require 'spec_helper' describe Conjur::Command::LDAPSync, logged_in: true do let(:timestamp) { } let(:json_response) { { 'events' => [ { "timestamp" => timestamp, "severity" => "info", "message" => "Performing sync" } ], 'result' => { 'actions' => [ "user 'Guest'", "group 'Domain Computers'" ] } } } let(:yaml_response) { [ 'annotations' => { 'ldap-sync/source' => '', 'ldap-sync/upstream-dn' => 'cn=Guest,dc=example,dc=org', } ].to_yaml } context 'when testing ldap-sync jobs commands' do let(:jobs){ [, :id => 'job-1', :type => 'sync', :state => 'running', :exclusive => true),, :id => 'job-2', :type => 'connect', :state => 'success', :exclusive => false) ] } before do expect_any_instance_of(Conjur::API).to receive(:ldap_sync_jobs).and_return jobs end describe_command 'ldap-sync jobs list' do it 'prints the jobs as json' do expect { invoke }.to write(JSON.pretty_generate end end describe_command 'ldap-sync jobs list -i' do it 'prints the job ids only' do expect { invoke }.to write(JSON.pretty_generate end end describe_command 'ldap-sync jobs list -f pretty' do it 'prints the jobs in a fancy table' do expect{ invoke }.to write /ID\s*|\s*TYPE\s*|\s*STATE\s*|\s*EXCLUSIVE.*? job-1\s*|\s*sync\s*|\s*running\s*|\s*true job-2\s*|\s*connect\s*|\s*success\s*|\s*false/x end end describe_command 'ldap-sync jobs delete job-2' do let(:victim){ jobs[1] } it 'deletes the job' do expect(victim).to receive(:delete) invoke end end describe_command 'ldap-sync jobs delete no-such-job' do it 'fails with a sensible error message' do expect{ invoke }.to raise_exception(/No job found with ID 'no-such-job'/) end end describe_command 'ldap-sync jobs show job-1' do let(:victim){ jobs[0] } it 'prints the values passed to output' do expect(victim).to receive(:output) do |&block|{foo: 'bar'}){spam: 'eggs'}) end expect{invoke}.to write(< 'default', :format => 'application/json', :dry_run => dry_run, :detach_job => detach) .and_return json_response end describe_command 'ldap-sync now' do let(:dry_run) { false } it 'passes falsey dry-run value' do invoke end end describe_command 'ldap-sync now --no-dry-run' do let(:dry_run) { false } it 'passes falsey dry-run value' do invoke end end describe_command 'ldap-sync now --dry-run' do let(:dry_run) { true } let(:detach) { false } it 'passes truthy dry-run value' do invoke end end end end