module ActiveRecord class Base @@rails_cache = nil cattr_accessor :rails_cache protected def rails_cache self.class.rails_cache end # Expire the cache for the associations which contains the given class. # # Example: # class Blog < ActiveRecord::Base # has_many :posts, :cached => true # has_many :recent_posts, :class_name => 'Post', # :limit => 10, :order => 'id DESC', :cached => true # # has_many :readers, :class_name => 'Person' # end # # If one of the most recent posts will be updated, #expire_cache_for # will be invoked with the "Post" parameter, in order to expire the # cache for the first to associations. def expire_cache_for(class_name) self.class.reflections.each do |name, reflection| if reflection.options[:cached] and reflection.class_name == class_name cache_delete(reflection) end end end def cache_read(reflection) return unless cached_associations[] end def cache_write(reflection, value) cached_associations[] = rails_cache.write(reflection_cache_key(reflection), value) end def cache_delete(reflection) return unless cached_associations[] cached_associations[] = !rails_cache.delete(reflection_cache_key(reflection)) end def cache_fetch(reflection, value) reflection_name, key = extract_options_for_cache(reflection) cached_associations[reflection_name] = true rails_cache.fetch(key) { value } end def extract_options_for_cache(reflection) if reflection.is_a?(AssociationReflection) [, reflection_cache_key(reflection) ] else [ reflection.split('/').last, reflection ] end end def reflection_cache_key(reflection) "#{cache_key}/#{}" end def cached_associations @cached_associations ||= {} end end end