module Recommendable module Rater module Bookmarker # Bookmark an object. This is not possible if the object is hidden. # # @param [Object] obj the object to be bookmarked # @return true if object was bookmarked successfully # @raise [ArgumentError] if the passed object was not declared ratable def bookmark(obj) raise(ArgumentError, 'Object has not been declared ratable.') unless obj.respond_to?(:recommendable?) && obj.recommendable? return if hides?(obj) || bookmarks?(obj) run_hook(:before_bookmark, obj) Recommendable.redis.sadd(Recommendable::Helpers::RedisKeyMapper.bookmarked_set_for(obj.class, id), run_hook(:after_bookmark, obj) true end # Check whether the user has bookmarked an object. # # @param [Object] obj the object in question # @return true if the user has bookmarked obj, false if not def bookmarks?(obj) Recommendable.redis.sismember(Recommendable::Helpers::RedisKeyMapper.bookmarked_set_for(obj.class, id), end # Unbookmark an object. This removes the object from a user's set of bookmarks. # # @param [Object] obj the object to be unbookmarked # @return true if the object was bookmarked successfully, nil if the object wasn't already bookmarked def unbookmark(obj) return unless bookmarks?(obj) run_hook(:before_unbookmark, obj) Recommendable.redis.srem(Recommendable::Helpers::RedisKeyMapper.bookmarked_set_for(obj.class, id), run_hook(:after_unbookmark, obj) true end # Retrieve an array of objects the user has bookmarked # # @return [Array] an array of records def bookmarks { |klass| bookmarked_for(klass) }.flatten end # Retrieve an array of objects both this user and another user have bookmarked # # @return [Array] an array of records def bookmarks_in_common_with(user) { |klass| bookmarked_in_common_with(klass, user) }.flatten end # Get the number of items the user has bookmarked # # @return [Fixnum] the number of bookmarked items def bookmarks_count Recommendable.config.ratable_classes.inject(0) do |sum, klass| sum + bookmarked_count_for(klass) end end private # Fetch IDs for objects belonging to a passed class that the user has bookmarked # # @param [String, Symbol, Class] the class for which you want IDs # @return [Array] an array of IDs # @private def bookmarked_ids_for(klass) ids = Recommendable.redis.smembers(Recommendable::Helpers::RedisKeyMapper.bookmarked_set_for(klass, id))!(&:to_i) if [:active_record, :data_mapper, :sequel].include?(Recommendable.config.orm) ids end # Fetch records belonging to a passed class that the user has bookmarked # # @param [String, Symbol, Class] the class for which you want bookmarked records # @return [Array] an array of bookmarked records # @private def bookmarked_for(klass) Recommendable.query(klass, bookmarked_ids_for(klass)) end # Get the number of items belonging to a passed class that the user has bookmarked # # @param [String, Symbol, Class] the class for which you want a count of bookmarks # @return [Fixnum] the number of bookmarks # @private def bookmarked_count_for(klass) Recommendable.redis.scard(Recommendable::Helpers::RedisKeyMapper.bookmarked_set_for(klass, id)) end # Get a list of records that both this user and a passed user have # bookmarked # # @param [User] the other user # @param [String, Symbol, Class] the class of common bookmarked items # @return [Array] an array of records both users have bookmarked # @private def bookmarked_in_common_with(klass, user) Recommendable.query(klass, bookmarked_ids_in_common_with(klass, user)) end # Get a list of IDs for records that both this user and a passed user have # bookmarked # # @param [User] the other user # @param [String, Symbol, Class] the class of common bookmarked items # @return [Array] an array of IDs for records that both users have bookmarked # @private def bookmarked_ids_in_common_with(klass, user_id) user_id = if user_id.is_a?(Recommendable.config.user_class) Recommendable.redis.sinter(Recommendable::Helpers::RedisKeyMapper.bookmarked_set_for(klass, id), Recommendable::Helpers::RedisKeyMapper.bookmarked_set_for(klass, user_id)) end end end end