module Ratis class Request extend Savon::Model def self.get(action, params = {}) begin raise Errors::ConfigError, 'It appears that Ratis.configure has not been called or properly setup' unless Ratis.config.valid? # Merge in the Appid as set in the configuration. params.merge!({ 'Appid' => Ratis.config.appid }) # ClassMethods from Savon::Model # Necessary since calling Ratis.configure doesn't allow changing of values set during Savon initialization # Savon memoizes the client config endpoint(Ratis.config.endpoint) namespace(Ratis.config.namespace) client.http.open_timeout = Ratis.config.timeout client.http.read_timeout = Ratis.config.timeout response = client.request action, :soap_action => "#{Ratis.config.namespace}##{action}", :xmlns => Ratis.config.namespace do soap.body = params unless params.blank? end # version = response.to_hash["#{action.downcase}_response".to_sym][:version] response rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e raise 'Refused request to ATIS SOAP server', e rescue Savon::SOAP::Fault => e raise e rescue Timeout::Error => e msg = "Request to ATIS SOAP server timed out after #{ Ratis.config.timeout }s" raise msg, e end end end end