require 'spec_helper' describe Webmachine::Decision::Flow do subject {, request, response) } let(:method) { 'GET' } let(:uri) { URI.parse("http://localhost/") } let(:headers) { } let(:body) { "" } let(:request) {, uri, headers, body) } let(:response) { } let(:default_resource) { resource_with } let(:missing_resource) { missing_resource_with } # # Origin servers MUST include a Date header field in all responses # ... [except 1xx or 5xx] after(:each) do unless response.code < 200 || response.code >= 500 expect(response.headers).to have_key('Date') end end def resource_with(&block) klass = do def to_html; "test resource"; end end klass.module_eval(&block) if block_given?, response) end def missing_resource_with(&block) resource_with do def resource_exists?; false; end self.module_eval(&block) if block end end describe "#b13 (Service Available?)" do let(:resource) do resource_with do attr_accessor :available def service_available?; @available; end end end it "should respond with 503 when the service is unavailable" do resource.available = false expect(response.code).to eq 503 end end describe "#b12 (Known method?)" do let(:resource) do resource_with do def known_methods; ['HEAD']; end end end it "should respond with 501 when the method is unknown" do expect(response.code).to eq 501 end end describe "#b11 (URI too long?)" do let(:resource) do resource_with do def uri_too_long?(uri); true; end end end it "should respond with 414 when the URI is too long" do expect(response.code).to eq 414 end end describe "#b10 (Method allowed?)" do let(:resource) do resource_with do def allowed_methods; ['POST']; end end end it "should respond with 405 when the method is not allowed" do expect(response.code).to eq 405 expect(response.headers['Allow']).to eq "POST" end end describe "#b9 (Malformed request?)" do let(:resource) { resource_with { def malformed_request?; true; end } } it "should respond with 400 when the request is malformed" do expect(response.code).to eq 400 end context "when the Content-MD5 header is present" do let(:resource) do resource_with do def allowed_methods; ['POST']; end; def process_post; true; end; attr_accessor :validation def validate_content_checksum; @validation; end end end let(:method) { "POST" } let(:body) { "This is the body." } let(:headers) { Webmachine::Headers["Content-Type" => "text/plain"] } it "should respond with 204 when the request body does match the header" do headers['Content-MD5'] = Base64.encode64 Digest::MD5.hexdigest(body) expect(response.code).to eq 204 end it "should bypass validation when the header has a nil value" do headers['Content-MD5'] = nil expect(response.code).to eq 204 end it "should respond with 400 when the header has a empty string value" do headers['Content-MD5'] = "" expect(response.code).to eq 400 end it "should respond with 400 when the header has a non-hashed, non-encoded value" do headers["Content-MD5"] = body expect(response.code).to eq 400 end it "should respond with 400 when the header is not encoded as Base64 but digest matches the body" do headers['Content-MD5'] = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(body) expect(response.code).to eq 400 end it "should respond with 400 when the request body does not match the header" do headers['Content-MD5'] = Base64.encode64 Digest::MD5.hexdigest("thiswillnotmatchthehash") expect(response.code).to eq 400 end it "should respond with 400 when the resource invalidates the checksum" do resource.validation = false headers['Content-MD5'] = Base64.encode64 Digest::MD5.hexdigest("thiswillnotmatchthehash") expect(response.code).to eq 400 end it "should not respond with 400 when the resource validates the checksum" do resource.validation = true headers['Content-MD5'] = Base64.encode64 Digest::MD5.hexdigest("thiswillnotmatchthehash") expect(response.code).to_not eq 400 end it "should respond with the given code when the resource returns a code while validating" do resource.validation = 500 headers['Content-MD5'] = Base64.encode64 Digest::MD5.hexdigest("thiswillnotmatchthehash") expect(response.code).to eq 500 end end end describe "#b8 (Authorized?)" do let(:resource) { resource_with { attr_accessor :auth; def is_authorized?(header); @auth; end } } it "should reply with 401 when the client is unauthorized" do resource.auth = false expect(response.code).to eq 401 end it "should reply with 401 when the resource gives a challenge" do resource.auth = "Basic realm=Webmachine" expect(response.code).to eq 401 expect(response.headers['WWW-Authenticate']).to eq "Basic realm=Webmachine" end it "should halt with the given code when the resource returns a status code" do resource.auth = 400 expect(response.code).to eq 400 end it "should not reply with 401 when the client is authorized" do resource.auth = true expect(response.code).to_not eq 401 end end describe "#b7 (Forbidden?)" do let(:resource) { resource_with { attr_accessor :forbid; def forbidden?; @forbid; end } } it "should reply with 403 when the request is forbidden" do resource.forbid = true expect(response.code).to eq 403 end it "should not reply with 403 when the request is permitted" do resource.forbid = false expect(response.code).to_not eq 403 end it "should halt with the given code when the resource returns a status code" do resource.forbid = 400 expect(response.code).to eq 400 end end describe "#b6 (Unsupported Content-* header?)" do let(:resource) do resource_with do def valid_content_headers?(contents) contents['Content-Fail'].nil? end end end it "should reply with 501 when an invalid Content-* header is present" do headers['Content-Fail'] = "yup" expect(response.code).to eq 501 end it "should not reply with 501 when all Content-* headers are valid" do expect(response.code).to_not eq 501 end end describe "#b5 (Known Content-Type?)" do let(:method) { "POST" } let(:body) { "This is the body." } let(:resource) do resource_with do def known_content_type?(type) type !~ /unknown/; end; def process_post; true; end def allowed_methods; %w{POST}; end end end before { headers['Content-Length'] = body.length.to_s } it "should reply with 415 when the Content-Type is unknown" do headers['Content-Type'] = "application/x-unknown-type" expect(response.code).to eq 415 end it "should not reply with 415 when the Content-Type is known" do headers['Content-Type'] = "text/plain" expect(response.code).to_not eq 415 end end describe "#b4 (Request entity too large?)" do let(:resource) do resource_with do def allowed_methods; %w{POST}; end def process_post; true; end def valid_entity_length?(length); length.to_i < 100; end end end let(:method) { "POST" } before { headers['Content-Type'] = "text/plain"; headers['Content-Length'] = body.size.to_s } context "when the request body is too large" do let(:body) { "Big" * 100 } it "should reply with 413" do expect(response.code).to eq 413 end end context "when the request body is not too large" do let(:body) { "small" } it "should not reply with 413" do expect(response.code).to_not eq 413 end end end describe "#b3 (OPTIONS?)" do let(:method){ "OPTIONS" } let(:resource){ resource_with { def allowed_methods; %w[GET HEAD OPTIONS]; end } } it "should reply with 200 when the request method is OPTIONS" do expect(response.code).to eq 200 end end describe "#c3, #c4 (Acceptable media types)" do let(:resource) { default_resource } context "when the Accept header exists" do it "should reply with 406 when the type is unacceptable" do headers['Accept'] = "text/plain" expect(response.code).to eq 406 end it "should not reply with 406 when the type is acceptable" do headers['Accept'] = "text/*" expect(response.code).to_not eq 406 expect(response.headers['Content-Type']).to eq "text/html" end end context "when the Accept header does not exist" do it "should not negotiate a media type" do expect(headers['Accept']).to be_nil expect(subject).to_not receive(:c4) expect(response.headers['Content-Type']).to eq 'text/html' end end end describe "#d4, #d5 (Acceptable languages)" do let(:resource) { resource_with { def languages_provided; %w{en-US fr}; end } } context "when the Accept-Language header exists" do it "should reply with 406 when the language is unacceptable" do headers['Accept-Language'] = "es, de" expect(response.code).to eq 406 end it "should not reply with 406 when the language is acceptable" do headers['Accept-Language'] = "en-GB, en;q=0.7" expect(response.code).to_not eq 406 expect(response.headers['Content-Language']).to eq "en-US" expect(resource.instance_variable_get(:@language)).to eq 'en-US' end end context "when the Accept-Language header is absent" do it "should not negotiate the language" do expect(headers['Accept-Language']).to be_nil expect(subject).to_not receive(:d5) expect(response.headers['Content-Language']).to eq 'en-US' expect(resource.instance_variable_get(:@language)).to eq 'en-US' end end end describe "#e5, #e6 (Acceptable charsets)" do let(:resource) do resource_with do def charsets_provided [["iso8859-1", :to_iso],["utf-8", :to_utf]]; end def to_iso(chunk); chunk; end def to_utf(chunk); chunk; end end end context "when the Accept-Charset header exists" do it "should reply with 406 when the charset is unacceptable" do headers['Accept-Charset'] = "utf-16" expect(response.code).to eq 406 end it "should not reply with 406 when the charset is acceptable" do headers['Accept-Charset'] = "iso8859-1" expect(response.code).to_not eq 406 expect(response.headers['Content-Type']).to eq "text/html;charset=iso8859-1" end end context "when the Accept-Charset header is absent" do it "should not negotiate the language" do expect(headers['Accept-Charset']).to be_nil expect(subject).to_not receive(:e6) expect(response.headers['Content-Type']).to eq 'text/html;charset=iso8859-1' end end end describe "#f6, #f7 (Acceptable encodings)" do let(:resource) do resource_with do def encodings_provided super.merge("gzip" => :encode_gzip) end end end context "when the Accept-Encoding header is present" do it "should reply with 406 if the encoding is unacceptable" do headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'deflate, identity;q=0.0' expect(response.code).to eq 406 end it "should not reply with 406 if the encoding is acceptable" do headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip, deflate' expect(response.code).to_not eq 406 expect(response.headers['Content-Encoding']).to eq 'gzip' # It should be compressed expect(response.body).to_not eq 'test resource' end end context "when the Accept-Encoding header is not present" do it "should not negotiate an encoding" do expect(headers['Accept-Encoding']).to be_nil expect(subject).to_not receive(:f7) expect(response.code).to_not eq 406 # It should not be compressed expect(response.body).to eq 'test resource' end end end describe "#g7 (Resource exists?)" do let(:resource) { resource_with { attr_accessor :exist; def resource_exists?; @exist; end } } it "should not enter conditional requests if missing (and eventually reply with 404)" do resource.exist = false expect(subject).to_not receive(:g8) expect(response.code).to eq 404 end it "should not reply with 404 if it does exist" do resource.exist = true expect(subject).to_not receive(:h7) expect(response.code).to_not eq 404 end it "should not reply with 404 for truthy non-booleans" do resource.exist = [] expect(response.code).to_not eq 404 end it "should reply with 404 for nil" do resource.exist = nil expect(response.code).to eq 404 end end # Conditional requests/preconditions describe "#g8, #g9, #g10 (ETag match)" do let(:resource) { resource_with { def generate_etag; "etag"; end } } it "should skip ETag matching when If-Match is missing" do expect(headers['If-Match']).to be_nil expect(subject).to_not receive(:g9) expect(subject).to_not receive(:g11) expect(response.code).to_not eq 412 end it "should not reply with 304 when If-Match is *" do headers['If-Match'] = "*" expect(response.code).to_not eq 412 end it "should reply with 412 if the ETag is not in If-Match" do headers['If-Match'] = '"notetag"' expect(response.code).to eq 412 end it "should not reply with 412 if the ETag is in If-Match" do headers['If-Match'] = '"etag"' expect(response.code).to_not eq 412 end end describe "#h10, #h11, #h12 (If-Unmodified-Since match [IUMS])" do let(:resource) { resource_with { attr_accessor :now; def last_modified; @now; end } } before { @now = = } it "should skip LM matching if IUMS is missing" do expect(headers['If-Unmodified-Since']).to be_nil expect(subject).to_not receive(:h11) expect(subject).to_not receive(:h12) expect(response.code).to_not eq 412 end it "should skip LM matching if IUMS is an invalid date" do headers['If-Unmodified-Since'] = "garbage" expect(subject).to_not receive(:h12) expect(response.code).to_not eq 412 end it "should not reply with 412 if LM is <= IUMS" do headers['If-Unmodified-Since'] = (@now + 100).httpdate expect(response.code).to_not eq 412 end it "should reply with 412 if LM is > IUMS" do headers['If-Unmodified-Since'] = (@now - 100).httpdate expect(response.code).to eq 412 end end describe "#i12, #i13, #k13, #j18 (If-None-Match match)" do let(:resource) do resource_with do def generate_etag; "etag"; end; def process_post; true; end def allowed_methods; %w{GET HEAD POST}; end end end it "should skip ETag matching if If-None-Match is missing" do expect(headers['If-None-Match']).to be_nil %w{i13 k13 j18}.each do |m| expect(subject).to_not receive(m.to_sym) end expect([304, 412]).to_not include(response.code) end it "should not reply with 412 or 304 if the ETag is not in If-None-Match" do headers['If-None-Match'] = '"notetag"' expect([304, 412]).to_not include(response.code) end context "when the method is GET or HEAD" do let(:method){ %w{GET HEAD}[rand(1)] } it "should reply with 304 when If-None-Match is *" do headers['If-None-Match'] = '*' end it "should reply with 304 when the ETag is in If-None-Match" do headers['If-None-Match'] = '"etag", "foobar"' end after {; expect(response.code).to eq 304 } end context "when the method is not GET or HEAD" do let(:method){ "POST" } let(:body) { "This is the body." } let(:headers){ Webmachine::Headers["Content-Type" => "text/plain"] } it "should reply with 412 when If-None-Match is *" do headers['If-None-Match'] = '*' end it "should reply with 412 when the ETag is in If-None-Match" do headers['If-None-Match'] = '"etag"' end after {; expect(response.code).to eq 412 } end context "when the resource does not define an ETag" do let(:resource) do resource_with do def generate_etag; nil; end end end it "should reply with 200 when If-None-Match is missing" do headers.delete 'If-None-Match' expect(response.code).to eq 200 end it "should reply with 200 when If-None-Match is present" do headers['If-None-Match'] = '"etag"' expect(response.code).to eq 200 end end end describe "#l13, #l14, #l15, #l17 (If-Modified-Since match)" do let(:resource) { resource_with { attr_accessor :now; def last_modified; @now; end } } before { @now = = } it "should skip LM matching if IMS is missing" do expect(headers['If-Modified-Since']).to be_nil %w{l14 l15 l17}.each do |m| expect(subject).to_not receive(m.to_sym) end expect(response.code).to_not eq 304 end it "should skip LM matching if IMS is an invalid date" do headers['If-Modified-Since'] = "garbage" %w{l15 l17}.each do |m| expect(subject).to_not receive(m.to_sym) end expect(response.code).to_not eq 304 end it "should skip LM matching if IMS is later than current time" do headers['If-Modified-Since'] = (@now + 1000).httpdate expect(subject).to_not receive(:l17) expect(response.code).to_not eq 304 end it "should reply with 304 if LM is <= IMS" do headers['If-Modified-Since'] = (@now - 1).httpdate = @now - 1000 expect(response.code).to eq 304 end it "should not reply with 304 if LM is > IMS" do headers['If-Modified-Since'] = (@now - 1000).httpdate expect(response.code).to_not eq 304 end end # Resource missing branch (upper right) describe "#h7 (If-Match: * exists?)" do let(:resource) { missing_resource } it "should reply with 412 when the If-Match header is *" do headers['If-Match'] = '"*"' expect(response.code).to eq 412 end it "should not reply with 412 when the If-Match header is missing or not *" do headers['If-Match'] = ['"etag"', nil][rand(1)] expect(response.code).to_not eq 412 end end describe "#i7 (PUT?)" do let(:resource) do missing_resource_with do def allowed_methods; %w{GET HEAD PUT POST}; end def process_post; true; end end end let(:body) { %W{GET HEAD DELETE}.include?(method) ? nil : "This is the body." } before { headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' } context "when the method is PUT" do let(:method){ "PUT" } it "should not reach state k7" do expect(subject).to_not receive(:k7) end after { expect([404, 410, 303]).to_not include(response.code) } end context "when the method is not PUT" do let(:method){ %W{GET HEAD POST DELETE}[rand(4)] } it "should not reach state i4" do expect(subject).to_not receive(:i4) end after { expect(response.code).to_not eq 409 } end end describe "#i4 (Apply to a different URI?)" do let(:resource) do missing_resource_with do attr_accessor :location def moved_permanently?; @location; end def allowed_methods; %w[PUT]; end end end let(:method){ "PUT" } let(:body){ "This is the body." } let(:headers) { Webmachine::Headers["Content-Type" => "text/plain", "Content-Length" => body.size.to_s] } it "should reply with 301 when the resource has moved" do resource.location = URI.parse("http://localhost:8098/newuri") expect(response.code).to eq 301 expect(response.headers['Location']).to eq resource.location.to_s end it "should not reply with 301 when resource has not moved" do resource.location = false expect(response.code).to_not eq 301 end end describe "Redirection (Resource previously existed)" do let(:resource) do missing_resource_with do attr_writer :moved_perm, :moved_temp, :allow_missing def previously_existed?; true; end def moved_permanently?; @moved_perm; end def moved_temporarily?; @moved_temp; end def allow_missing_post?; @allow_missing; end def allowed_methods; %W{GET POST}; end def process_post; true; end end end let(:method){ @method || "GET" } describe "#k5 (Moved permanently?)" do it "should reply with 301 when the resource has moved permanently" do uri = resource.moved_perm = URI.parse("") expect(response.code).to eq 301 expect(response.headers['Location']).to eq uri.to_s end it "should not reply with 301 when the resource has not moved permanently" do resource.moved_perm = false expect(response.code).to_not eq 301 end end describe "#l5 (Moved temporarily?)" do before { resource.moved_perm = false } it "should reply with 307 when the resource has moved temporarily" do uri = resource.moved_temp = URI.parse("") expect(response.code).to eq 307 expect(response.headers['Location']).to eq uri.to_s end it "should not reply with 307 when the resource has not moved temporarily" do resource.moved_temp = false expect(response.code).to_not eq 307 end end describe "#m5 (POST?), #n5 (POST to missing resource?)" do before { resource.moved_perm = resource.moved_temp = false } it "should reply with 410 when the method is not POST" do expect(method).to_not eq "POST" expect(response.code).to eq 410 end it "should reply with 410 when the resource disallows missing POSTs" do @method = "POST" resource.allow_missing = false expect(response.code).to eq 410 end it "should not reply with 410 when the resource allows missing POSTs" do @method = "POST" resource.allow_missing = true expect(response.code).to eq 410 end end end describe "#l7 (POST?), #m7 (POST to missing resource?)" do let(:resource) do missing_resource_with do attr_accessor :allow_missing def allowed_methods; %W{GET POST}; end def previously_existed?; false; end def allow_missing_post?; @allow_missing; end def process_post; true; end end end let(:method){ @method || "GET" } it "should reply with 404 when the method is not POST" do expect(method).to_not eq "POST" expect(response.code).to eq 404 end it "should reply with 404 when the resource disallows missing POSTs" do @method = "POST" resource.allow_missing = false expect(response.code).to eq 404 end it "should not reply with 404 when the resource allows missing POSTs" do @method = "POST" resource.allow_missing = true expect(response.code).to_not eq 404 end end describe "#p3 (Conflict?)" do let(:resource) do missing_resource_with do attr_writer :conflict def allowed_methods; %W{PUT}; end def is_conflict?; @conflict; end end end let(:method){ "PUT" } it "should reply with 409 if the resource is in conflict" do resource.conflict = true expect(response.code).to eq 409 end it "should not reply with 409 if the resource is in conflict" do resource.conflict = false expect(response.code).to_not eq 409 end end # Bottom right describe "#n11 (Redirect?)" do let(:method) { "POST" } let(:resource) do resource_with do attr_writer :new_loc, :exist def allowed_methods; %w{POST}; end def allow_missing_post?; true; end def process_post response.redirect_to(@new_loc) if @new_loc true end end end [true, false].each do |e| context "and the resource #{ e ? "does not exist" : 'exists'}" do before { resource.exist = e } it "should reply with 303 if the resource redirected" do resource.new_loc = URI.parse("/foo/bar") expect(response.code).to eq 303 expect(response.headers['Location']).to eq "/foo/bar" end it "should not reply with 303 if the resource did not redirect" do resource.new_loc = nil expect(response.code).to_not eq 303 end end end end describe "#p11 (New resource?)" do let(:resource) do resource_with do attr_writer :exist, :new_loc, :create def allowed_methods; %W{PUT POST}; end def resource_exists?; @exist; end def process_post; true; end def allow_missing_post?; true; end def post_is_create?; @create; end def create_path; @new_loc; end def content_types_accepted; [["text/plain", :accept_text]]; end def accept_text response.headers['Location'] = @new_loc.to_s if @new_loc true end end end let(:body) { "new content" } let(:headers){ Webmachine::Headers['content-type' => 'text/plain'] } context "when the method is PUT" do let(:method){ "PUT" } [true, false].each do |e| context "and the resource #{ e ? "does not exist" : 'exists'}" do before { resource.exist = e } it "should reply with 201 when the Location header has been set" do resource.exist = e resource.new_loc = "" expect(response.code).to eq 201 end it "should not reply with 201 when the Location header has been set" do resource.exist = e expect(response.headers['Location']).to be_nil expect(response.code).to_not eq 201 end end end end context "when the method is POST" do let(:method){ "POST" } [true, false].each do |e| context "and the resource #{ e ? 'exists' : "does not exist"}" do before { resource.exist = e } it "should reply with 201 when post_is_create is true and create_path returns a URI" do resource.new_loc = created = "/foo/bar/baz" resource.create = true expect(response.code).to eq 201 expect(response.headers['Location']).to eq created end it "should reply with 500 when post_is_create is true and create_path returns nil" do resource.create = true expect(response.code).to eq 500 expect(response.error).to_not be_nil end it "should not reply with 201 when post_is_create is false" do resource.create = false expect(response.code).to_not eq 201 end end end end end describe "#o14 (Conflict?)" do let(:resource) do resource_with do attr_writer :conflict def allowed_methods; %W{PUT}; end def is_conflict?; @conflict; end end end let(:method){ "PUT" } it "should reply with 409 if the resource is in conflict" do resource.conflict = true expect(response.code).to eq 409 end it "should not reply with 409 if the resource is in conflict" do resource.conflict = false expect(response.code).to_not eq 409 end end describe "#m16 (DELETE?), #m20 (Delete enacted?)" do let(:method){ @method || "DELETE" } let(:resource) do resource_with do attr_writer :deleted, :completed def allowed_methods; %w{GET DELETE}; end def delete_resource; @deleted; end def delete_completed?; @completed; end end end it "should not reply with 202 if the method is not DELETE" do @method = "GET" expect(response.code).to_not eq 202 end it "should reply with 500 if the DELETE fails" do resource.deleted = false expect(response.code).to eq 500 end it "should reply with 202 if the DELETE succeeds but is not complete" do resource.deleted = true resource.completed = false expect(response.code).to eq 202 end it "should not reply with 202 if the DELETE succeeds and completes" do resource.completed = resource.deleted = true expect(response.code).to_not eq 202 end end # These decisions are covered by dozens of other examples. Leaving # commented for now. # describe "#n16 (POST?)" do it; end # describe "#o16 (PUT?)" do it; end describe "#o18 (Multiple representations?)" do let(:resource) do resource_with do attr_writer :exist, :multiple def delete_resource response.body = "Response content." true end def delete_completed?; true; end def allowed_methods; %W{GET HEAD PUT POST DELETE}; end def resource_exists?; @exist; end def allow_missing_post?; true; end def content_types_accepted; [[request.content_type, :accept_all]]; end def multiple_choices?; @multiple; end def process_post response.body = "Response content." true end def accept_all response.body = "Response content." true end end end [["GET", true],["HEAD", true],["PUT", true],["PUT", false],["POST",true],["POST",false], ["DELETE", true]].each do |m, e| context "when the method is #{m} and the resource #{e ? 'exists' : 'does not exist' }" do let(:method){ m } let(:body) { %W{PUT POST}.include?(m) ? "request body" : "" } let(:headers) { %W{PUT POST}.include?(m) ? Webmachine::Headers['content-type' => 'text/plain'] : } before { resource.exist = e } it "should reply with 200 if there are not multiple representations" do resource.multiple = false puts response.error if response.code == 500 expect(response.code).to eq 200 end it "should reply with 300 if there are multiple representations" do resource.multiple = true puts response.error if response.code == 500 expect(response.code).to eq 300 end end end end describe "#o20 (Response has entity?)" do let(:resource) do resource_with do attr_writer :exist, :body def delete_resource; true; end def delete_completed?; true; end def allowed_methods; %{GET PUT POST DELETE}; end def resource_exists?; @exist; end def allow_missing_post?; true; end def content_types_accepted; [[request.content_type, :accept_all]]; end def process_post response.body = @body if @body true end def accept_all response.body = @body if @body true end end end let(:method) { @method || "GET" } let(:headers) { %{PUT POST}.include?(method) ? Webmachine::Headers["content-type" => "text/plain"] : } let(:body) { %{PUT POST}.include?(method) ? "This is the body." : nil } context "when a response body is present" do before { resource.body = "Hello, world!" } [ ["PUT", false], ["POST", false], ["DELETE", true], ["POST", true], ["PUT", true] ].each do |m, e| it "should not reply with 204 (via exists:#{e}, #{m})" do @method = m resource.exist = e expect(response.code).to_not eq 204 end end end context "when a response body is not present" do [ ["PUT", false], ["POST", false], ["DELETE", true], ["POST", true], ["PUT", true] ].each do |m, e| it "should reply with 204 (via exists:#{e}, #{m})" do @method = m resource.exist = e expect(response.code).to eq 204 end end end end describe "On exception" do context "handle_exception is inherited." do let :resource do resource_with do def to_html raise end end end it "calls handle_exception" do expect(resource).to receive(:handle_exception).with instance_of(RuntimeError) end it "sets the response code to 500" do expect(response.code).to eq 500 end end context "handle_exception is defined" do let :resource do resource_with do def handle_exception(e) response.body = "error" end def to_html raise end end end it "can define a response body" do expect(response.body).to eq "error" end it "sets the response code to 500" do expect(response.code).to eq 500 end end end end