describe("corkboard/lib/publisher.js", function() { it("defines $.corkboard.Publisher", function() { expect($.corkboard.Publisher).toBeDefined(); }); describe("Publisher", function() { var mocks; var constructor = $.corkboard.Publisher; before(function() { mocks = { channel : { bind : function() {} }, pusher : { bind : function() {}, subscribe : function() { return } } }; }); describe("constructor", function() { context("given a valid container for the 'board' content", function() { before(function() { fixture('board.html', true); spyOn(window, 'Pusher').andReturn(mocks.pusher); }); it("opens a Pusher channel for the content updates", function() { var instance = new constructor($('#corkboard')); expect(window.Pusher).toHaveBeenCalledWith($.corkboard.config.pusher); }); it("retains a reference to the 'board'", function() { var instance = new constructor($('#corkboard')); expect(instance.board).toBe('#corkboard'); }); context("and given a callback", function() { it("retains a reference to the callback", function() { var callback = function callback() {}; var instance = new constructor($('#corkboard'), callback); expect(instance.callback).toEqual(callback); }); }); }); context("given an invalid selector for the 'board' content", function() { before(function() { spyOn(window, 'Pusher'); }); it("does nothing", function() { var instance = new constructor($('#corkboard')); expect(window.Pusher).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(instance.board).not.toBeDefined(); }); }); }); describe("#publish", function() { before(function() { fixture('board.html', true); spyOn(window, 'Pusher').andReturn(mocks.pusher); }); context("given JSON for a new post", function() { var json; before(function() { json = { eid : 'EXAMPLE', tags : 'EXAMPLE', caption : 'EXAMPLE', image : '/assets/corkboard/image.png' }; }); it("renders a tile for the post", function() { var instance = new constructor($('#corkboard')); expect($('#corkboard li')).not.toExist(); instance.publish(json); expect($('#corkboard li')).toExist(); }); context("and given a registered callback", function() { it("executes the callback, passing the list of posts as an argument", function() { var callback = jasmine.createSpy('callback'); var instance = new constructor($('#corkboard'), callback); instance.publish(json); expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(callback.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toBe('ul.corkboard.posts'); expect(callback.mostRecentCall.args[1]).toBe('li.entry'); }); }); }); }); }); });