require 'spec_helper' describe 'curation_concerns/base/_attributes.html.erb' do let(:creator) { 'Bilbo' } let(:contributor) { 'Frodo' } let(:subject) { 'history' } let(:description) { ['Lorem ipsum < lorem ipsum.'] } let(:solr_document) { } let(:attributes) do { Solrizer.solr_name('has_model', :symbol) => ["GenericWork"], subject_tesim: subject, contributor_tesim: contributor, creator_tesim: creator, description_tesim: description } end let(:ability) { nil } let(:presenter) do, ability) end let(:doc) { Nokogiri::HTML(rendered) } before do allow(view).to receive(:dom_class) { '' } render 'curation_concerns/base/attributes', presenter: presenter end it 'has links to search for other objects with the same metadata' do expect(rendered).to have_link(creator, href: search_catalog_path(search_field: 'creator', q: creator)) expect(rendered).to have_link(contributor, href: search_catalog_path(search_field: 'contributor', q: contributor)) expect(rendered).to have_link(subject, href: search_catalog_path(search_field: 'subject', q: subject)) end it 'shows links in the description' do a1 = doc.xpath("//li[@class='attribute description']/span/a").text expect(a1).to start_with '' end end