/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PASSENGER_SPAWNING_KIT_HANDSHAKE_PREPARE_H_ #define _PASSENGER_SPAWNING_KIT_HANDSHAKE_PREPARE_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Passenger { namespace SpawningKit { using namespace std; using namespace oxt; /** * For an introduction see README.md, section * "The preparation and the HandshakePrepare class". */ class HandshakePrepare { private: HandshakeSession &session; Context * const context; Config * const config; Json::Value args; Timer timer; void resolveUserAndGroup() { TRACE_POINT(); string username = config->user.toString(); // null terminate string string groupname = config->group.toString(); // null terminate string struct passwd pwd, *userInfo; struct group grp, *groupInfo; long pwdBufSize, grpBufSize; boost::scoped_array pwdBuf, grpBuf; int ret; // _SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX/_SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX are not maximums: // http://tomlee.co/2012/10/problems-with-large-linux-unix-groups-and-getgrgid_r-getgrnam_r/ pwdBufSize = std::max(1024 * 128, sysconf(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX)); pwdBuf.reset(new char[pwdBufSize]); grpBufSize = std::max(1024 * 128, sysconf(_SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX)); grpBuf.reset(new char[grpBufSize]); ret = getpwnam_r(username.c_str(), &pwd, pwdBuf.get(), pwdBufSize, &userInfo); if (ret != 0) { if (looksLikePositiveNumber(username)) { P_WARN("Error looking up system user database entry for user '" << username << "'. Will assume that this is a UID. Error message: " << strerror(ret) << " (errno=" << ret << ")"); session.uid = (uid_t) atoi(username); } else { throw SystemException("Cannot lookup up system user database entry" " for user '" + username + "'", ret); } } else if (userInfo == NULL) { throw RuntimeException("The operating system user '" + username + "' does not exist"); } else { session.uid = userInfo->pw_uid; session.shell = userInfo->pw_shell; session.homedir = userInfo->pw_dir; } ret = getgrnam_r(groupname.c_str(), &grp, grpBuf.get(), grpBufSize, &groupInfo); if (ret != 0) { if (looksLikePositiveNumber(groupname)) { P_WARN("Error looking up system group database entry for group '" << groupname << "'. Will assume that this is a GID. Error message: " << strerror(ret) << " (errno=" << ret << ")"); session.gid = (gid_t) atoi(groupname); } else { throw SystemException("Cannot lookup up system group database entry" " for group '" + groupname + "'", ret); } } else if (groupInfo == NULL) { throw RuntimeException("The operating system group '" + groupname + "' does not exist"); } else { session.gid = groupInfo->gr_gid; } } void createWorkDir() { TRACE_POINT(); session.workDir.reset(new HandshakeWorkDir(session.uid, session.gid)); session.envDumpDir = session.workDir->getPath() + "/envdump"; makeDirTree(session.envDumpDir, "u=rwx,g=,o=", session.uid, session.gid); makeDirTree(session.envDumpDir + "/annotations", "u=rwx,g=,o=", session.uid, session.gid); session.responseDir = session.workDir->getPath() + "/response"; makeDirTree(session.responseDir, "u=rwx,g=,o=", session.uid, session.gid); createFifo(session.responseDir + "/finish"); makeDirTree(session.responseDir + "/error", "u=rwx,g=,o=", session.uid, session.gid); makeDirTree(session.responseDir + "/steps", "u=rwx,g=,o=", session.uid, session.gid); createJourneyStepDirs(getFirstSubprocessJourneyStep(), getLastSubprocessJourneyStep()); createJourneyStepDirs(getFirstPreloaderJourneyStep(), // Also create directory for PRELOADER_FINISH; // the preloader will want to write there. JourneyStep((int) getLastPreloaderJourneyStep() + 1)); } void createJourneyStepDirs(JourneyStep firstStep, JourneyStep lastStep) { JourneyStep step; for (step = firstStep; step < lastStep; step = JourneyStep((int) step + 1)) { if (!session.journey.hasStep(step)) { continue; } string stepString = journeyStepToStringLowerCase(step); string stepDir = session.responseDir + "/steps/" + stepString; makeDirTree(stepDir, "u=rwx,g=,o=", session.uid, session.gid); } } void createFifo(const string &path) { int ret; do { ret = mkfifo(path.c_str(), 0600); } while (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR); if (ret == -1) { int e = errno; throw FileSystemException("Cannot create FIFO file " + path, e, path); } ret = syscalls::chown(path.c_str(), session.uid, session.gid); if (ret == -1) { int e = errno; throw FileSystemException( "Cannot change ownership for FIFO file " + path, e, path); } } void initializeResult() { session.result.initialize(*context, config); } void preparePredefinedArgs() { TRACE_POINT(); struct sockaddr_un addr; args["passenger_root"] = context->resourceLocator->getInstallSpec(); args["passenger_version"] = PASSENGER_VERSION; args["passenger_agent_path"] = context->resourceLocator->findSupportBinary(AGENT_EXE); args["ruby_libdir"] = context->resourceLocator->getRubyLibDir(); args["node_libdir"] = context->resourceLocator->getNodeLibDir(); args["integration_mode"] = context->integrationMode; args["gupid"] = session.result.gupid; args["UNIX_PATH_MAX"] = (Json::UInt64) sizeof(addr.sun_path) - 1; if (config->genericApp || config->findFreePort) { args["expected_start_port"] = session.expectedStartPort; } if (!config->apiKey.empty()) { args["connect_password"] = config->apiKey.toString(); } if (!context->instanceDir.empty()) { args["instance_dir"] = context->instanceDir; args["socket_dir"] = context->instanceDir + "/apps.s"; } } void prepareArgsFromAppConfig() { TRACE_POINT(); const Json::Value appConfigJson = config->getConfidentialFieldsToPassToApp(); Json::Value::const_iterator it, end = appConfigJson.end(); for (it = appConfigJson.begin(); it != end; it++) { args[it.name()] = *it; } } void absolutizeKeyArgPaths() { TRACE_POINT(); args["app_root"] = absolutizePath(args["app_root"].asString()); if (args.isMember("startup_file")) { args["startup_file"] = absolutizePath(args["startup_file"].asString(), args["app_root"].asString()); } } void dumpArgsIntoWorkDir() { TRACE_POINT(); P_DEBUG("[App spawn arg] " << args.toStyledString()); createFile(session.workDir->getPath() + "/args.json", args.toStyledString(), 0600, session.uid, session.gid, true, __FILE__, __LINE__); const string dir = session.workDir->getPath() + "/args"; makeDirTree(dir, "u=rwx,g=,o=", session.uid, session.gid); const Json::Value &constArgs = const_cast(args); Json::Value::const_iterator it, end = constArgs.end(); for (it = constArgs.begin(); it != end; it++) { const Json::Value &value = *it; switch (value.type()) { case Json::nullValue: case Json::intValue: case Json::uintValue: case Json::realValue: case Json::stringValue: case Json::booleanValue: createFile(dir + "/" + it.name(), jsonValueToString(*it), 0644, session.uid, session.gid, true, __FILE__, __LINE__); break; default: createFile(dir + "/" + it.name() + ".json", jsonValueToString(*it), 0644, session.uid, session.gid, true, __FILE__, __LINE__); break; } } } string jsonValueToString(const Json::Value &value) const { switch (value.type()) { case Json::nullValue: return string(); case Json::intValue: return toString(value.asInt64()); case Json::uintValue: return toString(value.asUInt64()); case Json::realValue: return toString(value.asDouble()); case Json::stringValue: return value.asString(); case Json::booleanValue: if (value.asBool()) { return "true"; } else { return "false"; } default: return value.toStyledString(); } } #if 0 void inferApplicationInfo() const { TRACE_POINT(); session.result.codeRevision = readFromRevisionFile(); if (session.result.codeRevision.empty()) { session.result.codeRevision = inferCodeRevisionFromCapistranoSymlink(); } } string readFromRevisionFile() const { TRACE_POINT(); string filename = config->appRoot + "/REVISION"; try { if (fileExists(filename)) { return strip(readAll(filename)); } } catch (const SystemException &e) { P_WARN("Cannot access " << filename << ": " << e.what()); } return string(); } string inferCodeRevisionFromCapistranoSymlink() const { TRACE_POINT(); if (extractBaseName(config->appRoot) == "current") { string appRoot = config->appRoot.toString(); // null terminate string char buf[PATH_MAX + 1]; ssize_t ret; do { ret = readlink(appRoot.c_str(), buf, PATH_MAX); } while (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR); if (ret == -1) { if (errno == EINVAL) { return string(); } else { int e = errno; P_WARN("Cannot read symlink " << appRoot << ": " << strerror(e)); } } buf[ret] = '\0'; return extractBaseName(buf); } else { return string(); } } #endif void findFreePortOrSocketFile() { TRACE_POINT(); session.expectedStartPort = findFreePort(); if (session.expectedStartPort == 0) { throwSpawnExceptionBecauseOfFailureToFindFreePort(); } // TODO: support Unix domain sockets in the future // session.expectedStartSocketFile = findFreeSocketFile(); } unsigned int findFreePort() { TRACE_POINT(); unsigned int tryCount = 1; unsigned int maxTries; while (true) { unsigned int port; boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); { boost::lock_guard l(context->syncher); port = context->nextPort; context->nextPort++; if (context->nextPort > context->maxPortRange) { context->nextPort = context->minPortRange; } maxTries = context->maxPortRange - context->minPortRange + 1; } unsigned long long timeout1 = 100000; unsigned long long timeout2 = 100000; if (!pingTcpServer("", port, &timeout1) && !pingTcpServer("", port, &timeout2)) { return port; } else if (tryCount >= maxTries) { return 0; } else if (timer.usecElapsed() >= session.timeoutUsec) { throwSpawnExceptionBecauseOfPortFindingTimeout(); } // else: try again } } void adjustTimeout() { unsigned long long elapsed = timer.usecElapsed(); if (elapsed >= session.timeoutUsec) { session.timeoutUsec = 0; } else { session.timeoutUsec -= elapsed; } } void throwSpawnExceptionBecauseOfPortFindingTimeout() { assert(config->genericApp || config->findFreePort); SpawnException e(TIMEOUT_ERROR, session.journey, config); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "

The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to look for a free TCP port for the web application" " to start on. But this took too much time, so " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " put a stop to that.

"); unsigned int minPortRange, maxPortRange; { boost::lock_guard l(context->syncher); minPortRange = context->minPortRange; maxPortRange = context->maxPortRange; } e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "
" "

Check whether the server is low on resources

" "

Maybe the server is currently so low on resources that" " all the work that needed to be done, could not finish within" " the given time limit." " Please inspect the server resource utilization statistics" " in the diagnostics section to verify" " whether server is indeed low on resources.

" "

If so, then either increase the spawn timeout (currently" " configured at " + toString(config->startTimeoutMsec / 1000) + " sec), or find a way to lower the server's resource" " utilization.

" "

Limit the port range that " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " searches in

" "

Maybe the port range in which " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " tried to search for a free port for the application is" " large, and at the same time there were very few free ports" " available.

" "

If this is the case, then please configure the " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " application spawning port range" " to a range that is known to have many free ports. The port" " range is currently configured at " + toString(minPortRange) + "-" + toString(maxPortRange) + ".

" "
" ); throw e.finalize(); } void throwSpawnExceptionBecauseOfFailureToFindFreePort() { assert(config->genericApp || config->findFreePort); unsigned int minPortRange, maxPortRange; { boost::lock_guard l(context->syncher); minPortRange = context->minPortRange; maxPortRange = context->maxPortRange; } SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, config); e.setSummary("Could not find a free port to spawn the application on."); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "

The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to look for a free TCP port for the web application" " to start on, but was unable to find one.

"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "
" "

Maybe the port range in which " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " tried to search for a free port, had very few or no" " free ports.

" "

If this is the case, then please configure the " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " application spawning port range" " to a range that is known to have many free ports. The port" " range is currently configured at " + toString(minPortRange) + "-" + toString(maxPortRange) + ".

" "
"); throw e.finalize(); } public: struct DebugSupport { virtual ~DebugSupport() { } virtual void beforeAdjustTimeout() { } }; DebugSupport *debugSupport; HandshakePrepare(HandshakeSession &_session, const Json::Value &extraArgs = Json::Value()) : session(_session), context(_session.context), config(_session.config), args(extraArgs), timer(false), debugSupport(NULL) { assert(_session.context != NULL); assert(_session.context->isFinalized()); assert(_session.config != NULL); } void execute() { TRACE_POINT(); // We do not set SPAWNING_KIT_PREPARATION to the IN_PROGRESS or // PERFORMED state here. That will be done by the caller because // it may want to perform additional preparation. try { timer.start(); resolveUserAndGroup(); createWorkDir(); initializeResult(); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); // Disabled to fix CVE-2017-16355 //inferApplicationInfo(); if (config->genericApp || config->findFreePort) { findFreePortOrSocketFile(); } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); preparePredefinedArgs(); prepareArgsFromAppConfig(); absolutizeKeyArgPaths(); dumpArgsIntoWorkDir(); if (debugSupport != NULL) { debugSupport->beforeAdjustTimeout(); } adjustTimeout(); } catch (const SpawnException &) { session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_PREPARATION); throw; } catch (const std::exception &e) { session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_PREPARATION); throw SpawnException(e, session.journey, config).finalize(); } } }; } // namespace SpawningKit } // namespace Passenger #endif /* _PASSENGER_SPAWNING_KIT_HANDSHAKE_PREPARE_H_ */