en: vagrant_ovirt4: creating_vm: |- Creating VM with the following settings... starting_vm: |- Starting VM. not_created: |- VM is not created. Please run `vagrant up` first. already_up: |- VM is already up. not_up: |- VM is not running. Please run `vagrant up` first. powering_up: |- VM is currently powering up. Please run `vagrant halt` to abort or wait until its status is 'up'. wait_for_ready_vm: |- Waiting for VM to become "ready" to start... error_recovering: |- An error occured. Recovering.. waiting_for_ip: |- Waiting for VM to get an IP address... rsync_folder: |- Rsyncing folder: %{hostpath} => %{guestpath} ready: |- Machine is booted and ready for use! halt_vm: |- Halting VM... wait_till_down: |- Waiting for VM to shutdown... wait_til_suspended: |- Waiting for VM to suspend... destroy_vm: |- Removing VM... already_up: |- VM is already up. suspend_vm: |- Suspending VM... not_suspended: |- VM is not in a suspended state. saving_state: |- VM is busy saving state. Please wait and try again. snapshot_list: |- Retrieving list of snapshots... snapshot_save: |- Creating snapshot... snapshot_delete: |- Deleting snapshot... states: long_up: |- The instance is running. Use `vagrant halt` to stop it. short_up: |- up long_down: |- The instance is not running. Use `vagrant up` to start it. short_down: |- down errors: remove_vm_error: |- Error removing VM '%{vm_name}'. oVirt error message was '%{error_message}' no_vm_error: |- No VM found with id '%{vm_id}' create_vm_error: |- Creation failed. oVirt error message was '%{error_message}' start_vm_error: |- Unable to start VM: %{error_message} no_network_error: |- No network provided and none were imported from the template. There would be no way to communicate with this machine. network_not_found_error: |- No network %{network_name} found. wait_for_ready_vm_timeout: |- Timeout occurred while waiting for VM to become ready to start add_interface_error: |- Error while adding new interface to VM. %{error_message} no_ip_error: |- The VM has not reported an IP address. Please ensure the ovirt-guest-agent is running and the machine is up. remove_active_snapshot_error: |- Snapshot with id %{id} is the active snapshot which cannot be removed. remove_snapshot_error: |- Snapshot with id %{id} Could not be removed. Details: %{error_message}.