module TradeCommands def send_offer(mine, they, link, message = '') raise "no account logged in, #{self} " if @loggedin == false partner_steamid,token = verify_profileid_or_trade_link_or_steamid(link) if token == nil verdict = verify_friendship(partner_steamid) persona = verdict["accountname"] if verdict["success"] == false raise "#{partner_steamid} (#{persona}) is not in your friendlist, a trade link is required to send an offer to this account" end end theirs = clean_items(they) me = clean_items(mine) sessionid = sessionid_cookie() params = { 'sessionid' => sessionid, 'serverid' => 1, 'partner' => partner_steamid, 'tradeoffermessage' => message, 'json_tradeoffer' => { "newversion" => true, "version" => 4, "me" => { "assets" => me, #create this array "currency" => [], "ready" => false }, "them" => { "assets" => theirs, #create this array "currency" => [], "ready" => false } }.to_json, ###ADDED TO JSON FIX 'captcha' => '', #'trade_offer_create_params' => {'trade_offer_access_token' => token}.to_json ## ADDED TO JSON FIX } if token != nil params[ 'trade_offer_create_params'] = {'trade_offer_access_token' => token}.to_json else # there is no token cause steamid given params[ 'trade_offer_create_params'] = {}.to_json end send = '', params, {'Referer' => '', 'Origin' => ''} ) response = JSON.parse(send.body) output "trade offer sent ID:: " + response["tradeofferid"] + " to #{persona}" if response["needs_mobile_confirmation"] == true if @identity_secret != nil && @steamid != nil sleep(0.6) responsehash = response.merge(send_trade_allow_request(response["tradeofferid"])) output "offer confirmed " + response["tradeofferid"] return responsehash else output "cannot confirm trade automatically, no shared secret given" output "Manual confirmation is needed" return nil end end end def get_trade_offers() params = {'key'=> @api_key, 'get_sent_offers'=> 1, 'get_received_offers'=> 1, 'get_descriptions'=> 1, 'language'=> 'english', 'active_only'=> 1, 'historical_only'=> 0, 'time_historical_cutoff'=> ''} response = api_call('GET', 'IEconService', 'GetTradeOffers', 'v1', params).json() end def sell_items(items, price) raise "no account logged in, #{self} " if @loggedin == false raise "Must be given an array" if items.class != Array headers = { 'Origin' => '', 'Referer' => '', 'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36 OPR/54.0.2952.54', } i = 0 items.each { |asset| asset['sessionid'] = sessionid_cookie() asset['price'] = price verd = {'sucess' => false} tries = 0 until verd['success'] == true || tries == 2 puts "attempting to sell" resp ='', asset, headers) verd = JSON.parse(resp.content) if verd['success'] == false break if verd['message'].include?('You already have a listing for this') || verd['message'].include?('We were unable to contact') tries += 1 sleep(10) else puts verd i += 1 puts "#{i} / #{items.length} sold" sleep(1) end end } end private def verify_friendship(steamid) find = get_player_summaries(steamid) targetname = '' find.each { |id| if id["steamid"].to_s == steamid.to_s targetname = id["personaname"] end } friends = get_friends(steamid) friends.each { |f| if f["steamid"].to_s == steamid.to_s return {'success' => true, "accountname" =>targetname} end } return {'success' => false, 'accountname' => targetname} end def clean_items(items) if items.class == Array items.each { |t| t["amount"] = t["amount"].to_i t.delete_if {|k,v| k != 'appid' && k != 'contextid' && k != 'assetid' && k != "amount"} if !(t.keys.include?('appid') && t.keys.include?('contextid') && t.keys.include?('assetid') && t.keys.include?('amount')) z = "Invalid asset data detected #{t}" + "normal should include keys: appid, contextid, assetid, amount" raise "#{z}" end } elsif items.class == Hash items["amount"] = items["amount"].to_i items.delete_if {|k,v| k != 'appid' && k != 'contextid' && k != 'assetid' && k != "amount"} if !(items.keys.include?('appid') && items.keys.include?('contextid') && items.keys.include?('assetid') && items.keys.include?('amount')) z = "Invalid asset data detected #{items}" + "normal should include keys: appid, contextid, assetid, amount" raise "#{z}" end items = [items] ## steam only accepts arrays else raise "invalid items type received :: #{items.class}" end return items end end