo'].collect { |photo| Photo.new(photo['id']) } #or end # Implements flickr.photosets.getList def photosets @client.photosets_getList('user_id'=>@id)['photosets']['photoset'].collect { |photoset| Photoset.new(photoset['id']) } end # Implements flickr.tags.getListUser def tags @client.tags_getListUser('user_id'=>@id)['who']['tags']['tag'].collect { |tag| tag } end # Implements flickr.photos.getContactsPublicPhotos and flickr.photos.getContactsPhotos def contactsPhotos @client.photos_getContactsPublicPhotos('user_id'=>@id)['photos']['photo'].collect { |photo| Photo.new(photo['id']) } # or #@client.photos_getContactsPhotos['photos']['photo'].collect { |photo| Photo.new(photo['id']) } end def to_s @name end private # Implements flickr.people.getInfo, flickr.urls.getUserPhotos, and flickr.urls.getUserProfile def getInfo info = @client.people_getInfo('user_id'=>@id)['person'] @username = info['username'] @name = info['realname'] @location = info['location'] @count = info['photos']['count'] @firstdate = info['photos']['firstdate'] @firstdatetaken = info['photos']['firstdatetaken'] @photos_url = @client.urls_getUserPhotos('user_id'=>@id)['user']['url'] @url = @client.urls_getUserProfile('user_id'=>@id)['user']['url'] self end end class Photo attr_reader :id, :client def initialize(id=nil) @id = id @client = Flickr.new end def title @title.nil? ? getInfo.title : @title end def owner @owner.nil? ? getInfo.owner : @owner end def server @server.nil? ? getInfo.server : @server end def isfavorite @isfavorite.nil? ? getInfo.isfavorite : @isfavorite end def license @license.nil? ? getInfo.license : @license end def rotation @rotation.nil? ? getInfo.rotation : @rotation end def description @description.nil? ? getInfo.description : @description end def notes @notes.nil? ? getInfo.notes : @notes end # Returns the URL for the photo page (default or any specified size) def url(size='Medium') if size=='Medium' owner.photos_url+id else sizes(size)['url'] end end # Returns the URL for the image (default or any specified size) def source(size='Medium') sizes(size)['source'] end # Returns the photo file data itself, in any specified size. Example: File.open(photo.title, 'w') { |f| f.puts photo.file } def file(size='Medium') Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(source(size))).body end # Unique filename for the image, based on the Flickr NSID def filename "#{@id}.jpg" end # Implements flickr.photos.getContext def context context = @client.photos_getContext('photo_id'=>@id) @previousPhoto = Photo.new(context['prevphoto']['id']) @nextPhoto = Photo.new(context['nextphoto']['id']) return [@previousPhoto, @nextPhoto] end # Implements flickr.photos.getExif def exif @client.photos_getExif('photo_id'=>@id)['photo'] end # Implements flickr.photos.getPerms def permissions @client.photos_getPerms('photo_id'=>@id)['perms'] end # Implements flickr.photos.getSizes def sizes(size=nil) sizes = @client.photos_getSizes('photo_id'=>@id)['sizes']['size'] sizes = sizes.find{|asize| asize['label']==size} if size return sizes end # flickr.tags.getListPhoto def tags @client.tags_getListPhoto('photo_id'=>@id)['photo']['tags'] end # Implements flickr.photos.notes.add def add_note(note) end # Implements flickr.photos.setDates def dates=(dates) end # Implements flickr.photos.setPerms def perms=(perms) end # Implements flickr.photos.setTags def tags=(tags) end # Implements flickr.photos.setMeta def title=(title) end def description=(title) end # Implements flickr.photos.addTags def add_tag(tag) end # Implements flickr.photos.removeTag def remove_tag(tag) end # Implements flickr.photos.transform.rotate def rotate end # Implements flickr.blogs.postPhoto def postToBlog(blog_id, title='', description='') @client.blogs_postPhoto('photo_id'=>@id, 'title'=>title, 'description'=>description) end # Implements flickr.photos.notes.delete def deleteNote(note_id) end # Implements flickr.photos.notes.edit def editNote(note_id) end # Converts the Photo to a string by returning its title def to_s getInfo.title end private # Implements flickr.photos.getInfo def getInfo info = @client.photos_getInfo('photo_id'=>@id)['photo'] @title = info['title'] @owner = User.new(info['owner']['nsid']) @server = info['server'] @isfavorite = info['isfavorite'] @license = info['license'] @rotation = info['rotation'] @description = info['description'] @notes = info['notes']['note']#.collect { |note| Note.new(note.id) } self end end # Todo: # flickr.groups.pools.add # flickr.groups.pools.getContext # flickr.groups.pools.getGroups # flickr.groups.pools.getPhotos # flickr.groups.pools.remove class Group attr_reader :id, :client, :name, :members, :online, :privacy, :chatid, :chatcount, :url def initialize(id=nil) @id = id @client = Flickr.new end # Implements flickr.groups.getInfo and flickr.urls.getGroup # private, once we can call it as needed def getInfo info = @client.groups_getInfo('group_id'=>@id)['group'] @name = info['name'] @members = info['members'] @online = info['online'] @privacy = info['privacy'] @chatid = info['chatid'] @chatcount = info['chatcount'] @url = @client.urls_getGroup('group_id'=>@id)['group']['url'] self end end # Todo: # flickr.photosets.delete # flickr.photosets.editMeta # flickr.photosets.editPhotos # flickr.photosets.getContext # flickr.photosets.getInfo # flickr.photosets.getPhotos class Photoset attr_reader :id, :client, :owner, :primary, :photos, :title, :description, :url def initialize(id=nil) @id = id @client = Flickr.new end # Implements flickr.photosets.getInfo # private, once we can call it as needed def getInfo info = @client.photosets_getInfo('photosets_id'=>@id)['photoset'] @owner = User.new(info['owner']) @primary = info['primary'] @photos = info['photos'] @title = info['title'] @description = info['description'] @url = "http://www.flickr.com/photos/#{@owner.getInfo.username}/sets/#{@id}/" self end end end