# Scaffolding generated by Casein <%= casein_get_full_version_string %> module Casein class <%= class_name.pluralize %>Controller < Casein::CaseinController ## optional filters for defining usage according to Casein::AdminUser access_levels # before_filter :needs_admin, :except => [:action1, :action2] # before_filter :needs_admin_or_current_user, :only => [:action1, :action2] <% unless @no_index %> def index @casein_page_title = '<%= plural_name.humanize.capitalize %>' @<%= plural_name %> = <%= class_name %>.order(sort_order(:<%= attributes[0].name %>)).paginate :page => params[:page] end <% end %> def show @casein_page_title = 'View <%= singular_name.humanize.downcase %>' @<%= singular_name %> = <%= class_name %>.find params[:id] end <% unless @read_only %> def new @casein_page_title = 'Add a new <%= singular_name.humanize.downcase %>' @<%= singular_name %> = <%= class_name %>.new end def create @<%= singular_name %> = <%= class_name %>.new <%= singular_name %>_params if @<%= singular_name %>.save flash[:notice] = '<%= singular_name.humanize.capitalize %> created' redirect_to casein_<%= @plural_route %>_path else flash.now[:warning] = 'There were problems when trying to create a new <%= singular_name.humanize.downcase %>' render :action => :new end end def update @casein_page_title = 'Update <%= singular_name.humanize.downcase %>' @<%= singular_name %> = <%= class_name %>.find params[:id] if @<%= singular_name %>.update_attributes <%= singular_name %>_params flash[:notice] = '<%= singular_name.humanize.capitalize %> has been updated' redirect_to casein_<%= @plural_route %>_path else flash.now[:warning] = 'There were problems when trying to update this <%= singular_name.humanize.downcase %>' render :action => :show end end def destroy @<%= singular_name %> = <%= class_name %>.find params[:id] @<%= singular_name %>.destroy flash[:notice] = '<%= singular_name.humanize.capitalize %> has been deleted' redirect_to casein_<%= @plural_route %>_path end private <% permit_list = "" attributes.each_with_index {|attribute| permit_list += ", " unless permit_list.empty? permit_list += ":#{attribute.name}" } %> def <%= singular_name %>_params params.require(:<%= singular_name %>).permit(<%= permit_list %>) end <% end %> end end